Your Name: Mr. Schneemann
Your Teacher:
B1: Submit


Thanks, Don, for the hard work you do to end racism and heal the minds and hearts of the students and staff. I remember in the early 50's going to a movie in the South with a friend but we were not allowed to sit together because he was Black. We decided not to go in go in the theatre. He had the same hurt look on his face that I saw on your face last Wednesday. Our school and our country is a better places because of your hard work. Thanks, again and keep it up

Your Name:
Your Teacher: Schneeman
B1: Submit


it was a very strong speech and very eye-opening. Hopefully our school gets to become better.

Your Name:
Your Teacher: Mr. schneeman
B1: Submit


i appreciate your willingness to be open about this. and me as a bvh student will always support you and everybody in the black community i felt very moved by your speech.

Your Name:
Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I was very moved by your message made to the students of BVH. It is both heartwarming and inspiring to see that people are working towards putting an end to African American discrimination that still exists in this nation. I believe if all of us students work together and discuss such issues it will make for a better environment on and off campus. Thank you and of course don't stop!

Your Name:
Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Dear Mr Dumas, i am inspired by your interview. I believe that there should be no such thing as racism around the world. I understand how hurtful one word can be. This is unacceptable and it has to change.

Your Name:
Your Teacher: Mr Schneemann
B1: Submit


Dear Mr. Dumas your words really moved me and inspaired me that one word can really hurt a person and be little them. I will take what you said into my heart and soul and be apart of the movement to end the N word at bonita vista hs and outside as well!

Your Name:
Your Teacher: Schneeman
B1: Submit


I pledge not to say it

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


never again

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I think saying the "N" word is wrong and I'll never use it.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Its a very hurtful word and I will do my best to stop people from saying it and I will also not say it.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I agree

Your Teacher: Schneemann
B1: Submit


I pledge not to promote the use of the N-word as it has been deleted from my vocabulary all my life. Thank you for the speech and I am glad you moved so many people throughout the campus.

Your Teacher: mr schneemann
B1: Submit


i appreciate your willingness to be open about this. and me as a bvh student will always support you and everybody in the black community i felt very moved by your speech.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Dear Mr. Dumas, I am inspired by your interview and how hurtful one word can be to others. This is unacceptable and it has to change.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


The presentation Mr. Dumas made was very moving and logical. It was very impactful and it really made me feel for my fellow Black peers. His presentation made me realize that I have to call out even my own friends for saying it because it's most obvious that it's not right at all.

Your Teacher: Mr.Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for your speech it was really inspiring to me and I hope many others who choose to use the N word think twice after watching you explain its background and impact.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneeman
B1: Submit


I believe the "n-word" is a very harmful word and I will do my best to stop people from saying it. Very eye opening speech.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Mr. Dumas's speech on not using the N word was quiet moving and realistic as the N word has been used in a inappropriate amount of times at this school. The era or the N word used profusely needs to end.

Your Teacher: schneemann
B1: Submit


I enjoyed listening to your speech Mr. Dumas and think it was something that needed to be done for our school. I miss being in your class.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Mr. Dumas, the video you presented was amazing. I pledge to not say the n-word, it is wrong and it should not be tolerated by anyone regardless of race.

Your Name: cristina hiley
Your Teacher: Mr Schneemann
B1: Submit


thanks for this speech, it was very eye opening and informative. i pledge to not use the "n" word ever.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


the speech was very inspirational and i pledge not to say the n-word

Your Name: Ronan Armenion
Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I'm glad that Mr. Dumas brought up the issue of people at this school using slurs and such and I don't think it's right for anyone to say something so offensive to people.

Your Name: Emma Diaz
Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for your speech I believe it affected a lot of students. I know I won't use the word and many others won't because of your speech.

Your Teacher: MR. Schneeman
B1: Submit


Thank you coach for all the support that you give to everyone on campus and push everyone to be better.

