Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the
statement or answers the question.
A federal government is one in which
a. | limited powers are assigned to a central agency by independent
states. | b. | all power is concentrated in the central government. | c. | power is divided
between a central government and local governments. | d. | powers are divided between a legislative branch
and an executive branch. |
The Internet seems especially suited to satisfy which of these needs in a
a. | to control the lives of citizens | b. | the need for accurate, and always reliable,
information on which to base decisions | c. | the need for an uneducated elite to run the
government | d. | to be informed about the many different institutions and policies of the
government |
In a democracy, the will of the majority
a. | cannot be used to deprive rights to a member of a minority group. | b. | rarely leads to
satisfactory policy decisions. | c. | is not open to compromise. | d. | cannot be changed or
improved upon. |
The theory underlying modern democracies was developed to challenge the idea
a. | the strongest person or group has the right to control others by
force. | b. | those of royal birth have absolute authority to rule. | c. | the people as a
whole are the sole source of political power. | d. | the head of a family, clan, or tribe has the
natural right to govern. |
Locke, Harrington, Hobbes, and Rousseau would most likely agree that
a. | the state exists to serve the will of the people. | b. | government should be
eliminated. | c. | those of royal birth should rule the state. | d. | the state developed
out of force. |
The dominant political unit in the world today is the
a. | government. | b. | state. | c. | nation. | d. | Constitution. |
Which of the following is among the characteristics of a state?
a. | population | b. | territory | c. | government | d. | all of the
above |
Which of the following statements is NOT true of parliamentary
a. | The executive is chosen by the legislature. | b. | The prime minister
and cabinet must resign if they lose the support of a majority of the
legislature. | c. | The legislature is subject to the direct control of the
executive. | d. | The prime minister and cabinet are part of the legislative
branch. |
Which statement about the social contract theory is NOT true?
a. | Governmental powers are granted by the people. | b. | Governmental powers
may be limited by the people. | c. | The state was created voluntarily by a free
people. | d. | The state is a natural extension of people's family
structure. |
Which of the following illustrates the concept of equality of
a. | Senators consider testimony both for and against Supreme Court
nominees. | b. | Citizens must obey the tax laws but may work to change them. | c. | Government may limit
the beliefs and ideas of individuals. | d. | Public schools may not exclude students because
of their sex or race. |
Among the broad purposes of the United States government spelled out in the
Preamble to the Constitution is the obligation to
a. | provide for justice and the people's general welfare. | b. | defend the country
against Americans who oppose its policies. | c. | keep the executive and legislative branches of
government separate. | d. | create an autocratic form of
government. |
Which of the following statements about sovereign states is NOT true?
a. | Sovereign states can determine their own form of government. | b. | Sovereign states
decide their own foreign and domestic policies. | c. | A county or city is considered sovereign
because it is subordinate to a larger form of government. | d. | Sovereign states
have supreme power within their own territories. |
Which of the following statements about the Internet is false?
a. | The Internet makes it easier to gain knowledge about government. | b. | The Internet led to
widespread on-line voting in the 2000 elections. | c. | The Internet contains information that is not
always reliable. | d. | The Internet gives individuals the power to entertain and inform
themselves. |
All political powers in a state are concentrated at the central level under
which form of government?
a. | confederate | b. | federal | c. | unitary | d. | executive |
The individual 50 States lack which basic characteristic of a state?
a. | defined population | b. | government | c. | Constitution | d. | sovereignty |
Which of the following is among the purposes of government outlined in the
Preamble to the Constitution?
a. | defending the nation against foreign enemies | b. | insuring order and
domestic tranquility | c. | promoting the general welfare of the
citizens | d. | all of the above |
INTERPRETING TABLES Use the chart to answer the following

In which country can the executive branch be forced from office for failing to
win the legislature's support on a major issue?
a. | India | b. | Syria | c. | the United
States | d. | Brazil |
Which characteristic do the United States and Botswana have in common?
a. | Both countries have a unitary form of government. | b. | Both countries have
a presidential form of government. | c. | Both countries have parliamentary
governments. | d. | Both countries are democratic. |
All of the following have unitary forms of government EXCEPT
a. | Botswana. | b. | France. | c. | Cuba. | d. | the United
States. |
Government in which power is limited to a single person or very small group
exists in
a. | Brazil. | b. | the United States. | c. | Cuba. | d. | Costa Rica. |
Which statement about the countries of Brazil and Syria is TRUE?
