Last: Smalley
First: Torrean
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:45:32 AM


During the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, Jews faced unimaginable persecution and suffering. Adolf Hitler's "solutions" implemented a systematic and brutal campaign of discrimination, violence, and ultimately, genocide against the Jewish population. Jews were stripped of their citizenship, subjected to anti-Semitic laws that barred them from various professions and public spaces, and forced to wear identifying badges. laws were created forbidding marriages and relationships between Jews and non-Jews. The climax of this persecution was the implementation of the "Final Solution" – a plan to systematically exterminate European Jews. This led to the establishment of concentration and extermination camps, where millions of Jewish men, women, and children were systematically murdered through methods such as gas chambers, mass shootings, and forced labor. The Holocaust stands as one of the darkest chapters in human history, highlighting the horrors of intolerance, racism, and the devastating consequences of unchecked power. I think persecution against Jews happens in a mental way, not a physical way today. A lot of Jews face verbal racism and discrimination to this day.

Last: Satsangi
First: Govind
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:46:37 AM


During the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, Jews were viewed as a scapegoat for all misfortunes and therefore subjected to systematic and brutal persecution. This persecution took various forms, including forced segregation in ghettos, confiscation of property, forced labor, and ultimately mass extermination in concentration and extermination camps: Auschwitz being one of the most deadly camps. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 stripped Jews of their citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with non-Jews. Today, while the scale and intensity of persecution against Jews is not comparable to the Holocaust, anti-Semitism still exists in various parts of the world. Acts of vandalism, hate speech, and violence against Jewish individuals or institutions persist in universities in Europe. Additionally, there are instances of discrimination against Jews in certain societies. These shortcomings need to be upheld and put to a stop.

Last: Guel
First: Lauren
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:48:45 AM


In the movie, it gives an insight on how Jew were mistreated, discriminated, and tortured. Jews were simply abused due to just being Jewish and no other reason. Today despite the horrific past, Jews are still frowned and mistreated around the world due to their ethnicity and their religion. The persecution against Jew today could have been due to the holocaust and the past beliefs on Jews. The discrimination against Jews, still continues today through racial discrimination, hatred, and sometimes physical abuse all because of the past viewings on the holocaust. In my opinion, Jews have suffered enough and it’s time the world gives the Jews the respect and kindness they endured after the Holocaust.

Last: Villalpando
First: Valeria
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:50:01 AM


The Jews were treated really very badly during that time, since they were slaves the Nazis would torture them and even kill them. There was no tolerance or empathy against them because they were Jews, instead, they were being hated in Germany. This persecution against Jews doesn't exist in the world today thankfully. It has changed a lot since that time and now people have learned to respect other religions and it's illegal for people to kill others just because of their race. There are also laws now that don't permit that type of discrimination and if you break them you go to jail for that.

Last: Rosas
First: Luna
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:51:03 AM


The Jewish community was denied their rights as people. They were brutally murdered by the Nazis. In the movie, they showed how they were being treated by the Nazis. They were sent to internment camps and some of them would be put to work and they would just kill off the rest of them. This stuff shouldn't be happening today, but it still is. Many people still hate the Jewish community maybe because they were taught this way. For example, there was a group of college students who locked themselves in the library at their college because they were scared of leaving. They are scared to go to class because of everything going on with the war in Hamas.

Last: Parra
First: Diego
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:53:05 AM


The Jewish people were persecuted by facing heavy discrimination, forced labor, and eventual death as a result of hitler's prejudice policies. Sadly Jewish persecution is still in practice today, with the on going war in Israel and long history of Jewish persecution. Jewish people around the world face discrimination and ridicule for simply being Jewish and leads to racially motivated attacks, vandalism, harassment. One of the recent cases of Jewish discrimination was sadly here at school when someone had vandalized a teachers room with anti-Semitic phrases and remarks. Unfortunately the persecution of Jewish people is still a big problem globally.

Last: Rodríguez
First: Robert
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:53:07 AM


Jews were seen as less then human in Germany at the time of World War ll. Even before the war started Germany had already made preparations to kick all the Jewish people out of the country, it wasn’t till after the war that the Germans had decided to get exterminate the Jews. Germany did this by sending Jewish people to concentration camps where they would either die from malnutrition or disease, or by order to be gassed or burned alive. Even after all the tragedies that occurred during World War ll in nazi Germany, Jewish people are still facing persecution in this day and age, antisemitism is growing here in America with their being vandalism of Jewish owned businesses. Also the number of hate crimes on Jewish people have been steadily increasing, with 683 hate crimes being committed on Jews in 2020.

Last: Alarcon
First: Presley
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:53:30 AM


Jews were persecuted based on their ethnicity and hatred towards their beliefs. This had caused a very corrupted society with them and nazi Germany, there were over six-million deaths during the time of the holocaust, only a few survivors are left til this day. This horrid society of the nazi were severely ill minded and entirely brainwashed to have even commit an act like this. The persecution against the Jewish community still occur today due to the wars happening in today’s society, causing many Jews, even in the U.S, to live in fear and obtain that fear in school due to the amount of rioting and gangs formed against them. This world must stop the hatred towards one another and diminish these acts against other ethnicities.