Your Teacher: Mrs. Palmer
B1: Submit


We stand by you!

Your Teacher: Mrs. Palmer
B1: Submit


We stand by you!

Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


Your presentation was very moving and meaningful.

Your Name: Jaira Zintzun
Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


Your presentation was eye-opening and I feel that it definitely made a great impact on our school!

Your Teacher: Mrs. Palmer
B1: Submit


Mr. Dumas, your presentation was very moving, you are especially so well spoken and can evoke so much emotion and connect to us students through the screen. I pledge to never use the "N" word and your speech changed my perspective in many ways . Thank you.

Your Teacher: Mr.Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for speaking out about this.

our Teacher: SCHNEEMAN
B1: Submit


Thank you, Mr.dumas for bringing attention to the issue at school and awareness.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Mr. Dumas I think we all appreciated the speech you did and we hope we can change to better persons every day.

Your Teacher: Mr . Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for taking time out of your day to give a speech about a topic you're passionate about. It was eye opening and I hope our school is able to change and become better.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you Mr. Dumas for your kinds words. I pledge to not say the "n" word at school nor outside of school and hopefully the BVHS community gets this message and uses it well.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Your presentation was very moving, and I'm thankful that I can call you my teacher.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneeman
B1: Submit


Thank you for your message I hope that people will stop using that word.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I think your speech for very impactful and informative.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


So, first my English is bad so sorry for that, and try to do this the best. I thing this presentation was very good, because you are axplaining whot to use de N word in the school,

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I felt very moved by your speech

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I've pledged to never use the "N" word, and I will do my best to prevent the use of the word here at school and anywhere else. I feel that its a hateful and disrespectful word towards African Americans.

Your Teacher: Schneemann
B1: Submit


Mr. Dumas, thank you for explaining the background of the "N" word that not many people knew about. Hopefully now students will be more thoughtful and think twice with the words they say.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I will pledge that I will never use the N word inside or outside of school and make sure nobody says it

Your Teacher: Mr Schneemann
B1: Submit


I agree with everything you had said on the video Wednesday as not many people realize the implication ms of using the word, but some things that were stated can be related to many different injustices whether that is other races or sexual preferences, or anything else which is why I believe that this is such an important thing to talk about.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Mr Dumas it is very hurtful how can 1 word can hurt a person, you have all my support to stop saying the N word in Bonita Vista High School and outside. Thank you for the speech and share how do you feel. Thank you.

Your Teacher: Mr Shneemann
B1: Submit


I agree with you Mr. Dumas, their is a big problem in campus with the n word.

Your Teacher: Mr. Scheemann
B1: Submit


This presentation was very motivating and inspiring, and thank you for spreading awareness not to use this word.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


It is a shame that people still use this derogatory word today, everyone should be respected regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion or beliefs. I always try to avoid those who use the word.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I agree with Mr. Dumas when he said the quote !

Your Teacher: Schneemann
B1: Submit


I can only imagine how hurtful it must be to have to deal with that type of racial slurs, I am not African American, but I continuously hear my Hispanic family say that word which makes me very uncomfortable and upset and when I try to tell them to not use the word and their excuse is "We don't mean it in a bad way" but it is frustrating that they don't understand how hurtful it can be for people to hear that word and they don't try to understand it neither but for some reason a lot of Hispanics/Latinos feel in the right to say it a lot and I don't like that it is my own community that could potentially be hurting people in that way.

Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


I think speaking up about the topic is extremely hard, and it took a lot of courage to do that.

Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


I think speaking up about the topic is extremely hard, and it took a lot of courage to do that.

Your Teacher: Ms. palmer
B1: Submit


this really hit me because iv always heard people saying that word without knowing the damage they cause and its very sad so thank you for speaking up

our Teacher: Palmer
B1: Submit


Hi Mr. Dumas :) I agree that not only our school, but the world as a whole has a lot of work to do. Your speech was very impactful and educated many on the history of the word. I hope everyone takes your words into consideration, that way the world can continue moving positively forward, not making strides to the past.