a. | Both countries have a unitary or centralized government. | b. | Both countries are
democratic. | c. | Both countries have a presidential form of government. | d. | Both countries are
controlled by dictatorships. |
All of the following countries are democracies EXCEPT
a. | Syria. | b. | India. | c. | France. | d. | Brazil. |
In which two countries do dictatorships exist?
a. | Brazil, India | b. | Botswana, Costa Rica | c. | Cuba,
Syria | d. | Cuba, France |
Which form of government does Cuba, Costa Rica, and France have in
a. | unitary | b. | parliamentary | c. | dictatorial | d. | democratic |
A government can be both
a. | confederate and dictatorial. | b. | unitary and parliamentary. | c. | parliamentary and
presidential. | d. | federal and unitary. |
Where does sovereignty rest in a dictatorship?
a. | with the people | b. | with a small group or a single
person | c. | with the legislature | d. | all of the
above |
The decision to raise taxes is an example of
a. | presidential powers. | b. | democracy. | c. | public
policy. | d. | the force theory. |
According to the law of supply and demand, if strawberries become scarce due to
a drought in berry-producing regions, what happens to the price of strawberries?
a. | The price will remain the same. | b. | The price will rise, then
drop. | c. | The price will rise. | d. | The price will
drop. |
According to the social contract theory, the contract is
a. | impossible without the king’s consent. | b. | a document
describing the territory of the state. | c. | a constitution. | d. | the purpose of
government. |
The United States does not have a unitary form of government because
a. | the States hold more power than does the Federal Government. | b. | the States have
powers reserved to them in the Constitution. | c. | the British would not allow
it. | d. | the executive and legislative branches are separate. |
Politics is a(n) ____, while government is a(n) ____.
a. | process, institution | b. | negative, positive | c. | institution,
process | d. | policy, institution |
“Promote the general welfare” really means that
a. | the state promotes private industry. | b. | the government controls the
economy. | c. | the government is a servant to its citizens. | d. | the Constitution
establishes the meaning of “welfare.” |
Inability to resolve conflicts can be a characteristic of a
a. | parliamentary government. | b. | dictatorship. | c. | presidential
government. | d. | unitary government. |
Which of the following would be MOST threatened by the social contract
a. | John Locke | b. | the people of a state | c. | divine right
advocates | d. | the authors of the Declaration of Independence |
Which of the following would NOT happen in a free enterprise system?
a. | Joanne’s Jewels goes out of business soon after a large department store opens
nearby. | b. | The government orders K.P. & Co. to produce 30 million metric tons of steel per
year. | c. | Sun, Inc. realizes a year-end profit of over $500,000. | d. | Hunt Enterprises is
owned by one man, but his product is regulated by the government. |
Democracy’s belief in the worth of the individual is indirectly reflected
in the
a. | necessity of compromise. | b. | free enterprise system. | c. | law of supply and
demand. | d. | Internet. |
In a democracy, each minority has a right to
a. | determine public policy. | b. | criticize the majority. | c. | be
heard. | d. | both b and c. |
For what reason might the ruler(s) in a dictatorship feel threatened by the
existence of the Internet?
a. | The Internet can inform, but only when citizens make the effort to utilize its
resources. | b. | The Internet can be unreliable. | c. | The Internet might provide a forum through
which people could unite and rebel. | d. | The Internet might not be accessible to
everyone. |
If you live under a democratic government that conducts its own foreign and
domestic policies, in an area with a territory of 50 square miles and a population of 50,000, that
area qualifies as a
a. | nation. | b. | Constitution. | c. | government. | d. | state. |
IDENTIFYING KEY TERMS Match each item with the correct statement
below. You will not use all the terms. a. | judicial power | b. | democracy | c. | Federal Government | d. | legislative
power | e. | confederation |
Independent states that agree to form a(n) ____ may still retain their separate
The structure of a(n) ____ requires that power be divided between a
state's central and local levels of government.
The power to interpret laws, determine their meaning, and settle disputes
within a society is known as ____.
IDENTIFYING KEY TERMS Match each item with the correct statement
below. You will not use all the terms. a. | constitution | b. | executive
power | c. | unitary government | d. | parliamentary government | e. | presidential
government | f. | legislative power |
A ____ is the body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures,
and processes of government.
Under a ____, the government must resign if it receives a “vote of no
A ____, often described as a centralized government, is one in which all powers
held by the government belong to a single, central agency.
____ is the power to make law and frame public policies.