Last: Scott
First: Tyler
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:53:52 AM


During the WWII era in Nazi Germany and surrounding countries, Jewish people were taken from their homes and forced into ghettos. They were given very little food and water to survive with. Then, they were transported into internment camps where Jews worked and were killed for no reason. As the war went on, these internment camps turned into death camps where over six million Jewish people were killed. As technology was not as developed as it is today, the rest of the world was completely unaware of the Holocaust until the war ended. Jewish people still face discrimination from other races as the scars from the Holocaust still show. At college campuses today, Jewish people receive hate through acts of antisemitism. I hope we can reach a point where we all understand each other and accept our differences

Last: Fastag
First: Elias
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:54:06 AM


the persecution of Jews is still happening today, where many are afraid to still be outwardly Jewish. Even I myself have experienced this and did not come to school due to what may happen. What's happening now is what happened in the past in World War with the persecution of Jews and how many started to resent them for thinking that they are the cause of all their problems or the worlds problems. Along with seeing them as an inferior race of people that need to be eradicated. The world we are living in today has not learned the lessons of the past and are now repeating those mistakes.

Last: Rodriguez
First: RAUL
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:54:11 AM


Jews were persecuted by getting put in ghettos, worked many hours of hard labor witj out pay, not allowed to practice their religion, and segregated by society in Germany, around 2022-23 many Asian Americans were being targeted by people who blamed them for the cause of COVID 19, people would call them names and would sometimes segregate them

Last: Flores
First: Michelle
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:54:19 AM


after watching the movie I thought it was very sad how many Jews were mistreated and met with an unfair death. Although it happened a while ago anti-semitism still occurs till this day. I would think since it already happened once people would learn from history but sadly it still happens. recent news related to ant-semitism is the White House recently expressed deep concern over “an extremely disturbing pattern of antisemitic messages” on college campuses since the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on Oct. 7, which left 1,400 people dead, including protests calling for the annihilation of the state of Israel or for genocide against the Jewish people.

Last: Sanchez
First: Nubia
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:54:26 AM


Jews were persecuted through inhumane violence. Throughout the time frame of Jews being held captive in these concentration camps, they were brutally beaten, killed, forced into labor, their hair was shaved off, limited food and water, families being separated, and more. It was terrible what Nazi Germany did the Jews, for unexplainable reasons. There was no sense of empathy for the lives that were taken, which is horrifying, no Jew should go through with these terrifying circumstances. Executions of the Jews I don’t think they’re happening today, but Jews still remain getting discriminated against in society which is concerning. Even though the whole world has seven the history and truth between what happened at the concentration camps and how vile it is to treated Jews like animals, we’re letting history repeat itself. Today, students are being treated differently at school just because they’re Jewish. A few months ago I saw on the news that in Florida there’s a Nazi club raising nazi symbol flags on the freeway. Students are still drawing Nazi symbols on walls and bathrooms like as if there is no meaning to them. It’s sickening to see how we are letting history repeat itself and allow this fascism to continue.

Last: Lopez
First: Pedro
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:54:40 AM


The Jews were persecuted because Adolf Hitler falsely claimed that German Jews had betrayed Germany during World War I and were responsible for its defeat. The Nazis also held Jews responsible for Germany’s economic misery during the depression of the late 1920s. Sadly, some people still treat Jewish individuals unfairly because of their beliefs. This can include discrimination and even hate crimes. Unfair treatment of Jewish people happens in many parts of the world. It can be seen in different forms like discrimination or even attacks. This happens in places like Europe, the Middle East, and North America. I think it is a problem that should be discussed more and something that needs to be fixed in our society.

Last: Iribe
First: Jael
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:56:59 AM


They were chased by the Nazis just for not believing in their religion, but they remained simple and normal people. For some strange reason the Nazis didn't like them, rather Hitler didn't like them, he said they were a pest, he saw them as inferior to him. When all this holocaust started, the Jews were afraid because they didn't know what was waiting for them. At first they just marked them to be able to distinguish them from the others. After a few weeks they started hunting them so they could send them to concentration camps. In those same fields it is believed that more than 10,000 people died. Yes, I believe that it exists today but not as it was before. Today, Jews are well received by most people, but there is never a lack of a person who is not satisfied. If there have been cases where other people harass Jews simply because they think it is okay, there have also been cases where people try to kill a Jew. What is happening in the world is not right, you simply have to accept the differences of others, if someone else is a believer in some other religion that matters, that is not why you are going to want to hurt them.

Last: Baca
First: Bryanna
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:57:00 AM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany either by the Nazi soldiers and the most popular way was in the gas chambers. They thought that the gas chambers were the best and fastest way to persecute Jews because they could kill many at the same time. Over 6 million Jews were killed during this time. It is a very sad and trajected thing that happened in our world. Some Jews died from the conditions that they were put in as well. The Nazi soldiers did not give the Jews enough food and water to drink. Some days the Jews wouldn't even eat or drink anything. I wouldn't say Jews are persecuted in the world today but, they do get verbally and physically assaulted. Overall, they are still being treated very poorly and it will not stop until we do something about it or spread awareness about it. If we the people don't do anything to stop it, it will never stop.

