Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.

Teddy Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt and the World

The assassination of William McKinley in 1901 thrust Vice-President Theodore Roosevelt into the role of a world leader . Roosevelt was unwilling to allow the imperial powers of Europe to control the world's political and economic destiny without American participation. In 1905, building on the Open Door notes to increase American influence in East Asia, Roosevelt mediated a settlement in the war between Russia and Japan.


In 1904, tension between Japan and Russia over Korea escalated to full-scale war. After the Boxer Rebellion, the Russians controlled Manchuria, the northernmost province of China, and set their sights on Korea. The Japanese, who had taken Korea from China in 1895 and set it up as an independent state, suggested that they and the Russians should respect each other's spheres of influence. When Russia refused, Japan gave Russia "a last and earnest warning" not to press the issue . In February 1904, the Japanese attacked the Russian Pacific fleet. To everyone's surprise, Japan destroyed it and then destroyed the Russian European fleet, which had been ordered to Asia to replace the Pacific fleet. Through a series of land battles in China, Japan secured firm control over Korea as well as a foothold in Manchuria.


How did Theodore Roosevelt become president in 1901?
He was elected with after McKinley resigned
He was nominated at the Democrat National Convention
McKinley was assassinated and Vice President Roosevelt took his place
He was nominated at the Republican National Convention


What was Roosevelt’s attitude about America’s participation in world affairs?
The U.S. was just as powerful as the European powers and should play a major role in world events
America should stay out of world affairs and mind it’s own business
The U.S. should play a part in world events but should follow the lead of more experienced European countries
The U.S. should do what it can to take control of the world away from Europe and Japan


As a result of the Russo Japan war (pick 3)
Japan took control of Korea
The Russian Fleet was destroyed by the Japanese navy
Japan took control of parts of Manchuria (North China)
The Japanese Fleet was destroyed by the Russian Navy
Japan took control of the Philippines
Russia won the war


Roosevelt brokers peace treaty between Japan and Russia

Japan's victories, however, cost a great deal of money, so the Japanese, hoping to end the economic drain, asked Roosevelt to mediate the conflict . He agreed, and in 1905, Russian and Japanese delegates convened in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

The first meeting took place on the presidential yacht. Roosevelt lead a charming way of' greeting people with a grasp of the hand, a broad grin, and a hearty "Dee-lighted ." Soon the opposing delegates began to relax and cordially shook hands .

The Japanese, who were in the driver's seat, wanted Sakhalin Island, off the coast of' Siberia, and a large sum of money from Russia . Russia refused. Roosevelt persuaded Japan to accept half the island and forgo the cash payment. In exchange, Russia agreed to let Japan take over its interests in Manchuria and Korea. As a result of' his efforts in negotiating the Treaty of Portsmouth,
Roosevelt won the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize


Which statements below are true? (pick 2)
Japan and Russia remained at war until 1945
TR got Russia and Japan to sign a peace treaty
TR was present when Japan and Russia signed a peace treaty but played a small part in the negotiations
TR won the Nobel Peace Prize as a world peacemaker

As U.S . and Japanese interests expanded in East Asia, the two nations continued their diplomatic talks. In later agreements, they pledged to respect each other's possessions and interests in East Asia and the Pacific.


In 1907, after building up the U.S . Navy, Roosevelt sent 16 gleaming white battleships on a world tour to demonstrate U.S . naval power. The "Great White Fleet" was warmly received by the Japanese, who were so impressed by the American navy that they began to build a bigger navy of their own


How did Japan react to the Great White Fleet in Asia?
They were angry and threatened to attack the U.S.
They were so impressed they began to build a navy of their own.
They attacked the U.S. fleet in Pearl Harbor
They ignored the United States


Why did TR send the Great White Fleet on a tour around the world?
To demonstrate America’s power
To explore the oceans of the world
To look for new countries that America could annex
To help Japan in its war with Russia
When Roosevelt became president, the United States had already achieved three of Admiral Mahan's four recommendations for becoming a world power. The nation had a modern navy and naval bases in the Caribbean and Hawaii . Roosevelt set out to accomplish the fourth goal-building a canal through Central America. Such a canal would greatly reduce travel time for commercial and military ships by providing a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans . As early as 1850, the United States and Britain had agreed to share the rights to such a canal. In the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty of 1901, however, Britain gave the United States exclusive rights to build and control a canal through Central America.

