Jan 26 |
- Martin Luther Kind
address, "I have a dream"
Listen to the "I Have a Dream" Speech
- Study California
Standards for 20's and 30's
- Study Ch13, 1920's
- Video, "Boom to Bust", ABC News
Feb 2
- Conclude "Boom to Bust"
- Quiz on video this week
here for quiz questions
- Quiz on Ch13 and Ch13
Vocabulary this week.
- Begin Study of Great
Depression of the 1930's
Feb 9
- The Great Depression
- Video, ABC News America's
Time, 1930's
- Quiz Tues and Wednesday
- Begin Study of World War II
Feb 16
- Study causes of World War
- Focus on totalitarian
dictators of the 30's
Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Peron, Franco, Japan rulers
- "The Fatal Seduction of
Adolf Hitler," BBC
Quiz to follow - take notes in notebook
Ch16 Study Guide
Open and use to complete answer sheet below
Ch16 Study
Guide Answer Sheet
Download, print and complete
- Axis Aggression Map Study
- Click the link below to
download and print the maps of Europe and Asia
- Use the study guide above
to label the countries in each map
- With text, arrows and
lables show the acts of Axis (Germany, Japan, Italy)
aggression from 1931 to 1941
Click here for maps
Feb 23 |
- Students prepare to
take these tests this week.
- Video, "America's
Time, Civilians at War"
Mar1 |
Mar 8 |
Mar 15 |
- Begin study of Cold War
- Get study questions from
Mr. Schneemann
- Click the links below
for information on the cold war
Friday Notebook Assignment
Enter the information below in your notebook and
study for a quiz on Monday
Mar 22 |
Apr 12 |
- Continue study of
Cold War
- Daily quizzes
Apr 19 |
- Continue study of
Cold War
- Daily quizzes
- Begin study of Ch22,
- Registration for
Fall 2004 semester
to parents and students that any missed quiz needs
to be made up at lunch on the next day the student
is present
Make-ups are at lunch, nutrition and most times at
6:00 AM
Apr 26 |
May 3 |
- Continue Cold
Daily Study Guides in Class
May 10 |
May 17
- Finish Cold
- Vocabulary
tests this week.
Check study guides from last week (above)
- Cold War
May 24 |
Answer the following questions from
the Ch24 Sec2 study guide.
What was Watergate
What was CRP
Why did the CRP order the
burglary of the DNC headquarters
What did Nixon do during the
Why did President Nixon resign
What were the constitutional
issues in Watergate
- You
should have at least a paragraph on
each question
- Use
the internet or other sources for
Use your own words, NO CUT AND PASTE
Responses need to be typed
- Begin
study of Civil Rights
- Cesar Chavez was a great
American who made many contributions to American society
and culture.
the internet site below, or another site
of your choosing, and research the
contributions he made to make America a
better place for us all.
Link to Cesar Chavez web site
Click here
to enter a thank you note to Cesar for
- Holiday Friday, Cesar
Chavez Birthday
Holiday Monday, Memorial Day
June 1 |
- Chapter
21 - Civil Rights
- Final Review
CRAM Wednesday ~ Thursday ~ Friday 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM Room 209 BVH Come Study for Finals
Make-ups 6 AM and Lunch
No make-ups after June 9
June 7 |