Last: Alvarez
First: Josiah
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:57:30 AM


During the war in the year 1933 there was about 522,000 Jews that lived in Germany. During the first 6 years of the Nazi dictatorship about 304,000 Jews were emigrated and treated harshly and mistreated. Life in Germany for the Jews became very difficult from the restrictive laws they had. Persecution is still happening in our world to this very day. In Europe, Jews, Muslims, and Christians are being persecuted. In June of 2020 there were about 10 European Jews that considered emigrating from their homes because they worry from their safety. Many European Jews feel their religious practices are under legal attacks. Persecution must stop now and should not be happening in todays world.

Last: Cisneros
First: Sebastian
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 11:59:58 AM


In the early 1930s, Jews were targeted by Nazis and were sent to camps to be in labor or killed if they didn't meet expectations. Thousands of Jews lived in conditions that were usually harsh and there was no regard to the legal norms of arrest and imprisonment of constitutional democracy in terms of arrest and imprisonment. Children were taken away from their families and sent to labor because of how small their hands were to easily polish the materials they worked on. However, the parents that had their children taken away from them were sent to be killed in these concentration camps and were burned after their death so Nazis could hide what they have been doing to these Jews. As years went by millions of Jews were killed; in 1945, these camps started to close down once Germany surrendered and finally, these Jews gained freedom after fighting with death every single day. Decades later Jews remain to have their freedom, but they are still afraid of what kind of people are around them. They are afraid to go to school, leave their house, and just go to any public place because of the amount of racism and hatred they face because of terrorist attacks. according to a student who goes to school, "People are scared to go to class. You have to sit next to classmates who are posting antisemitic rhetoric, and who are promoting rallies that spew antisemitic rhetoric. People are scared, and the universities are not doing their part, and they're not stepping up, and they're staying silent.". this shows that Jews still faced some sort of hate and hostile conditions centuries after the holocaust.

Last: Zamingir
First: Armen
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:01:05 PM


The persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany was a horrific and systematic campaign aimed at the extermination and oppression of the Jewish community. Under Adolf Hitler's regime, Jews were subjected to discriminatory laws, violence, and ultimately, the Holocaust, where millions of Jews were systematically murdered. Today, while we have made significant progress in terms of human rights and equality, instances of discrimination and persecution against Jews still exist in various parts of the world. Anti-Semitism, which refers to prejudice and hostility towards Jews, continues to be a prevalent issue. Acts of anti-Semitic violence, hate speech, and discrimination are reported in many countries. These can range from verbal harassment to physical attacks, desecration of Jewish cemeteries, and vandalism of synagogues. Additionally, there are instances where Jews face exclusion and discrimination in education, employment, and social opportunities.

Last: Rondario
First: Joseph
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:02:04 PM


Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany due to the idealism of the Nazi Party run by Adolf Hitler. Hitler was influential and charismatic which led him to sway the German forces enabling him to do what he valued which was his own subjective ideas that were inhumane as well as the pushing development of the Aryan Race at the time. However, in reality, Hitler hated Jews because of their capitalistic views because he was a socialist. Jews were treated unfairly before World War 2, being put into labor camps, and ghettos, restricting their sense of freedom, and dehumanizing them to the point where their original occupation is worthless to the needs of the Nazi Party leading up to the war. With persecution in mind, About 6 million Jews were killed in extermination camps or burned alive. Yes, I believe that Jews today are still suffering from anti-Semitism, especially at universities, colleges, and schools. I think even as of right now Jewish kids are still afraid to go to school and there are hundreds of cases where Jewish people are threatened or harrassed.

Last: Baca
First: Aryanna
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:03:31 PM


In WWII Nazi Germany did everything in their power to try and eliminate all Jews from the face of the earth which is known today as the Holocaust. First it began with discrimination laws not allowing Jews to marry non-Jews. Then Jews were sent to live in neighborhoods called ghettos. These ghettos were not well maintained and it was a very poor living area. The Nazis grew restless because they felt that they were not getting rid of the Jews fast enough so they decided to start sending all the Jews to concentration camps where they were put to do inhumane labor. Over six million Jews were killed in gas chambers and then burned to hide all evidence of such doing. In today's world there are still many hate crimes towards the Jewish and many still do not feel safe in their places of work, school, in public, etc. Although it is a horrible thing that Jews still have to endure such hate even to this day, unfortunately there may never be an end towards such a preconceived notion of who they are.

Last: Chaidez-Gutierrez
First: Christian
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:05:09 PM


During World War II Jews were shot, burned alive, starved to death, gassed with chemicals, beaten to death, and used like lab rats for unethical testing. In modern times I know Palestine and Israel have declared war because Palestine wants to take over and rule Israel. With this in mind, Palestinians are hateful toward the Jews and have killed up to 187 Jews while the Arabs have only lost 48 soldiers.

