Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
American Interest in Cuba

By 1825, Spain-once the most powerful colonial nation on earth-had lost host of its overseas possessions . It retained only the Philippines, the island of Guam, a few outposts in Africa, and Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Americas . However, the United States had long had an interest in Cuba . In 1854, diplomats had recommended to President Franklin Pierce that the United States buy Cuba from Spain. In 1860, the Democratic Party's national platform called for the admission of Cuba to the Union. Toward the end of the century, events in Cuba drew the United States into war with Spain


Which statement is true
In the 1800’s Spain was just about as powerful as it had always been
The power of Spain grew throughout the 1800’s
By the mid 1800’s Spain was no longer the powerful nation it had once been
In 1856 Spain attempted to invade the U.S.


Which statement is true?
In the 1800’s many people wanted to admit Cuba as a U.S. state
America did not have any interest in Cuba in the 1800’s
President Pierce did not want Cuba admitted to the U.S. because he was a recist
America resented the Cuban people because they were primarly catholic
Cuban Sugar Plantation

Both Puerto Rico and Cuba had strong cultural ties with Spain, but Cuba also had a history of rebellion. From 1868 to 1878, Cubans fought their first war for independence . They forced Spain to abolish slavery in 1886 but failed to achieve independence .

After the emancipation of Cuba's slaves, American capitalists rewarded Cuba by investing millions of dollars in large sugar cane plantations on the island . Cuba:s economy depended on sugar, and the United States now became Cuba's main market . In 1884, the United States had abolished its tariff on Cuban sugar, causing sugar production to skyrocket. But when a high tariff on Cuban sugar was restored in 1894, the Cuban economy was ruined


What forced Spain to give up the practice of slavery in Cuba?
The Catholic Church
Cuban rebels
Puerta Rican rebels
The Spanish government


When the U.S. removed the tarrif (tax) on sugar imports, what effect did it have on the production of sugar in Cuba?
they produced less
production remained about the same
they produced much more
the Cubans stopped producing sugar


Why did the 1894 tarrif on Cuban sugar hurt the Cuban economy?
Sugar was Cuba’s main product
It did not hurt the Cuban economy
The U.S. was Cuba’s main customer for sugar
Higher U.S. prices meant that Cuba would be able to sell more sugar in the U.S.
The trarrif (tax) meant that Americans would buy less Cuban sugar

Jose Marti

Anti-Spanish sentiment in Cuba soon erupted into a second war for independence . Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and journalist in exile in New York, launched a revolution in 1895 . He had a great deal of support from American businessmen and newspaper editors. Martf organized Cuban resistance against Spain, using an active guerrilla campaign and deliberately destroying property, especially American owned sugar mills and plantations . Marti counted on provoking U.S. intervention to help the rebels achieve Cuba Libre!-a free Cuba.

Public opinion in the United States was split. Many business people wanted the government to support Spain in order to protect their investments . Other Americans, however, were enthusiastic about the rebel cause. The cry "Cuba Libre!" was, after all, similar to Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me deathl" Americans saw the Cuban people as oppressed people and gave them wide spread support


What was the name of the Cuban patriot who, with the help of Americans, organized the Second War for Independence.
Vicente Foxx
General Valeriano Weyler
Patrick Henry
Jose Marti


What was the chant used by Americans and Cubans to protest Spanish domination of Cuba?
Cuba Libre
Viva Fidel
Give me liberty or give me death
Yankee go home
The Threat of War Escalates

In 1896, Spain responded to the Cuban revolt by sending General Valeriano Weyler to Cuba to restore order. Believing that regular military methods would not work against guerrilla tactics-in which small bands of local fighters attack by surprise-Weyler moved the entire rural population of central and western Cuba into concentration camps . An estimated 300,000 Cubans filled these camps, where thousands of them died from hunger and disease within two years.


