U.S. Government

Fall 2003

Sept 1
  • Orientation F R
  • Class discussion of philosophical roots of American government
    Socrates - Plato - Aristotle
Sept 8

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  • Continue Class discussion of philosophical roots of American government
    Socrates - Plato - Aristotle
  • Thurs, 9/11 Min Day Staff Development
  • Discuss Iraq and view Sunday News with Condolezza Rice and Pres. Bush
  • Write Position Paper, "Your position on Iraq"
    Use form provided to write paper
    Check web sites for information www.foxnews.com  www.msnbc.com
    Discuss issue with parents (your best source for honest opinions)
Sept 15

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Sept 22

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Sept 29

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  • Continue study and notes on Ch2
  • Begin study of the U.S. Constitution and writing of the Constitution
    Articles of Confederation weaknesses
  • Video, "A More Perfect Union"
    Take notes - possible quiz on video
  • Outline Constitution - forms to be provided.
  • Memorize Preamble
Oct 6

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  • Finish video, "A More Perfect Union."
  • Be prepared for quiz on Constitutional Convention
    Click list below for Convention Web Sites

  • Discussion Governors Recall Election
  • Note Constitution assignments last week.
Oct 13

Students who are absent have to make-up the daily warm-up exercises at lunch on the next day they attend class

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Oct 20

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Oct 27 No School - Fires in San Diego County
Nov 3

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Nov 10
Nov 17
  • Begin Study of Ch8, "Citizenship"
  • Chapter test and vocabulary test this week.
    Vocabulary test will be posted online for you to practice
    Chapter test questions will be distributed before the test
  • All make-ups for this grading period must be submitted by Friday
Nov 24

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Dec 1

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Dec 8

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  • Ch9 quizzes this week
  • Overview of government lecture and quiz this week.
    Quiz on Friday
  • Next week Ch10, Political Parties
Dec 15

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Jan 5

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Jan 12
  • Ch17 Quiz
  • Ch20 Quiz
  • Final Review
    (Per1 Final on Friday)
    Wednesday ~ Thursday ~ Friday
    6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Room 209 BVH
    Come Study for Finals
Jan 19
  • Finals Week

Friday - End First Semester