Last: Guerrero
First: Ricardo
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:07:06 PM


During the Nazi regime in Germany, Jews were subjected to serve persecution and discrimination. They were stripped of their rights, forced into ghettos, and later deported to concentration camps where they faced inhumane treatment, forced, labor, and mass extermination. This persecution culminated the Holocaust, resulting in the systematic murder of six million Jews. While the specific persecution against Jews during the Holocaust may not exist today, antisemitism still persist in various forms across the world. Jews continue to face discrimination, hate crimes, and acts of violence based on their religious belief. Efforts to combat antisemitism and promote tolerance and understanding remain crucial in creating a more inclusive and respectful society.

Last: tovar
First: erika
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:10:03 PM


the persecuted of the jew still have relivance in the real world today with the universitys becuase people are shooting up the school and the jews that are at the school are to affraid to go outside because of what happeded during the holocost. this will most likly be around for longer than we think

Last: Cavagnaro
First: Carolina
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:13:14 PM


In the years between 1933 and 1939, the Nazi regime had brought radical and daunting social, economic, and communal change to the German Jewish community. Six years of Nazi-sponsored legislation had marginalized and disenfranchised Germany's Jewish citizenry and had expelled Jews from the professions and from commercial life. By early 1939, only about 16 percent of Jewish breadwinners had steady employment of any kind. The German people were exposed to the anti-Semitic message and views propagated by the Nazis. It is difficult to measure the impact of this indirect kind of Jewish persecution. But the Nazis did go further in their persecution of Jews, outlawing public service jobs and other sorts of employment, kicking Jews out of the Army, and limiting what Jews might inherit. According to it states that six out of ten Jews say that, in the previous year, they had personally encountered anti-Semitic incidents such as anti-Semitic graffiti or vandalism, internet abuse, or hearing someone repeat anti-Semitic stereotypes. Fewer Jews feel safer in America than they did five years ago, but just over half say they feel less safe than they did.

Last: Sandoval Morales
First: Carlos Alberto
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:15:23 PM


The Jews were persecuted because the Nazis had invaded all of their territories and were also removing innocent people from their homes by means that one day war was going to approach so that these Jewish people were directly separated from their families and people. known because they organized everything in a way that was fair and since all those people had them in one place it would be a good use to have workers and also some volunteers to later be soldiers and be armed and follow the governor's orders alone Mind you, they mistreated the Jews since they hated them and otherwise it would be better to do what I know with people when one is invading a territory, not in a mortal way but in a way to make them weaker. Among Jews who see anti-Semitism as having increased, the more common explanation is that people who hold anti-Semitic views now feel more free to express them, rather than that the number of Americans who hold anti-Semitic views is rising – although many Jews think that both of those things are happening. About six in ten Jews report having had a direct, personal experience with anti-Semitism in the past 12 months, such as seeing anti-Semitic graffiti or vandalism, experiencing online harassment, or hearing someone repeat an anti-Semitic trope. Just over half also say they feel less safe as Jews in America than they did five years ago, while very few feel safer. Even so, the vast majority of those who feel less safe say it has not stopped them from participating in Jewish observances and events. what is antisemitism? So is an anti-Jewish prejudice, discrimination, hatred, hostility, violence, or oppression. While many people associate antisemitism with the Holocaust, this hatred and the acts fueled by it did not begin in the 1930s, nor did they end in 1945 when the Nazis were defeated. Jews have been stereotyped, exiled, and violently assaulted based on a wide range of false accusations and assumptions for thousands of years. Anti-Jewish ideology has been around for so long that it can be difficult, at times, to recognize. Antisemitic attitudes span the political spectrum, and even in communities without a visible Jewish population, anti-Jewish stereotypes and behavior can exist. People can pass on negative stereotypes about Jewish people or Judaism without realizing it, even when they personally don’t feel hatred toward Jews. Middle and high school students are particularly at risk of encountering antisemitic content in unmonitored digital spaces—meme culture, social media, and gaming platforms. By understanding what antisemitism is, how it shows up, and how it impacts individuals and communities, we are more likely to recognize and, more importantly, challenge antisemitism when we encounter it.

Last: Lopez
First: Jorge
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:21:28 PM


