IDENTIFYING KEY TERMS Match each item with the correct statement
below. You will not use all the terms. a. | chief executive | b. | presidential
succession | c. | platform | d. | commander in
chief |
the President's role as the head of the armed forces
the formal statement of a political party's basic principles
the plan by which a presidential vacancy is filled
IDENTIFYING KEY TERMS Match each item with the correct statement
below. You will not use all the terms. a. | electorate | b. | platform | c. | keynote address | d. | electoral
college |
the speech given by an important party member at the first session of the
national convention
the mass of people who actually cast votes in an election
the name of the group that makes the formal selection of the President
IDENTIFYING KEY TERMS Match each item with the correct statement
below. You will not use all the terms. a. | electoral
college | b. | chief citizen | c. | chief of state | d. | chief
executive | e. | chief administrator | f. | chief legislator | g. | presidential
primary | h. | balance the ticket | i. | winner-take-all | j. | keynote
address |
The President is the nation's ____, heading a large government
Under the ____ system, a candidate who wins the preference vote in a primary
automatically wins the support of all the delegates chosen in the primary.
Presidential candidates often choose a running mate who can ____ by virtue of
certain characteristics.
The ____ is the group of people chosen from each State and the District of
Columbia to formally select the President and Vice President.
As ____, the President holds broad power in domestic and foreign
IDENTIFYING KEY TERMS Match each item with the correct statement
below. You will not use all the terms. a. | chief diplomat | b. | presidential
electors | c. | chief of state | d. | chief legislator | e. | proportional
representation | f. | platform | g. | commander in
chief |
____ must cast their State's formal votes for President.
The basic statement of the party's policies and principles is known as its
Most States had to change their primary laws to account for the Democrats'
____ rule.
As ____, the President is the symbol of all the people of the nation.
Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the
statement or answers the question.
In case the President is disabled, the way the Vice President becomes President
is determined by the
a. | original Constitution. | b. | Presidential Succession
Act. | c. | 25th Amendment. | d. | Congress. |
According to the Constitution, the President must
a. | be a man who owns property. | b. | be at least 35 years of
age. | c. | have held one major public office. | d. | have lived in the U. S. for at least 20
years. |
As of January 20, 2001, the President receives a yearly salary of
a. | $50,000. | b. | $99,500. | c. | $400,000. | d. | $900,000. |
The electoral system broke down in the election of 1800 because of the
a. | rise of political parties. | b. | 12th Amendment. | c. | use of the national
convention as a nominating device. | d. | appearance of a presidential
primary. |
If an incumbent President is seeking another term in office, who will his party
likely nominate?
a. | the Vice President | b. | the President | c. | the Speaker of the
House | d. | the House majority leader |
A State's presidential electors are chosen by
a. | the State legislature. | b. | its members in Congress. | c. | popular
vote. | d. | a State convention. |
A President can serve no more than _____ years in office.
According to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, which of these officers
follows the Vice President in the line of presidential succession?
a. | Speaker of the House | b. | secretary of state | c. | president pro
tempore of the Senate | d. | secretary of the
treasury |
The President may decide to resume duties after an illness by informing Congress
that no inability exists, but that decision can be challenged by
a. | Congress. | b. | the Vice President. | c. | the Vice President
and a majority of the Cabinet. | d. | any representative in the House of
Representatives. |
Most presidential caucuses differ from Statewide presidential primaries in all
of the following ways EXCEPT the
a. | number of States that hold caucuses. | b. | ways in which delegates to the national
convention are chosen. | c. | main purpose for which the delegates are
chosen. | d. | number of steps taken in choosing delegates to the national
convention. |
During the nomination process, political battles are most likely to occur
a. | presidential primaries in the President's party. | b. | presidential
primaries in the party out of power. | c. | the Cabinet. | d. | the electoral
college. |
The national convention is held to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT
a. | unify the party behind its candidates. | b. | pick its presidential
candidate. | c. | select the party's delegates. | d. | adopt the party's
platform. |
The least number of presidential electors a State can have is
a. | one. | b. | two. | c. | three. | d. | four. |
Which of the following statements is NOT an argument against the electoral
college system?
a. | A candidate who loses the popular vote may still be elected
President. | b. | An elector may vote for someone other than the voter-selected
candidate. | c. | A strong third-party effort might throw the election into the
House. | d. | The results depend upon how State congressional districts are
drawn. |
The order of succession to the presidency after the Vice President is determined
by the
a. | original Constitution. | b. | force of tradition. | c. | Presidential
Succession Act. | d. | 25th Amendment. |
Which of the following is a way that presidential disability is
a. | The Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet inform Congress in
writing. | b. | The Senate states, in writing, that the President is
incapacitated. | c. | The President gives a speech explaining who will take over. | d. | Congress asks the
Vice President to evaluate the President's condition. |
A formal duty assigned to the Vice President by the Constitution is to
a. | call Cabinet meetings. | b. | choose the secretary of
state. | c. | preside over the House. | d. | preside over the
Senate. |
A presidential primary can be
a. | a process to select delegates to the convention. | b. | an election to
determine voters' choice among candidates. | c. | both of the above. | d. | none of the
above. |
The first session of the national convention is generally devoted to
a. | voting for candidates. | b. | giving speeches. | c. | drafting the
platform. | d. | reporting information. |
The first and most widely publicized caucus today is held in the State of
a. | California. | b. | New Jersey. | c. | New
Hampshire. | d. | Iowa. |
The most widely supported plan for reform of the electoral college is the
a. | district plan. | b. | proportional plan. | c. | direct popular
election plan. | d. | national bonus plan. |
All of the following are characteristics that usually determine who is nominated
for President EXCEPT
a. | incumbency. | b. | controversial viewpoints. | c. | married. | d. | from a key larger
State. |
Which of the following is NOT a formal qualification for the presidency?