Engineers identified two possible routes for the proposed canal . through Nicaragua, posed fewer obstacles because much of it crossed a lake . The other, through Panama (then a province of Colombia), was shorter but was beset with mountains and swamps.

The Senate approved the route through Panama, and the United States began negotiations over Panama with Colombia. When these negotiations broke down, Bunau- Varilla helped organize a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia. Nearly a dozen U.S . warships were present as Panama declared its independence . The United States negotiated a treaty that guaranteed Panama's independence and at the same time gave the United States perpetual control of a ten-mile-wide canal zone.


Why did the U.S. want to build a canal through Panama?
So they could pass from the Carabian ocean to the Atlantic ocean faster
So the U.S. Navy would be able to give the sailors leave in Tijuana
So the navy would have a fast route from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean
To block Communist Cuba from the Pacific ocean


At the time, Panama was part of Columbia. When Columbia refused to allow the U.S. to build the canal, what did the U.S. do?
The U.S. got Mexico to declare war on Columbia
The U.S. gave up the idea of building a canal
The U.S. appealed to the United Nations for support
The U.S. helped to organize a revolt in Panama against Columbia


What were Admiral Mahan’s four recommendations for the U.S. to become a world power? (pick 4)
Have the biggest navy in the world
Have a good submarine fleet
Have a modern navy
Have a naval base in Hawaii
Have naval bases in the Carabian
Have a canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean

TR sits on canal shovel

Construction of the Panama Canal ranks as one of the world's greatest engineering feats. Builders fought diseases-such as yellow fever and bubonic plague-and soft volcanic soil that was difficult to remove . Work began in 1904 with the clearing of brush and draining of swamps. By 1913, the height of the construction, more than 43,400 workers were employed. Some had come from Italy and Spain; three-quarters were blacks from the British West Indies . More than 5,600 workers on the canal died from accidents or disease. The total cost to the United States was about $380 million . On August 15, 1914, the canal opened for business, and more than 1,000 merchant ships passed through during its first year. U.S.-Latin American relations, however, had been damaged by the takeover of Panama. The resulting ill will lasted for decades, despite Congress's paying Colombia $25 million in 1921 to compensate the country for its lost territory.


Which statement is true?
Building the Panama Canal was one of the greatest engineering feats of all time
The U.S. could not have built the canal without the help of France
Once they had the money for machinery, building the canal was easy
None of these statements are true

nar006-1.jpgTR Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick


Financial factors drew the United States further into Latin American affairs . In the late 19th century, many Latin American nations had borrowed huge stuns from European banks to build railroads and develop industries. Roosevelt feared that if these nations defaulted on their loans, Europeans might intervene in the Western Hemisphere . He was determined to make the United States the predominant power in the Caribbean and Central America.

Roosevelt based his Latin American policy on a West African proverb that said, "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

In his December 1904 message to Congress, Roosevelt defined his "big stick" diplomacy, the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine . He not only argued that European powers must not intervene in the Western Hemisphere but warned that disorder in Latin America might "force the United States . . . to the exercise of an international police power" in order to protect U.S. economic interests.

During the next decade, the United States exercised its police power on several occasions. For example, when a 1911 rebellion in Nicaragua left the nation near bankruptcy, President William H. Taft, Roosevelt's successor, arranged for American bankers to loan Nicaragua enough money to pay its debts . In return, the bankers were given the right to recover their money by collecting Nicaragua's customs duties . The U.S . bankers also gained control of Nicaragua's state-owned railroad system and its national bank. A revolt broke out so the U.S. sent in troops.  The revolt was put down, but some marine detachments remained in the country until 1933.