As we know Hitler and the Nazis were rabid anti-Semites who falsely claimed that German Jews had betrayed Germany during World War I and were responsible for its defeat. The Nazi ideology was also based on a racist ideology whose goal was the elimination of Jews and other undesirable groups from German society. The Nazis also held Jews responsible for Germany’s economic misery during the depression of the late 1920s and early 1930s. The hatred of Jews has a long history in European society. Pogroms and expulsions marred the history of almost every country in Europe in the Middle Ages and even in the modern era. This was based on the depiction of Jews as “Christ-killers” by Christian authorities and the persistence of antisemitic stereotypes in art and literature. During the nineteenth century, religious Jew-hatred combined with beliefs about racial difference and superiority that focused on “blood” rather than belief produced modern antisemitism. Raul Hilberg argued that Jew-hatred evolved through the ages, but with remarkable continuities in methods and aims: “The missionaries of Christianity had said in effect: You have no right to live among us as Jews. The secular rulers who followed had proclaimed: You have no right to live among us. The German Nazis at last decreed: You have no right to live.” Why and how this idea was endorsed by German society has been the subject of debate. Some scholars have argued that the Nazis were an expression of a particularly German form of antisemitism and was the basis of their appeal. Others have argued that Germans became antisemitic after the Nazis took power and took control of education, broadcasting and the media. Today in the day the Jews exist as of 2023, the world's "core" Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 16.1 million, 0.2% of the 8 billion worldwide population. it is a minimum number compared to the statistics on the main day of the stage. The idea of this mission was to eliminate the Jews or decrease because it was affecting the society, In addition to ethnic diversity, modern Jewish adherents are divided into several different branches or sects. In North America, the four main branches include Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, and Reconstructionist. The existence of Jews has to be gone.

Last: Barragan
First: Alexandra
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:22:14 PM


The German soldiers were very brutal to Jewish people for no reason. Anytime something happened it was automatically blamed on the Jewish people. Germans said Jewish people were a threat and needed to be removed from society. A Jewish person could be walking and going about their day, and get shot and killed. There was no reason to kill on Jewish person let alone 6 million. The Germans treated Jewish people like nothing. They took their homes, took their business, took their belongings,and sent them away to get killed, for no reason. And the only reason why the Holocaust happened was because Hitler believed that Jewish people were not apart of the master race/the Aryan race. The final solution was a mass murder that killed 6 million Jewish people. The Jewish people who survived had almost no family members left alive.

Last: Luna
First: Sofia
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 12:28:10 PM


There were different forms of persecution like the implementation of laws and others like indoctrination of the population, through education and media nazis were able to spread their hate toward Jewish people to the people of Germany which was another form of persecution of Jews. There is still Jewish persecution to this day it elevated in 2020 with incidents going from verbal and physical attacks to vandalism of cemeteries

Last: Carrillo
First: Ximena
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 01:54:56 PM


They were separated from their families and most children and women who were not eligible to work were killed at the gas chambers. They would choose random people and kill them. Most people today still have the same hate for Jews and some people commit massacres against them so yes there are still hateful persecutions against the Jews today.

Last: Corcoran
First: James
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 01:58:51 PM


they were separated from there friends and there family and they were treated like the worst of the worst they had to fight to stay alive every day and most of the time they were killed off by the soldiers and they viewed them as (Antisemitism)

Last: ruiseco
First: guillermo
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 01:59:05 PM


persecution is when you harass and or annoy someone one persistently. this does not happen now we dent annoy any of them we let them be since they have been through so much back then. no one beats Jews hurts them in any way since its not only disrespectful but it's horrible. they dent deserve on what happen to them they were innocent, and they weren't fighting in the war.

Last: wilson
First: mahliya
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:00:43 PM


Jews in Nazi Germany were subjected to various forms of persecution. They were stripped of their rights, forced to wear identifying symbols like the yellow Star of David, and were segregated from the rest of society. Many were sent to concentration camps, where they faced horrific conditions and were often killed in mass extermination efforts. It was a tragic and devastating time in history. It's important to stand against discrimination and work towards a more inclusive and understanding world.

Last: keirsey
First: donnell
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:00:44 PM


The implementation of discriminatory Nuremberg Laws marked the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany during World War II, the violent Kristallnacht pogrom, imprisonment in concentration camps, and the genocide of six million Jews through the "Final Solution." While overt state-sponsored persecution like the Holocaust is not prevalent today, anti-Semitism still exists worldwide, manifesting in various forms of discrimination, hate crimes, and prejudice against Jews, necessitating continued efforts to promote tolerance and combat such hatred.

Last: Wendeln-Lankard
First: David
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:01:46 PM


They were relentlessly pursued with maleficent intent. They were killed in massive numbers and overall treated like garbage. To the best of my knowledge, there is not persecution against Jews that is similar to during WW2 today. There is still some hate but not like it was during WW2.

Last: Bustamante
First: Diego
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:02:21 PM


In Nazi Germany era, the Jews were at first bunched up into ghettos. With them in the ghetto the Nazi's would try to starve to death or death due to dehydration. With this process taking so long the Nazi's began to become more extreme by just killing the Jews through gas chambers and burning their bodies to get ride of their corpses. The Nazi's also put the Jews through inhumane experiments. This persecution does exist today, like in the Israel war. The only thing different is that the HAMAS group is killing innocents with the world openly knowing.

Last: Alanis
First: Tiana
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:03:43 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany by removing them from German society. They were banned from marrying non-jews, their citizenship was removed which included their right to vote. They were outcasted from the German society and murdered. More than 6 million Jews lost their lives because of the hatred that Adolf Hitler had towards them and spread his hatred. Yes, persecution against Jews still exists today, and its one of the groups that still receives the most seperation from society.

