Jan 30 |
- Orientation
Government Overview
Review for quiz this week
State of the Union Address
- Choose three things that from the Presidents speech
that you believe are most important.
- Write a
paragraph about each of the three topics and explain
why the topic is important.
Use this
form to outline your essay (click)
- When you are
finished with the outline, type your essay and
submit for credit.
- You can view the State of the Union speech by
clicking the link above.
Feb 6
- Begin study of world dictators leading up to World War
- Listen to Audio of in-class video, America's Time - Over
the Edge
The focus is on Hitler, Germany and Europe
- Begin study of WWII (Ch 16)
Vocab practice quiz
Feb 13 |
- Complete Martin Luther King,
"I have a dream," assignment in appreciation of Black
History Month.
- Continue work on Ch16,
Dictators of WWII
Be prepared for Ch16 Quiz and Ch16 Vocab
(check above for study guide)
Feb 20 |
Feb 28 |
- Begin study of
Civilians in World War II
- Study WWII Homefront
Video, "The Century, Homefront"
Mar 6 |
- Continue study of WWII
- The War in Europe
- The internment of
Japanese Americans in WWII
Mar 13 |
- Finish Study of World
War II
Be prepared for daily assignments in Chapter 17
Mar 20 |
Mar 27 |
- Continue study of Cold War
- Get study questions from
Mr. Schneemann
- Click the links below
for information on the cold war
Apr 3 |
- Conclude Cold War
- CW-12 MAD Mutual
Assured Destruction
- CW-13 Make Love Not
War (the 1960's)
- CW-15 China
- CW-18 Neighbors
(Latin America)
- Check back for
practice vocab quiz
CW-13 Online Quiz
Click to take the assignment and submit for grade
May 1 |
- American Experience
Victory in the Pacific
Visit site
- Report instructions
to follow
- 5 Paragraphs typed,
double spaced
- Par 1 Introduction
- Par 2 Explain the
causes for the war between the U.S. and Japan
- Par 3 Explain the
tactics and strategy of the U.S. that enabled us to
defeat Japan
- Par 4 Explain the
results of the war. How has the relationship between
the U.S. and Japan changed. What caused the change?
- Par 5 Summary
- Begin 45 go 52
"Americas Best Years"
May 8 |
- Finish Civil
Rights (Ch21)
May 15 |
- Please complete
each of the following assignments this week
Vietnam 1
Vietnam 2
Vietnam 3
Vietnam 4
Vietnam 5
- America's Time 9
(1950 to 1960)
check back for audio transcript of the in-class
May 22 |
- Ch 23
May 29 |
Ch24 Practice Test
Ch24 Vocab Practice Test
June 5 |
- Final
The Dictators
World War II
Cold War A
Cold War B
Civil rights
The 70's
Conservative Revolution
study Ch24 from last week