Your Teacher: schneemann
B1: Submit


it takes alot of courage to speak up and i know that alot of students look up to you so i hope that they'll listen. thank you for speaking up.

Your Name: Javier Beltran
Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Personally, I've never used the word and don't plan on ever doing so. I do hear it being said though and so I do appreciate Mr. Dumas' presentation. Very powerful words that needed to be heard.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I pledge to never use or promote the "N" word, and I know that one day the word it's self will one day be removed from the vocabulary of every student, and every citizen around us.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I think we will never truly get rid of this word nor the people who use it, but I am thankful for people like you that spread awareness on how degrading that word is.

Your Teacher: Mr.Schneemann
B1: Submit


I feel like your message was really inspiring and this type of message needed to be said because students nowadays take advantage of the "N" word and after seeing your presentation a change needs to happen right away.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


As a student in one of your classes, I admire your work and passion. It's unfortunate that this problem occurs and has to be brought up numerous times, thank you for your presentation.

Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


I pledge that I won't use the "N" word and it will not be a part of my vocabulary. Even if the people around me are using this word I will not join with them.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I have friend who uses the n-word to some laughs out of my friend group and it always made me uncomfortable but now I realize that the word is only hurtful, does to much damage to other people and pledge to help my friend realize the damage the word causes.

Your Teacher: Schneemann
B1: Submit


I appreciate you mr.Dumas thank you for addressing the problem with the n-word being used around the school.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you Mr.Dumas for the presentation I think it really got the point across and I am pledging to not use the N-word.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for speaking up about this. I hope people around campus learn from your video and not say it.

Your Teacher: Ms.Palmer
B1: Submit


I think this idea that we are one family is a good idea and how we are one. Its discussing how people use profanity in a slurred way.

Your Teacher: Ms.Palmer
B1: Submit


I pledge to never use the n-word, whether I am on or off campus. I understand the n-word was created to deny Black people of their humanity and rights. I also pledge to correct and educate anyone who I hear using this word of its history.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Great speech! It is sad to hear people use the "n" word around campus. Bonita should be better than this. Thank you Mr. Dumas for being honest with the students of this school. I will not use the "n" word since I know the horrible history behind the word. Thank you, Mr. Dumas.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Your speech is motivating and you are brave to speak up about this topic

Your Teacher: Mr.Schneemann
B1: Submit


I found the video to be very informative and emotional coming from an individual who has experienced this type of hatred within this word first hand and is able to talk about it openly. it opens up perspective for everyone else.

Your Teacher: Schneeman
B1: Submit


Great speech great example and great description on the history. BLM

Your Teacher: Schneemann
B1: Submit


I admire that you work hard towards helping solve important issues like this. I completely agree with your views on the N-word and think that normalizing the word is wrong.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I pledge to not say nor promote it

Your Teacher: Mr.Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for the wonderful messages you sent out it was very impowering and inspiring and I will do my best to stop others from saying bad terms like that and I will also try and lead by example to make everyone else not say it.

Your Teacher: mr. schneemann
B1: Submit


thank you for saying what others couldn't. your words were heard across the school and very appreciated.

Your Teacher: Mr.Schneemann
B1: Submit


Would never use it

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneeman
B1: Submit


I have experienced this speech a few times being in Mr. Dumas' class this year and last, and every time it is just as impactful. I am appreciative of the insight into how important it is to not say the word, as it causes a lot of pain to others. I would definitely recommend that more people watch his speech and truly listen to what he is saying, as well as apply it to their everyday lives. If it even got through to one person, it made a difference.