Last: Holden
First: Jaidyn
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:04:33 PM


The Jews were persecuted by the Nazi party for years in many ways. Enslaved labor being the main way of torture. They were also beaten and killed for no particular reason other than that they were of Jewish descent. Today, there are still people who believe that persecuting the Jews is the right way to go about things even though they are wrong. They aren’t beaten, killed, enslaved or persecuted anymore but those people who still believe that persecuting them is right by yelling slurs and hate speech towards the Jewish communities.

Last: Morant
First: Angelo
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:04:43 PM


the jews where persecuted by the Nazi party starting in around 1933. Jews were enslaved, beaten, killed, for no reason other than being Jewish. Some people today still believe in persecuting Jews, they aren't beatened, killed, or enslaved anymore but are still subjected to hate speach and called slurs

Last: Brown
First: Kelly
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:06:10 PM


The Jewish people were forcefully removed from their homes and put into ghettos. They were treated terribly as all their belongings were taken from then and they were starved in the ghettos. Then some of them were put into concentrations camps and used for slave labor and to be murdered. They were treated so terribly because of the anti sematic group created by Adolf Hitler during WWII where he had a raging hate against Jewish people therefore he controlled what happened to them and had them murdered. Yes the group Nazi still is a thing today where "white people" have hate towards everyone who isn't like them. Because of the war happening today in Gaza there is hate towards Jewish people has increased because of the conflict. Jewish people are being murdered and executed and its not even their fault its the officials in the government.

Last: Ibarra-Castro
First: salvador
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:06:16 PM


During the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, Jews faced systematic and brutal persecution. The Nazi regime propagated anti-Semitic ideologies that fueled discrimination, violence, and ultimately genocide against the Jewish population. For example, the Nuremberg laws stripped Jews of their German citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having sexual relations with non-Jews, Kristallnacht, also known as the Night of Broken Glass, this violent pogrom targeted Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues. Thousands of Jewish properties were destroyed, and many Jews were arrested, injured, or killed, and ultimately the final solution which was the Nazi plan for the systematic genocide of the Jewish people. Six million Jews, as well as millions of others, including Romani people, disabled individuals, and political dissidents, were murdered in extermination camps. While it may not be as overt as in Nazi Germany, incidents of anti-Semitic violence, discrimination, and hate speech still occur in the world today.

Last: Villegas
First: Vivienne
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:06:22 PM


I think that the persecution unfortunately still exists. The Nazis had so much influence in thousands of people around not only Germany, but also around the world as they became accustomed or attached to their ideology. The Nazis educated and motivated at their people or even kids to hate Jews; making them to feel scared, around them or think that they were monsters or like a plague. The Jews were persecuted in very different ways. They had their homes evicted, their belongings stripped and personal, such as photos, crown of teeth, photos of themselves and their relatives. They made them live in unhealthy places and that all their humanity, rights and value were turned upside down or flatly worthless. They used them as slaves and make them to do hard works, separate families and even murder kids only because they were unable of work. It's a shame that back to today some people still think that all of these things are right and depending on your beliefs you deserve being treated as a human or not. On the actuality, they're called Neo-Nazis.

B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:08:06 PM


The Holocaust was a very tragic part in history and the Jews were persecuted by the Nazi's. There was violence and discrimination against the Jewish population. There was over two million people killed in the concentration camps and were separated from their families. Today there should not be anything like the Holocaust but the Jews could still get violated today but its definitely not how it was back then. There is still discrimination everywhere around the world but history has not been repeated.

Last: Robles
First: Luis Javier
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:09:14 PM


This movie is very sad because we see how that era was of cruel, and how they kill a group of people counting kids, just because the dont like them, its so sad because this is true,l in that era all this things happened. Thank god this just stop, because if this still happen this world be so cruel.

Last: belicario
First: jasmine
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:04 PM


In Nazi, Germany the Jewish people were persecuted in Nazi, Germany through gas chambers and getting shot, first, they were told to go to one of the concentration camps where they were abused and treated inhumanely then many Jewish people were shot and got placed into rooms where poisonous gas would enter killing them, Germany had killed 6 million Jewish people which is 2/3 of the European Jewish, we call the genocide holocaust. Persecutions like the holocaust doesn't exist to this day but many antisemitism still happens to this day as many people just say whatever they want and do many things just like a L.A. councilman who resigns after making holocaust jokes

Last: castanon
First: Ismael
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:28 PM


The persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany, which culminated in the Holocaust, was an organized and evil campaign of discrimination, exclusion, and ultimately, genocide. This persecution had deep roots in Nazi ideology and began soon after Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party) came to power in 1933. I feel like persecution against Jews today is increasing with the war between Israel and Hamas.

Last: Gushee
First: Desiree
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:32 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany during WW2. The Nazi's hated the Jews because they believed that they were the reason why Germany was pour, along with other reasons. So at the start of the war they were sent to ghettos. As the war continued they were sent to concentration camps. In the camps most were gassed, and shot. If they weren't killed they were worked and starved. What the Nazi's did was full on a massacre and a target against Jews. It was also a target against people who were not the "Arian" race. Basically anyone who wasn't German. But it was mostly a target against Jews. The persecution against Jews is still happening. But not in Germany instead its in Hamas. They are invading Israel because they are targeting their Jew population. It is a similar situation that happened in Nazi Germany. Hamas is slaughter Jews and by what is said on the News they are enjoying it. They are using them as human shields and are taking some of them as prisoners. They also have sent fired many bombs on Israel. The Jews are still being persecuted just like they were in WW2 in Nazi Germany.

