U.S. Government

Fall 2003

Jan 27

Feb 3
  • Quiz - State of the Union
  • Discuss/Watch Secretary Powell's speech to the United Nations
  • Class discussion of philosophical roots of American government
    Socrates - Plato - Aristotle
Feb 10

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  • Discuss War in Iraq
  • Continue Class discussion of philosophical roots of American government
    Socrates - Plato - Aristotle
  • Friday, no school
Feb 17

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Feb 24

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Mar 3

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  • Report cards Friday
  • Declaration of Independence
    Read, paraphrase and discuss in class
  • Declaration of Independence Quiz
    Click here after activation by Mr. Schneemann
  • Begin study of Constitution of the U.S.
Mar 10

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  • Review Chapter 2
  • Video, "A More Perfect Union"
  • Current Events
    United Nations, Iraq and terrorist issues
Mar 17

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  • Continue discussion of issues surrounding the writing of the U.S. Constitution at the Constitutional Convention
  • President's address to the nation
    Listen to President's Address and write a 1 page reflective essay, stating your opinion on what the President had to say (Do not use 1st person, I, me, etc)
    Click here to access the speech
  • Cesar Chavez was a great American who made many contributions to American society and culture. Visit the internet site below, or another site of your choosing, and write a 1 page essay explaining the contributions he made to make America a better place for us all. Type Essay!
  • Link to Cesar Chavez web site
  • Holiday Friday, Cesar Chavez Birthday
  • Marcus Martin, a student in period 4, has written an article in the school newspaper concerning college scholarships. Read this article and write a letter to the editor of the paper, commenting on Marcus' article. Your response should be typed and grammatically correct. Make sure each paragraph has a topic sentence and supporting details. Make sure spelling and punctuation are correct.
    Submit your letter to Mr. Schneemann for credit.
    Due Monday, Mar 24
Mar 24

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  • Review Ch2
  • Quiz Ch2
  • Quiz Ch2 Vocabulary
  • Lecture - Government Overview (Not from text)
    Must be present for lecture or get notes from friend
  • Quiz, Government of U.S. overview
  • Begin discussion an study of U.S. Constitution
    Outline and Quiz
Mar 31

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  • Begin study of U.S. Constitution
  • Outline and paraphrase Constitution
    Click here for text of the Constitution
  • Lecture on Consitution
  • Be prepared for Constitution quiz this week.
    Not possible to pass without a Const. outline.
Apr 8-14

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  • Easter Vacation
Apr 21

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  • Discuss the Bill of Rights
  • Star Testing
  • Make-ups
Apr 28

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May 5

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  • Star Testing for under-classmen
  • Student activities for Seniors
  • Review/Study Amendments to the Constitution
May 12

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May 19

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  • Study Chapter 8 "Participation in Government"
    Citizenship, immigration and naturalization
  • Get make-ups done. Do not wait till the last minute!!!
May 26

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  • Mon & Tues Memorial Day Holiday
  • Finish Ch8
  • Ch8 Quiz (Be Prepared)
  • Video on U.S. Immigration
June 2

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  • Quiz Ch8 on Mon.
  • Quiz Ch8 Vocab on Tues
  • Begin study Ch14 "The Organization of Congress"
  • Quiz on Monday 6-9 (chapter and vocabulary)
June 9

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  • Quiz Ch14
  • Quiz Ch14 Vocan
  • Review for final 100 questions
    50 questions Thursday
    50 questions Friday
June 16

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  • Final Exams