Your Teacher: Mrs. Palmer
B1: Submit


I thought that the speech Mr. Dumas gave was important for all kids on our campus to hear. This is the second time I heard this speech, once on BVTV and once in my ethnic studies class. As a school community, we need to do better at holding people accountable for saying things that hurt other people. This speech to the school body is a step in the right direction, and I think that the policy implemented will help limit hurtful words said on and off our campus. It was very courageous for Mr. Dumas to give this speech, and I have a lot of respect for him as a person and a teacher.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I am apppreciative to Mr. Dumas for pointing out the importance of not saying the n-word, it has been overused too much around the school and it was time for someone to take a stand. I sincerely hope more of our school will have respect with their language, especially with this speech given

Your Teacher: mr. schneemann
B1: Submit


I sincerely appreciate Mr. Dumas going out of his way to address a serious issue that exists not only on campus but everywhere and I value the insights and guidance he provided. The use of the nword will not be tolerated...

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneeman
B1: Submit


This speech was very real. It was very informative and emotional in a way that you were able to be vulnerable and opened up about the experience of the use of the N-word. It opened up perspective and seeing the real negative impact that the N-word has on the whole world.

Your Teacher: Palmer
B1: Submit


Mr. Dumas' speech was the most inspiring speech that I have ever heard. I completely agree with everything that Mr. Dumas said. I will pledge to not use that racial slur ever.

Your Teacher: Mr.Schneemann
B1: Submit


I was they’re during sixth period, when this broadcast was recorded in the BVTV classroom. Throughout the time you were talking I remember everyone in that classroom hearing everything you were saying, myself included. A lot of the things that you’ve said made me reflect on myself and what I say could be hurtful to others and I should be thoughtful of other people around me. Although fortunately I’ve never said the n-word since I was taught at a young age the meaning and why it could hurt someone. It still applies to every offensive word that could is used to any certain race.

Your Teacher: Ms.Palmer
B1: Submit


I think it was courageous for you to speak out on this issue and prevent the use of the N-word

Your Teacher: Mrs. Palmar
B1: Submit


I agree that the N-word should not be used at school or anywhere.

Your Teacher: Mrs.Palmer
B1: Submit


i agree that this is a really offensive term and will not use this words

Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


The use of the N-word should not be used in school or out of school. It is a word that has a bad history to it and should not be said at all. I feel sorry for every person of color who has been called that word in an offensive way. I hope for this school to get better and be a safe environment for everyone.

Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


Its really offensive to say, I am 1000% on your side on this one it needs to end. #BLM

Your Teacher: Ms.Palmer
B1: Submit


I agree with Dumas's speech. I believe that the N-word shouldn't be used in a derogatory way. It definitely shouldn't be used at school because it may offend others.

Your Teacher: Ms Palmer
B1: Submit


I pledge that I will never ever say the n-word no matter the situation and really took your message to heart Mr. Dumas. I appreciate your bravery to speak out for the people in this situation. Its a problem with the whole way of life. BLM/THE BIGGER PICTURE!

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for taking your time to address a huge problem in this school

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


Thank you for being brave enough to address such a sensitive topic. The students of bonita vista high school appreciate your support.

Your Teacher: Ms. Palmer
B1: Submit


Your presentation was very impactful, thank you.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneeman
B1: Submit


I really enjoyed the speech and I agree with his thoughts. I think it’s really important to understand the meaning of what he is saying and I’m glad all students were told the meaning behind it.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneeman
B1: Submit


I really enjoyed the speech and I agree with his thoughts. I think it’s really important to understand the meaning of what he is saying and I’m glad all students were told the meaning behind it.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


The video was powerful and brought up many good points that apply to our school. I support the video and your message.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I pledge to never use the "N" word and will try my best to prevent other people from using. I thought it is courageous that you spread this message to the entire school because this school needed to hear this message.

Your Teacher: Mr. Schneemann
B1: Submit


I pledge to never use the "n" word and to try and educate the people I hear say it, for I know the history behind it and the pain its caused and continues to cause to many people around the world.

Your Teacher: Don Dumas
B1: Submit



Your Teacher: Mr sheen's
B1: Submit