Which statements are true?
The name of the Spanish general who went to control the Cuban rebellion was General Valeriano Weyler
Weyler believed he needed to used non-military tactics to defeat the rebels
Weyler believed that traditional military tactics would enable him to supress the rebellion
A few hundred rebels were put in prison by the Spanish to supress the rebellion


Weyler's actions fueled a war over newspaper circulation that had developed between the American newspaper tycoons William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer. To lure readers, Hearst's New York Journal and Pulitzer's New York World printed exaggerated accounts-by reporters such as James Creelman-of "Butcher" Weyler's brutality. Stories of poisoned wells and of children being thrown to the sharks deepened American
sympathy for the rebels . Legitimate reports of Cuban suffering mixed with these sensationalized stories became known as yellow journalism-reporting that exaggerates the news to lure new readers

Spanish authorities restricted the freedom of the reporters that Hearst and Pulitzer sent to Cuba and prevented them from entering combat areas. Some American correspondents claimed to have communicated with Cuban rebels secretly. Others gathered in Havana's bars and made up reports of battles that never took place. Hearst sent the artist Frederic Remington, famous for his landscapes of the American West, to Cuba to illustrate reporters' stories. When Remington informed the publisher that a war between the United States and Spain seemed unlikely, Hearst reportedly replied, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."


What is yellow journalism?
The custom of the time that used yellow paper to print newspapers
reporting that exaggerates the news or lies to sell newspapers
News reporters who were cowards in the face of danger
none of these are yellow journalism


What effect do you think yellow journalism had on American attitudes toward the Cubans and the Spanish?
Made Americans sympathetic towards the Cubans and angry at the Spanish
Had no effect on American attitudes
Made Americans sympathetic towards the Spanish and angry at the Cubans
Made Americans loose interest in the situation in Cuba


When William Randolf Hurst told the painter, Remington, "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." what did he mean?
Hearst would do what he could to get Remington better access to war stories
Hearst would used his newspapers to start a war between the U.S. and Spain
Hearst did not make the quote, Pulitzer did.
Hearst would file a lawsuit against Spain in U.S. courts

Many Americans sympathized with the Cuban rebels. When President William McKinley took office in 1897, demands for American intervention in Cuba were increasing. Preferring to avoid war with Spain, McKinley tried diplomatic means to resolve the crisis. At first, his efforts appeared to succeed. Spain recalled General Weyler, modified the policy regarding concentration camps, and offered Cuba limited self-government .

In February 1898, however, the New York journal published a private letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome, the Spanish minister to the United States . A Cuban rebel had stolen the letter from a Havana post office and leaked it to the newspaper, which was thirsty for scandal . The de Lome letter criticized President McKinley, calling him "weak" and "a bidder for the admiration of the crowd."

De Lome's judgment of McKinley was actually much milder than Theodore Roosevelt's . Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the navy, considered McKinley "a white-livered cur" with "no more backbone than a chocolate eclair!" Although some Americans agreed with de Lome's opinion of McKinley, they resented this criticism of their president by a Spanish official. Before an indignant State Department could demand his recall, de Lome resigned


Which statements below are true?
The American people supported Spain
President McKinley wanted to avoid war with Spain
The American people supported the Cuban rebels
Spain did nothing to appease American public opinion


What was the De Lome letter about?
it criticized President McKinley
it plotted to take over land in Texas and Arizona
it was a secret war plan
it advocated a Spanish attack on Florida


Why were Americans angry about the De Lome letter?
It was a Spanish attack on an American president
it was an attact on the Cuban rebels
It was a Spanish attack on Theodore Roosevelt
Americans were not really angry about the De Lome letter


Only a few days after publication of the de Lome letter, American resentment toward Spain turned to outrage . Early in 1898, President McKinley had ordered the U.S.S. Maine to Cuba to protect American lives and property. The Maine was an American battleship.

On February 15, 1898, an explosion sent the ship's ammunition up in flames, and the Maine sank. More than 260 of the 350 American officers and crew aboard lost their lives.