Last: Gushee
First: Desiree
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:34 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany during WW2. The Nazi's hated the Jews because they believed that they were the reason why Germany was pour, along with other reasons. So at the start of the war they were sent to ghettos. As the war continued they were sent to concentration camps. In the camps most were gassed, and shot. If they weren't killed they were worked and starved. What the Nazi's did was full on a massacre and a target against Jews. It was also a target against people who were not the "Arian" race. Basically anyone who wasn't German. But it was mostly a target against Jews. The persecution against Jews is still happening. But not in Germany instead its in Hamas. They are invading Israel because they are targeting their Jew population. It is a similar situation that happened in Nazi Germany. Hamas is slaughter Jews and by what is said on the News they are enjoying it. They are using them as human shields and are taking some of them as prisoners. They also have sent fired many bombs on Israel. The Jews are still being persecuted just like they were in WW2 in Nazi Germany.

Last: Gushee
First: Desiree
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:35 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany during WW2. The Nazi's hated the Jews because they believed that they were the reason why Germany was pour, along with other reasons. So at the start of the war they were sent to ghettos. As the war continued they were sent to concentration camps. In the camps most were gassed, and shot. If they weren't killed they were worked and starved. What the Nazi's did was full on a massacre and a target against Jews. It was also a target against people who were not the "Arian" race. Basically anyone who wasn't German. But it was mostly a target against Jews. The persecution against Jews is still happening. But not in Germany instead its in Hamas. They are invading Israel because they are targeting their Jew population. It is a similar situation that happened in Nazi Germany. Hamas is slaughter Jews and by what is said on the News they are enjoying it. They are using them as human shields and are taking some of them as prisoners. They also have sent fired many bombs on Israel. The Jews are still being persecuted just like they were in WW2 in Nazi Germany.

Last: Gushee
First: Desiree
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:36 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany during WW2. The Nazi's hated the Jews because they believed that they were the reason why Germany was pour, along with other reasons. So at the start of the war they were sent to ghettos. As the war continued they were sent to concentration camps. In the camps most were gassed, and shot. If they weren't killed they were worked and starved. What the Nazi's did was full on a massacre and a target against Jews. It was also a target against people who were not the "Arian" race. Basically anyone who wasn't German. But it was mostly a target against Jews. The persecution against Jews is still happening. But not in Germany instead its in Hamas. They are invading Israel because they are targeting their Jew population. It is a similar situation that happened in Nazi Germany. Hamas is slaughter Jews and by what is said on the News they are enjoying it. They are using them as human shields and are taking some of them as prisoners. They also have sent fired many bombs on Israel. The Jews are still being persecuted just like they were in WW2 in Nazi Germany.

Last: Gushee
First: Desiree
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:37 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany during WW2. The Nazi's hated the Jews because they believed that they were the reason why Germany was pour, along with other reasons. So at the start of the war they were sent to ghettos. As the war continued they were sent to concentration camps. In the camps most were gassed, and shot. If they weren't killed they were worked and starved. What the Nazi's did was full on a massacre and a target against Jews. It was also a target against people who were not the "Arian" race. Basically anyone who wasn't German. But it was mostly a target against Jews. The persecution against Jews is still happening. But not in Germany instead its in Hamas. They are invading Israel because they are targeting their Jew population. It is a similar situation that happened in Nazi Germany. Hamas is slaughter Jews and by what is said on the News they are enjoying it. They are using them as human shields and are taking some of them as prisoners. They also have sent fired many bombs on Israel. The Jews are still being persecuted just like they were in WW2 in Nazi Germany.

Last: Gushee
First: Desiree
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:38 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany during WW2. The Nazi's hated the Jews because they believed that they were the reason why Germany was pour, along with other reasons. So at the start of the war they were sent to ghettos. As the war continued they were sent to concentration camps. In the camps most were gassed, and shot. If they weren't killed they were worked and starved. What the Nazi's did was full on a massacre and a target against Jews. It was also a target against people who were not the "Arian" race. Basically anyone who wasn't German. But it was mostly a target against Jews. The persecution against Jews is still happening. But not in Germany instead its in Hamas. They are invading Israel because they are targeting their Jew population. It is a similar situation that happened in Nazi Germany. Hamas is slaughter Jews and by what is said on the News they are enjoying it. They are using them as human shields and are taking some of them as prisoners. They also have sent fired many bombs on Israel. The Jews are still being persecuted just like they were in WW2 in Nazi Germany.