a. | must be at least 35 years old | b. | must be a "natural born Citizen" of
the United States | c. | must have extensive prior political
experience | d. | must have lived in the United States for at least 14
years |
One of the major flaws in the electoral college system is that
a. | the winner of the popular vote is not guaranteed the presidency. | b. | the incumbent
President is usually reelected. | c. | the majority party in Congress has an advantage
when the electorate votes. | d. | electors are required to vote according to the
wishes of their constituency. |
The Framers of the Constitution called for the President to be elected by
a. | Congress. | b. | a direct vote of the
people. | c. | a body of electors. | d. | the State
legislatures. |
The major importance of the 12th Amendment is that it
a. | did away with the electoral college system. | b. | eliminated the
possibility of a tie for the presidency. | c. | required electors to pledge to vote for their
party's chosen candidate. | d. | made electors' votes
automatic. |
Most of the sessions at the national convention are spent
a. | listening to the keynote address. | b. | electing the convention's committee
members. | c. | selecting the party's presidential candidate. | d. | listening to party
speeches and reports. |
Which of the following statements is NOT an argument for direct popular election
of the President?
a. | The winner would always be the majority choice. | b. | Direct popular
election would be a simple, easily understood process. | c. | The small States would gain an advantage in a
direct election plan. | d. | Each vote would count equally in the national
result. |
The main argument in favor of limiting the President to a single 6-year term is
that it would
a. | limit the unprecedented power of the President. | b. | permit more
qualified people to serve as President. | c. | free the President from the demands of a
second-term campaign. | d. | keep the President from being a "lame
duck" in the second term. |
INTERPRETING MAPS Use the map to answer the following

The number of electoral votes that Iowa has is
a. | five. | b. | seven. | c. | nine. | d. | twelve. |
The States with the largest electoral vote include
a. | Pennsylvania and Illinois. | b. | Alaska and Hawaii. | c. | Texas and
Florida. | d. | California and New York. |
The figure 11 for Washington indicates that the State has 11
a. | senators. | b. | representatives. | c. | presidential
electors. | d. | districts. |
On this map, the size of each State is determined by
a. | the number of its electoral votes. | b. | its population. | c. | its number of
members in the Senate. | d. | its actual physical
area. |
The roles a President must play are
a. | largely symbolic. | b. | all equal in importance. | c. | spelled out in the
Constitution. | d. | none of the above. |
Which of the following is eligible to run for the presidency: a 45-year old
banker who was born and raised in Wyoming or a 30-year-old State legislator who was born in Virginia,
lived abroad for 10 years, then returned to Virginia?
a. | the banker | b. | the State legislator | c. | neither a nor
b | d. | both a and b |
If a successor to the presidency has served three years of the
predecessor’s term, how many more years is he eligible to serve as President in his own right?
a. | 7 years | b. | 10 years | c. | 8
years | d. | 4 years |
A President may need to produce evidence of his ability to perform the powers
and duties of his office in the event that
a. | the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet challenge this
ability. | b. | war breaks out during his term of office. | c. | he loses a bid for
reelection. | d. | none of the above. |
The nation “played with fate” for nearly 180 years because
a. | eight Presidents died in office. | b. | the Presidential Succession Act had not yet
been passed. | c. | no constitutional or congressional provision defined presidential
disability. | d. | the President could not fire the Vice President. |
If a Republican presidential candidate from the South is considered unsupportive
of women’s rights, he might “balance the ticket” by choosing _____ as a running
a. | a woman | b. | a southerner | c. | an African
American | d. | a Republican |
The Framers believed that _____ would be weakened if Congress was responsible
for choosing the President.
a. | separation of powers | b. | the system of checks and
balances | c. | the electoral college | d. | both a and b |
The problem with the results of the election of 1796 was that
a. | a Federalist captured the presidency. | b. | a Democratic-Republican captured the vice
presidency. | c. | the President and Vice President were from opposing parties. | d. | two presidential
candidates tied for the office. |
All of the following contributed to today’s presidential selection system
a. | the appearance of political parties. | b. | the election of 1800. | c. | the 12th
Amendment. | d. | the 25th Amendment. |
Little-known candidates are at a greater disadvantage than ever because
a. | delegate selection is so complicated. | b. | State primaries occur too close together to
gain name recognition and raise money between contests. | c. | State laws require
candidates to announce their candidacies so early. | d. | Primary schedules are so spread out that a
candidacy loses steam from State-to-State. |
If a party has been losing support nationally, it may depend heavily on the
_____ to begin to reverse that trend.
a. | presidential primary | b. | national convention | c. | electoral
college | d. | voters |
Should the “winner-take-all” flaw of the electoral college become a
recurring problem, it would likely cause
a. | a drop in voter turnout. | b. | a rise in voter turnout. | c. | more elections to be
decided in the House. | d. | none of the
above. |
Typically, the wrench in the gears of the electoral college that causes the
election to be thrown into the House is
a. | the presidential electors. | b. | the Supreme Court. | c. | a strong minor party
candidate. | d. | the Congress. |
The majority of the proposed reforms to the current electoral college
a. | also contain flaws. | b. | incorporate some form of direct
election. | c. | eliminate the national convention. | d. | none of the
above. |
If the winner of the popular vote does not win the presidency,
a. | the people must find another way to elect a President. | b. | the will of the
people has been subverted. | c. | the election is thrown into the House of
Representatives. | d. | this proves that direct democracy would not work. |