No one really knows what caused the explosion that destroyed the Maine At the time, a naval court of inquiry reported that the ship had hit a mine, while a 1976 study by Admiral Hyman G. Rickover determined that an internal explosion in the ship's coal bunkers had caused the initial blast. In 1898, however, the yellow journalists held Spain responsible . The Journal's headline read "THE WARSHIP MAINE WAS SPLIT IN TWO BY AN ENEMY'S SECRET INFERNAL. MACHINE." Hearst's paper offered a reward of $50,000 for the capture of the Spaniards who supposedly had committed the outrage


Why was the Maine sent to sit in Havana harbor?
It was there to attack Spanish warships
It was there to spy on the Spaniards
It was there to bring supplies to the Cuban rebels
It was there to protect American citizens in Cuba


What happened to the Maine?
It blew up and sank
It was attacked by the Cuban Government
It was damaged by an explosion and returned to the U.S.
Nothing happened. It remained on duty in Cuba for years


What did American yellow journalists do about the Maine?
they ignored the story
they blamed it on the McKinley administration
they blamed it on Spain and made Americans very angry
they said it was an accident


Who was responsible for the fate of the Maine?
No one is sure
It was sunk by the Cuban rebels
It was sunk by Spain
It was sunk by American newspapers


President William McKinley

War Breaks Out

Now there was no holding back the forces that wanted war. "Remember the Maine ."became the rallying cry for U.S . intervention in Cuba. It made no difference that the Spanish govern- ment agreed, on April 9, to almost everything the United States demanded, including a six-month cease-fire.

Despite the Spanish concessions, public opinion favored war On April 11, McKinley asked Congress for authority to use force against Spain in order to bring peace to Cuba. After a week of debate, Congress agreed, and on April 20 the United States went to war with Spain.


Which statements are true?
Span did everything it could to provoke war with the U.S.
The American people wanted war with Spain
Spain gave the U.S. everyghing it wanted to avoid war
President McKinley refused to ask Congress for a declaration of war

Admiral George Dewey on Battleship Olympia

Although American attention focused on Cuba, the first battle of the war took place on the other side of the world-in the Philippine Islands . In February 1898, Roosevelt had ordered the Pacific fleet to sail for the Philippines in case war with Spain broke out . A Spanish colony for over 300 years, the Philippines had repeatedly rebelled against Spanish rule.

On May 1, George Dewey, the American naval commander in the Pacific, steamed into Manila Bay and then destroyed the Spanish fleet nearby. Spain lost 381 men, while the United States lost only one sailor, who collapsed from the heat . Dewey's victory allowed U.S. troops to land in the Philippines . Over the next two months, 11,000 Americans joined forces with Filipino rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo. In August, Spanish troops in Manila surrendered to Americans rather than to the Filipinos, who had been fighting for freedom since 1896


Where was the first battle of the Spanish American war fought?
In Manila harbor in Cuba
In Manila harbor in the Phillipines
In the Cuban mountains
Off the coast of Spain


What was the name of the Admiral in charge of the American fleet that fought the Spanish fleet?
Admiral Theodore Roosevelt
Emilo Aquinaldo
None of these
Admiral George Dewey


What was the name of the Phillipine rebel who joined forces with the Americans to defeat the Spanish
George Jose Dewey
Emilio Aguinaldo
Pancho Schneemann
Rojelio Diaz

Back in the Caribbean, hostilities began with a naval blockade of Cuba. Admiral William T. Sampson effectively sealed the Spanish fleet up in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba. Meanwhile, American troops organized to invade the island

Dewey's victory had demonstrated the superiority of U.S. naval forces . In contrast, the U.S. Army maintained only a small professional force, supplemented by a larger inexperienced and ill-prepared volunteer force. About 125,000 Americans had volunteered to fight. However, the new soldiers were sent to training camps that lacked adequate supplies and effective leaders. Moreover, there were not enough modern guns to go around, and the troops were outfitted with heavy woolen uniforms that were unsuitable for Cuba's tropical climate. In addition, the officers most of whom were Civil War veterans-had a tendency to spend their time recalling their war experiences rather than training the volunteers .


