Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the
statement or answers the question.
What power is given to Congress under Article I, Section 8, Clause 1?
a. | the power to declare war | c. | the power to punish
traitors | b. | the power to approve presidential appointments | d. | the power to tax the people and
businesses |
Congress can tax for which purpose?
a. | to make one state richer than the other states | c. | help make individual members of
Congress rich | b. | to meet the needs of the country | d. | destroy unpopular
businesses |
Congress CAN NOT tax
a. | products that are being sent out of the country | c. | business income | b. | personal
income | d. | products that are
entering the country from foreign nations |
Example of a direct tax
a. | sales taxes | c. | increased cost of products | b. | gasoline
tax | d. | income
tax |
Example of indirect taxes
a. | state income tax | c. | federal income tax | b. | gasoline tax | d. | property taxes |
Which statement below is true?
a. | you have a small company who exports products that can be taxed | c. | indirect taxes have
to be the same for all parts of the country | b. | Congress has no power to
tax | d. | the federal taxes for
big states can be higher than the taxes for small states |
What power does Article I, Section 8, Clause 2 give to Congress?
a. | establish bankruptcy laws | c. | declare war | b. | borrow
money | d. | make treaties with
other countries |
What do they call it when a country spends more than it gets in taxes?
a. | private dept | c. | deficit financing | b. | shopping fun | d. | public dept |
What do they call it when a country borrows more money than it can repay in one
a. | private debt | c. | Visa or Mastercard financing | b. | public
debt | d. | reverse
mortgage |
What do they call the power of Congress to regulate trade between the states and
trade with foreign countries?
a. | trader rights | c. | equal protection through Amendment 14 | b. | commerce
power | d. | Congress can not
regulate trade of any kind |
Congress could not interfere with he slave trade through 1808. This is an
example of
a. | increased Congressional power | c. | has nothing to do with the powers
of Congress | b. | a limitation of Congressional power |
Congress can favor one state over another as long as they do it through the
Commerce Clause
What is the power to print money called?
a. | the bankruptcy power | c. | the currency power | b. | the implied power | d. | the war powers
act |
 What is this stuff called?
a. | legal tender | c. | coin media of exchange | b. | illegal
tender | d. | tenderness |
Article I Section 8, Clause 4 gives Congress the power to
a. | raise taxes | c. | declare war | b. | admin new states | d. | establish bankruptcy
laws |
Federal Budget FY 2015 a. | Social Security | e. | Defense
spending | b. | Medicare | f. | Non-Defense discretionary spending | c. | Medicaid | g. | Net Interest on the debts of the
U.S. | d. | ACA Obamacare | h. | Other Mandatory |
Largest budget item
6% of the budget and growing each year
Military spending
Health insurance for poor people, 9%
Health insurance for old people, 17%
Masc. mandatory spending, 11%
President Obamas health insurance plan
Military spending that is optional