Sept 4

- Orientation
- Use the Outline Form
to take a position on any news story of your
- Take notes on
Overview Lecture of the United States Government
Quiz on Monday 9/11
Sept 11 |
- Discussion of
media influence on American Public and High
School Students
- Use the outline
form to take a position on the following
Should the media be permitted to direct
advertising for R rated movies at teenagers?
- Government
Overview Quiz
- Discussion on
roots of American form of government in ancient
Greece and Rome and England of the Middle
Sept 18

- Complete Columbus Worksheet
(Get worksheet from teacher)
- Use the following links to
answer the Explorer:
Columbus Questions
- Was the Columbus discovery a
good thing or a bad thing?
Use the links above to write a 5 paragraph essay that answers the above question
Outline your essay on the outline
Sept 25

Declaration of
The Declaration of Independence
is three things; a statement of philosophy, a list of
grievences against England, and a declaration of war. Use the Outline
Form to complete the Declaration of Independence assignment
Elections 2000
- There are 9 major
candidates running for President
Working with a partner, research the positions of
the candidates by checking their web sites.
Summarize each candidates position on
the issues. Use an outline form for each
candidate. You may be called upon to present your
findings to the class.
Click the C-Span links below for information
Oct 2

- Presidential Debates
Watch the first Presidential Debates and use the outline
form to express your opinion as to who won the
debate. Be prepared to discuss your opinions in class.
- The candidate you favor
(Due Monday, Oct 9)
Now that you have studied all of the major candidates
for President, write a 5 paragraph essay indicating who
you favor for president and why. Outline your essay on
the outline form and then type
your essay from the form.
- U.S. Constitution
Use the outline forms provided to outline the
Constitution of the U.S.
Constitution Quiz on Mon., Oct 9)
- Memorize the Preamble to
the Constitution (Due by report card
Oct 9

- U.S. Constitution
Quiz on Monday
- Memorize the
Preamble to the Constitution and recite to Mr. S.
- Amendments to the
Bill of Rights
The First Amendment includes Four Freedoms,
Religion, Speech, Press and Assembly. Freedom of
Speech can take on many forms. Use the outline
form to explain at least 3 forms of free
- Some Free
Speech Links
- Make-up work day on
Oct 16

- Make-up work day on Monday
- Tuesday
PSAT Testing
Open House 6:30 pm
- Bill of Rights
- Review First Amendment
- Second Amendment

- Lecture/Discussion on
Constitutional Amendments
- Constitutional Amendments
- View/Discuss court case of
Adrian Crump
- Use the Outline
Form to discuss 3 Constitutional Amendments that
are applicable to the court case

- View/Discuss the Ken Burns
Video, The Civil War, Part 1 "The Cause"
- Discuss Civil War
Amendments, 13, 14, and 15

- Most people agree that
Abraham Lincoln was one of our best presidents. They agree
that he embodied the qualities that make a person a
great president. Use the internet and/or any other
sources to research the life and presidency of President
Lincoln. Use the outline
form to outline those presidential qualities that
you found in Abraham Lincoln
- Use the outline
form to explain which Lincoln characteristics you
find in specific presidential candidates or which
Lincoln characteristics you find lacking in any of the
current presidential candidates. Be specific and explain
your answers.
In other words, how are specific candidates like or
not like Lincoln.
Due on Wednesday

- Discussion, "When the
Century Was Young" Growth of industrialism in
America and growth of the cities. Transformation of
America from rural to urban culture.
- Study Theodore Roosevelt
Each student will create a timeline on the life of T.
Roosevelt. We will later use the timeline to write a
report on his life and his effect on 20th Century
- Click
for a copy of the Timeline Form

- Discussion/Video of
Theodore Roosevelt
- Have
a nice Thanksgiving

- View/Discuss Florida
Election Results
Lecture on "legal" challenges to Bush
nomination in Florida
Listen to Bush speech (In-class video)
View or read Gore speech
- Use the essay
form to state your position on the situation in
- Final
due date for make-up work for 2nd grading period, Nov 28
- Report
cards on Friday

The Spanish American War
and America's emergence as a world power.
- Study Chapter 10 and take
notes for the Chapter test
- Type a 1 page explanation
of this political cartoon
His Hat Is In The Ring

Click the cartoon to enlarge ...
The label on the had says, "Monroe
The people on the Eastern Hemisphere are the leaders of

- Dec. 13 Al Gore and G.W.
Bush Speeches
- At 6:00 PM on
Wednesday Al Gore will speak to the nation
- At 7:00 PM on
Wednesday G.W. Bush will speak to the nation
- Watch each of the speeches
and take notes
- Be prepared to discuss
and write about each of the speeches on Thursday,
during class.
- If you cannot watch
the speeches, try one of the links below for video
or the text of the speeches.