The Taft administration followed the policy of using the U.S. government to guarantee loans made to foreign countries by American business people . This policy was called dollar diplomacy by its critics and was often used to justify keeping European powers out of the Caribbean.


What motivated the U.S. to get involved in Latin American affairs?
The U.S. wanted to annex many of the nations of Latin America
Latin America owed the United States a great deal of money
The U.S. was afraid that European countries might get control in Latin America
All of these are true


What is the Roosevelt Corollary (addition) to the Monroe Doctrine?
The Europeans must pay a tariff to trade in Latin America
Europe must stay out of Latin America and the U.S. should stay out too
The U.S. must stay out of the affairs of Europe
Europe must stay out of Latin America and if attempts to get control the U.S. will use force to stop it.


America’s main imperialist interest in Latin America was
none of these
Woodrow Wilson's Missionary Diplomacy
nar007-1.jpgWoodrow Wilson

The original Monroe Doctrine, issued by President James Monroe in 1823, warned other nations against expanding their influence in Latin America. The Roosevelt Corollary asserted that the United States had a right to exercise international police power in the Western Hemisphere. In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson gave the Monroe Doctrine a moral tone .

According to Wilson's "missionary diplomacy," the United States had a moral responsibility to deny recognition to any Latin American government it viewed as oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests. Until that time, the United States had recognized any government that controlled a nation, regardless of its policies or how it had come to power. Wilson's policy pressured nations in the Western Hemisphere to establish democratic governments. The Mexican Revolution put Wilson's policy to the test almost immediately.


Woodrow Wilson was mainly concerned that the governments of Latin America were
friendly to the U.S.


Who was Woodrow Wilson?
Senator from New Jersey
Army General
Big business executive
U.S. President


What was the Monroe Doctrine?
A U.S  policy that told European countries that it was okay to meddle in the affairs of American countries
A U.S. policy that told European countries to stay out of the affairs of American countries
A policy that said the U.S. should not get involved in the affairs of Asian countries
A policy that told Japan to keep out of the affairs of China

Between 1876 and 1911, President Porfirio Diaz dominated Mexico as a military dictator. He suppressed internal opposition and welcomed foreign investment. Americans had invested heavily in Mexican oil wells, mines, railroads, and ranches . Wealthy landowners, the church, and the military supported Diaz, but peasants and workers finally revolted against him in 1910. In 1911, he fled Mexico City as it was occupied by revolutionaries.

The leader of the rebellion, Francisco Madero, became president of Mexico in 1911. A wealthy landowner and reformer, he proved unable to satisfy the conflicting demands of landowners, peasants, factory workers, and the urban middle class. After two years, General Victoriano Huerta took over the government and executed Madero . Americans with business interests in Mexico urged Wilson to recognize the Huerta government . But Wilson was committed to his policy of missionary diplomacy, and he refused to recognize "a government of butchers ."

Wilson adopted a plan of "watchful waiting," looking for an opportunity to act against Huerta . The opportunity carne in April 1914, when Mexican officials arrested a small group of American sailors in Tampico, on Mexico's eastern shore. The Mexicans quickly released them and apologized, but Wilson used the incident as an excuse to intervene in Mexico and ordered U.S. marines to occupy Veracruz . Nineteen Americans and at least 200 Mexicans died during the invasion .

The incident brought the United States and Mexico close to war. Argentina, Brazil, and Chile stepped in to mediate the conflict. They proposed that Huerta step down and that U.S . troops withdraw without paying Mexico for damages. Mexico rejected the plan, and Wilson refused to recognize a government that had come to power as a result of violence . The Huerta regime soon collapsed, however, and Venustiano Carranza, a nationalist leader, became president in 1915. Wilson withdrew the troops and formally recognized the Carranza government .



