Sept 2
- Orientation

- Discussion of
Terrorism in the U.S. and world
- News Essay
Watch news and complete outline form justifying your
position on current news story. You may get your
news from the newspaper or Internet.
Sept 9
- Discussion of Middle East
- Use Middle East map to study
- M.E. map test on Monday, Sept
- Discuss Platonic world View as
it relates to society and politics in the Middle
Ages and today.
Sept 16
- Continue discussion of
relationship of individual to society and social
- Early American history to the
colonial period
- Trace Western Political thought
from Aristotle, Enlightenment to today
Sept 23
- Discuss and study
the American Revolution
- Video, "Reluctant
- Quiz on prelude to
American Revolution on Thursday or Friday
- Current events,
The Middle East
Visit one of the following web pages. With your
partner, discuss and develop an opinion on the
Israel/Palestinian conflict.
Use the outline form to outline your position. No
first person. Use the back of the form to take
notes. Make sure you have facts to back-up your
Sept 30
- Be prepared for test
on early Revolutionary War period
If you were absent last week, read/study ch2 in your
- Discuss and learn
the importance of the Declaration of Independence
- Paraphrase and
understand each of the three sections
- Statement of
- List of Grievances
- Declaration of War
- Use the outline form
to outline and paraphrase the three sections of
- Study Ch2 Sec2 in
text for quiz later in week
Oct 7

Chelsea Carlson |
- President Bush
Speech and Email Response (due Mon 10/14)
On October 7, President Bush delivered a speech to
the American people seeking their support for a
possible attack on Iraq.
You will listen to the speech in class presented
by Chelsia Carlson. You may also
read the text of the speech by clicking the link
Text of speech
- Use any of the
news links from the week of Sept. 23 to find
other opinions on the speech.
- Outline your
opinion on the
outline form before writing your email
- Write an email to
the president
Your opinion
- In the CC box
enter Mr Schneemann's email address
- Sign your email as
Your Name
Bonita Vista High School
Period ___ History Class
Oct 14
- Open House
on Tuesday. All parents welcome
- PSAT Test
for all Juniors on Tuesday
- Reluctant
Revolutionaries quiz
- Chapter 2
Section 2 quiz
- Introduction
to the U.S. Constitution
Assignment: Memorize preamble to
Constitution and title of each of 7 Articles
of Constitution
- Report cards
on Friday
- Discussion
of the post Revolutionary War period
- End of first
grading period
Oct 21

- Study U.S.
Constitution and compare with Articles of
The Constitution Explained
- Be prepared for
quizzes this week
here for test questions
- California
Governors debate (who do you like and why)
- Are We To Be a
Nation Quiz
- Quiz on Wednesday
- Outline U.S.
Oct 28

- Discuss U.S.
- Lecture, Overview of
Quiz on Wednesday
- Study Ch2 Section 3
Nov 4

Continue working on Constitutional Amendments
The Constitution Explained
Study Chapter 2 section 3 and be ready for quiz at
any time
Election analysis
Part of the California Standards required students
to be able to analyze an event and extract the
important details. In this assignment we will use
the election results from November 5 as an event.
Analyze the political consequences of the Nov. 5
Students may focus on national, state or local
Visit one of the web sites below or discuss the
matter with your parents
Use one of the
outline forms
to outline at least 3 important consequences of
the election.
Make sure you provide reasons for the importance
of the election results.
Please print or write clearly on your form. If I
can not read it you get no credit
Nov 11

Nov 18

- Lewis and Clark Assignment
- Pick a site from the list below
- Project parts;
Map - Outline - Typed Paper
- Create a map
of the Lewis and Clark expedition and label each
important event on the journey with numbers,
- Create a time line
with columns and rows. You need at least 3 columns
labeled Number - Date - Event
- Place the number
of the event from your map in the number column,
then enter the date and the event
- Use our
outline form to
outline a five paragraph essay that explains
why the Lewis and Clark expedition was important
to the United States.
- Use your outline
to type a five paragraph essay on the importance
of the expedition.
- Project is due
Nov. 25. (You may have a non-penalty grace period
till Wed)
- Amendments quiz
this week
- Begin study of the
Civil War. Ken Burns film, "The Cause"

- Continue Civil
War discussion and Ken Burns film on the civil
- Complete study
guide on film (These are the test questions)
- Prepare for quiz
on the video (episode 1, "The Cause")
You may use the PBS site as a guide for the quiz
. Questions will be drawn from there and the
- Project
Extension - Students can have until Monday, Dec
2 to turn in Lewis and Clark Project - Happy

- Quiz, Civil
War "The Cause"
- Begin study
of Ch6, The New Industrial Age
Daily quiz
Chapter Test on Friday or Monday
- Study
Chapter, Complete study guides and takes
notes on vocabulary

- Discuss Ch9
Progressive Era
- Video,
Theodore Roosevelt
Daily participation points
- Paragraph
writing, topic sentence and supporting details
- Daily video


- Discuss
Progressive Era
- Chapter
Quiz, Wednesday
You may (or may not) work with your partner on the quiz
- Begin study,
Ch10, America Becomes a World Power
- Ch 9 quiz
postponed until 1/9 (Technical problem)

- Final
Review Week
- Final
has 100 questions and is 50% of the
semester grade
- All of
the possible questions are online in the
- Students
have access to the questions for review
and study each day this week.
- Outline
chapter 11, World War I