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Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


Who did the transforming events of the 20th century effect?
only the poor
only the rich
only the common man

Multiple Response
Identify one or more choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.


What kinds of subject were girls expected to study in school in the early 1900’s? (pick 3)
wood shop
home economics
auto shop
metal shop


What group of people changed America in the 20th century?
the common man
both nobility and the common man
neither the nobility or the common man


At the start of the 20th century which country offered the greatest hope for the common man?
United States


By 1900 which country was the leading industrial country in the world?
United States


What country had one third of the railroad tracks in the world?
United States
Russian Siberian Railroad
England railway system
Italy Alps Railway


What did Orville and Wilber Wright invent?
sewing machine


What country was the leader in the number of technological innovations?
Great Britain
United States


Who made the automobile available to all people, not just the rich?
Thomas Edison
Henry Ford
John Rockefeller
Wm. Honda


What was Henry Fords great manufacturing idea?
Child Labor
Women in the workplace
The assembly line
Time studies


Between 1900 and 1914 how many people immigrated from Europe?
6 million
26 million
13 million
500 thousand


What was the status of organized labor in turn of the century industrial America?
the unions were very strong
there were no unions
the unions were weak
there were too many unions


What was the name of the factory fire where 146 woman workers died?
Triangle Shirt Waist Fire
Fashion industry fire of 1906
Gimbles Fire
Button shirt fire


What effect did the Triangle Shirt Waist Fire have on American public opinion?
It made Americans aware of the abuse of workers in factories
It had no effect on American opinion
It make Americans resent immigrants
It forced the government to increase social security


What was the name of movement that pushed for change in America?
the Conservative movement
the Liberal movement


What did they call women who pushed for a woman’s right to vote?
liberated women
conservative women
woman libs


Though black men had the constitutional right to vote very few did. What kinds of rules kept black men from voting? (pick 2)
literacy tests
poll tax
high school diplomas
Mexican citizenship


What percentage of black people lived in poverty at the turn of the century?


What were the laws called that kept blacks and whites segregated in the South?
Black laws
Miranda Rights
Jim Crow Laws
Freedom of Speech


What did the Supreme Court do about segregation laws at the turn of the century?
they ruled that segregation was illegal
they said it was protected by the 5th Amendment
they made no comments on the topic
they said it was a state matter


Who was the most prominent black reformer at turn of the century?
Jessie Jackson
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. Dubois
Ted Roosevelt


What did WEB Dubois urge black people to do?
keep quiet and learn a trade
struggle for freedom
go to college and keep the peace
join the Democrat party


In what direction was New York growing?
Into Pennsylvania
into the suburbs


To whom were libraries available in America?
Mostly the educated
Mostly the rich
All non immigrants


What American ship was sunk in Havana harbor and blamed on Spain in 1898?
The USS New Jersey
The USS Merimac
The USS Main
The USS Castro


How did President McKinley feel about war with Spain?
He opposed war
He ignored the issue
He wanted war
none of these are true


How did Theodore Roosevelt feel about war with Spain?
He opposed it
He did not care about the issue
He favored war
He cared but ignored the issue


Which statement is true?
Teddy Roosevelt wanted to extend the right to vote to everyone in the world
Teddy Roosevelt did not care about international issues
Teddy Roosevelt was an internationalist who wanted America to follow international law
Teddy Roosevelt was an imperialist who wanted to extend American power around the world


What was the name of the group of soldiers organized by TR to fight in the Spanish American War?
the Light Brigade
the Contra Rebels
the Big Red One
the Rough Riders


How long did the Spanish American War last?
four weeks
four years
four months
one year


What territories did the U.S. get control of as a result of the Spanish American War? (pick 3)
Puerto Rico


Which president built the Panama Canal?
Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt


Who encouraged Panama to revolt against Columbia so the U.S. could build the canal?
Herbert Hoover
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Howard Taft


What war was called the War to End All Wars?
World War Two
Spanish American War
World War One
Civil War

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