Why did Wilson refuse to recognize the Huerta government.
Because they were communist
Because they came to power by force instead of democratic methods
Because they were socialist
Because he wanted Vicente Foxx to be president


When Mexico arrested a group of American sailors, what did President Wilson do?
He sent marines to Tijuana
He sent the marines into Tampico
He complained to President Huerta
He sent the marines into Veracruz


Which of the following statements are true? (Pick 2)
The Huerta government fell and Venustiano Carranza took power
The U.S. sent in troops to bring down the Carranza government
The U.S. recognized the Carranza government
Venustiano Carranza was an American businessman sent to Mexico to take control of Mexican oil

General Pershing
Pancho Villa
Emillio Zapata

Turmoil in Mexico continued, as Emiliano Zapata and Francisco "Pancho" Villa led revolts against Carranza . Zapata was an Indian dedicated to land reform . Villa was an anti-Carranza revolutionary. Angry over Wilson's recognition of Carranza's government, Villa threatened reprisals against the United States . In January 1916, Carranza invited a group of American engineers to operate abandoned mines in northern Mexico . Before they reached the mines, however, Villa's men took the Americans off a train and shot them. Two months later, some of Villa's followers raided Columbus, New Mexico, and murdered 17 Americans . Americans held Villa responsible.

Carranza reluctantly agreed to let Wilson send U.S. troops into Mexico to try to capture Villa. General John J. Pershing led an expeditionary force of about 15,000 soldiers in pursuit of Villa. For almost a year, Villa eluded Pershing's forces . Wilson then called out 150,000 National Guardsmen and stationed them along the Mexican border. In the meantime, the Mexicans grew angrier over the U.S. invasion of their land. In June 1916, U.S . troops clashed with Carranza's army, resulting in deaths on both sides . Carranza demanded the withdrawal of U.S. troops, but Wilson refused

Pershing's pursuit of Villa intensified anti-American feelings in Mexico . In 1917, as the United States faced possible war in Europe, Wilson withdrew U.S . troops . Later that year, Mexico adopted a constitution that gave the government control of the nation's oil and mineral resources and placed strict regulations on foreign investors .



Who gave the U.S. permission to enter Mexico to go after Pancho Villa?
President Zapata
No one gave the U.S. permission
President Carranza
The United Nations


Which American general led U.S. troops into Mexico to go after Pancho Villa?
Douglas McCarthy
George Patton
Woodrow Wilson
John J. Pershing


Why did U.S. troops enter Mexico?
To capture the bandit, Zapata
To go after Pancho Villa who had invaded U.S. territory and killed Americans
To stop illegal immigration from Mexico
To help bring down the Carranza government in Mexico
U.S. intervention in Mexican affairs provided a clear model of American imperialist attitudes in the early years of the 20th century. Americans believed in the superiority of their political and economic institutions (democracy and capitalism), and attempted to extend the reach of these economic and political systems, even if it had to use the U.S. military to do so . Yet, the U.S. did not annex territory, as the Europeans and Japanese had done . 

Nevertheless, the United States pursued and achieved several foreign policy goals in the early 20th century.
First, it expanded its access to foreign markets in order to ensure the continued growth of the domestic economy.
Second, the United States built a modern navy to protect its interests abroad.
Third, the United States exercised its international police power to ensure American dominance in Latin America.
For better or worse, imperialism had drawn the United States deeper into world affairs. At the same time, imperialism pushed Europeans toward the most destructive war they had yet experienced- a war the United States could not avoid.


What were the three policy goals of U.S. imperialism in the early 20th Century? (pick 3)
To annex as many countries as the U.S. could
The use of U.S. military forces to act as a police force
Increased access to foreign markets where the U.S. could buy and sell goods
To create a strong navy to protect U.S. economic interests
To spread political dictatorships around the world


The U.S. is called an imperialist country because it believed its economic and political systems were superior. What were those two ideas? (Pick 2)
Economic Socialism
Political Democracy
Economic Capitalism
Political dictatorship

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