Which statement is true?
The American Army was prepared for war but the Navy was not
The American Navy was prepared for war with Spain but the Army was not
Neither the American Army or Navy was prepared for war with Spain
Both the American Navy and Army were prepared for war with Spain


What did America do to prepare for an invasion of Cuba?
Put in place a naval blockaide of Cuba
Called up the well trained American reserves
Sent navy seals to blow up Spanish facilities

Despite these handicaps, American forces landed in Cuba in June 1898 and began to converge on the port city of Santiago. The army of 17,000 included four African-American regiments of the regular army and the Rough Riders, a volunteer cavalry under the command of Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt.

The most famous land battle in Cuba took place near Santiago on July 1 . The first part of the battle, on nearby Kettle Hill, featured a gallant uphill charge by the Rough Riders and two African-American regiments, the Ninth and Tenth Cavalries .Next, Roosevelt and his Rough Riders attacked the important, San Juan hill.  American newspapers declared Roosevelt and his Rough Riders the heros of San Juan Hill.

Two days later, the Spanish fleet tried to escape the American blockade of the harbor at Santiago . The naval battle that followed, along the Cuban coast, ended in the destruction of the Spanish fleet . On July 17, Santiago surrendered, and on July 25, American troops invaded Puerto Rico.


Who was the hero of San Juan hill in Santago, Cuba
Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders
General Blackjack Pershing
The American expiditionary force
George Dewey and his Rough Riders


Where was the Spanish fleet in Cuba finally destroyed?
Havana harbor
the Florida keys
Santiago harbor
Puerto Rico

The United States and Spain signed an armistice on August 12, ending what Secretary of State John Hay called "a splendid little war." The fighting had lasted only 16 weeks. Of the approximately 300,000 Americans who had served in the armed forces, about 5,400 lost their lives. Of this number, 379 were battle casualties, while the rest died from diseases or other causes .

On December 10, 1898, the United States and Spain agreed in a treaty that (1) Cuba would become independent, (2) Spain would give Puerto Rico and the Pacific island of Guam to the United States, and (3) the United States would pay Spain $20 million for the annexation of the Philippine Islands .


What were the results of the Spanish American war? Check all that apply
the U.S. paid to annex the Phillipines
the Cubans became independent
Spain ceded Guam and Puerto Rico to the U.S.
America emerged from the war as a world power


When did the Spanish American war end?


What was the major cause of death of the 5,400 Americans who died in the war?
Naval gunfire
canon fire
bullet wounds
Illness and other causes

The Treaty of Paris touched off great debate in the United States . Arguments centered on the annexation of the Philippines, but imperialism was the real issue. President McKinley told a group of Methodist ministers that he had prayed for guidance on Philippine annexation and had concluded "that there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all [the Philippine Islands], and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and Christianize them." McKinley's imperialist beliefs must have clouded his memory-most Filipinos had been Christian for centuries .

Other prominent Americans presented a variety of arguments-political, moral, and self-serving-against annexation . Some felt that the treaty violated the Declaration of Independence by denying self-government to the newly acquired territories . The African-American educator Booker T. Washington argued that the United States should settle race-related issues at home before taking on social problems elsewhere . The labor leader Samuel Gompers feared that Filipino immigrants would compete for American jobs.

On February 6, 1899, the annexation question was settled with the Senate's approval of the Treaty of Paris. The United States now had an empire.


Whih statements are true? Check all that apply.
Most Americans disliked Filipino people because they were Catholic
Many Americans thought we should apply the principles of the Declaration of Independence an allow the Phillipines to be independent
Samuel Gompers was afraid that Phillipine people would take jobs away from Americans
Booker T Washington thought America should take care of the problems of black Americans before we tried to help the Phillipine people


On February 6, 1899, the Senate approval of the Treaty of Paris and the Phillipines was annexed. The United States now had an empire.

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