Rest in peace,

This page is
for you!

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These are stressful times We all feel a pain inside over what happened to this young man. How do you deal with this pain? What should we do? It is not easy to know what to do, yet, we feel we should do "something." On this page we will try to provide a few things that will help you to cope. What we do is surely inadequate, but at least it is, something.

Check out the activities on this page. They are for you and the Floyd family.

George we are sure you are up there with the other hero's who have sacrificed for civil rights.

Here is one of them...

Thurgood Marshall

In this lesson you will learn about Thurgood Marshall and Civil Rights in the 1950's. Mr. Schneemann will tell a story about his experiences with Jim Crow laws.

The philosophical foundation for the United States can be found in the priamble to the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution and Amendments are laws that put that philosophy into practice Thurgood Marshall used the law  to make that philosophy real for Black people.He was eventually appointed to the Supreme Court by President Johnson.

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Like you, George, Thurgood Marshall was a nice guy.

  • Use the form below to send a message to George Floyd. Somehow I get the feeling that he will see your comments. From all reports he was a nice guy; the kind of guy you might want to "hang" with in high school.

    You may feel angry right now, that is understandable. In writing a tribute to George, he is the kind of guy who would prefer a message of peace, understanding and unity. George was not a "hater" so if there is anything that we can learn from his tragic death it is to "stop the hate." After all, it was hate and misunderstanding that took him from us.

    After you enter your remarks, you can click the link that will allow you to see your remarks and those of your classmates.

    Your Name:     

    Your Teacher

    Your Message to George:


    Click the Submit Button

    Cllick to see everyones messages
    Click the refresh button to see your message

    Thurgood Marshall Assignment

The Mayor Speaks
click to listen

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Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms

I Have a Dream

It is sad that so many students have never heard the anthem for the civil rights movement, "We Shall Overcome."

The purpose of the March on Washington was passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Dr King used the Declaration of Independence as a basis for his speech.

Teachers can use the speech to teach about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Follow the links below to see the power of a peaceful march that produced big results, the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

We Shall Overcome

Text of the speech  
Read to  the text of the speech
Watch the speech live

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The Philadelphia Badlands

In the video below you will see the streets that I grew up and played on when I was a kid. . The ghettos of our big cities were not always the way they are now. Watch this video with an open mind and an open heart.  The people you will see are  good people who are the victims of "social planning" gone astray. They are our fellow Americans who deserve our respect and attention.

The Badlands Video

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"If you go back in history far enough we all have the same grandfather and grandmother"

The National Geographic Genome Project

Our Genetic Adam and Eve

Signing Martin Luther King Holiday

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