Last: Church
First: Ryan
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:11:59 PM


In late 1933 during World War II Jewish people were being persecuted in many ways with the most popular being murdered and kept in imprisonment. Adding on, Jewish people were Dehumanized, Tortured, Raped, Abused, Assassinated, and Humiliated. It had all happened to be arbitrary if Jews would be persecuted where ever the Jews happened to be at in Nazi Germany. Yes, Jews are still being persecuted to this day. It is more subtle nowadays but people still humiliate and dehumanize Jews it just happens to be not talked about.

Last: Church
First: Ryan
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:12:29 PM


In late 1933 during World War II Jewish people were being persecuted in many ways with the most popular being murdered and kept in imprisonment. Adding on, Jewish people were Dehumanized, Tortured, Raped, Abused, Assassinated, and Humiliated. It had all happened to be arbitrary if Jews would be persecuted where ever the Jews happened to be at in Nazi Germany. Yes, Jews are still being persecuted to this day. It is more subtle nowadays but people still humiliate and dehumanize Jews it just happens to be not talked about.

Last: chimits
First: cassidy
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:12:44 PM


Jews were stripped of many of their rights like voting and even their citizenship was removed. These people who once had a whole life got everything taken away from them just because of their ethnicity. Jewish children were not allowed to go to schools and all adults were not allowed to work. The Holocaust is a major point of how Jews were treated horribly wrong. They were taken from their homes, families, and everyday lives just to be treated horribly in a camp that gave all Jews no freedom. Persecution against Jews still exists today because some people have the mindset like the Nazis back then and believe that Jews these days still don't deserve rights are anything that they used to have. I think that the persecution has been getting better and no one is stripping Jews of their lives anymore, but there are still many words and action said/done towards them all.

Last: Vizcarra
First: Sofia
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:12:50 PM


This movie is very sad and its disgusting how people can have the mindset to kill a anyone, let alone a whole population of people. They took everything from them and laughed about it which is sickening. This movie really gave an insight on what truly happened during the Holocaust. The history textbooks leave so much out and I didn't even know about some of the things that were happening. I am glad that this is no longer happening. Schindler was still a member of the Nazi party, but he used his title as a way to help Jews and although sometimes he failed, he helped save many Jews and this movie showed just how much he did. Unfortunately anything is possible, especially with current events.

Last: Reyes Ramirez
First: Azucena
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:13:02 PM


The persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust was a horrifying and systematic campaign of discrimination, dehumanization, and extermination. The Nazis began their persecution of Jews with discriminatory laws in the 1930s. These laws restricted the rights of Jews, such as where they could live, work, and go to school. They were also excluded from various professions. In November 1938, a state-sponsored pogrom took place, where Jewish businesses, synagogues, and homes were attacked, vandalized, and destroyed. Many Jews were arrested, and some were killed during this violent event. Jews were forcibly sent to concentration camps, where they were subjected to forced labor, starvation, and brutal living conditions. Many died due to these harsh conditions. In 1941, the Nazis formalized their plan to exterminate the Jewish population. This led to the construction of death camps like Auschwitz, Sobibor, and Treblinka. Jews were systematically transported to these camps and killed in gas chambers or through other means. Some Jews were subjected to horrific medical experiments, torture, and inhumane treatment by Nazi doctors and officials. Despite the immense odds against them, there were instances of Jewish resistance, and there were non-Jewish individuals, like Oskar Schindler, who saved the lives of Jews during this dark period. As for whether persecution against Jews exists in the world today, anti-Semitism still persists in some parts of the world. Acts of anti-Semitic violence, discrimination, and hate speech continue to occur.

Last: Cawley
First: Bridget
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:15:03 PM


The Jewish people were moved into ghettos and taken out of their homes by the Nazis. They were transported to death camps in which they were used for slave labor, experimentation etc. The reason being for the rise in hatred for the Jewish people was propaganda created by anti-semitic groups which led to the fear of Jewish people. Anti-semitism still exists today, current examples include the recent vandalization of our school campus and hate crimes against Jewish people. Due to the war in Gaza,hate towards Jewish people has increased because of the conflict. Many point the blame towards Jewish individuals who are not responsible for the war which is an example of modern day prejudice. Making generalizations or demonizing Jewish individuals who are not responsible for the actions of the state of Israel is anti-semitic.

Last: Guevara Osuna
First: Jose
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:15:33 PM


The film's ability to humanize the Holocaust is one of its most compelling aspects. Instead of portraying victims and survivors as faceless statistics, it delves into the lives of individuals, and their unique stories, hopes, and dreams. This humanization makes the tragedy of the Holocaust all the more heartbreaking and relatable. It forces us to confront the fact that these were real people who suffered immeasurably,

Last: Skinner
First: James
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:17:10 PM


During WWII, there were new rules that were made for Jews that were still remaining in Germany. The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany and which would lead to mass murders of Jews. Jews would be sent to camps where they would be slave laborers and a very large number of them would be killed (including women and kids). The leader in Nazi Germany was Adolf Hitler who was well known for his hatred of the Jews. Hitler had won the election in 1932, which ended with the murder of six million European Jews. I think persecution against Jews still exist today, but not nearly as bad as it was during WWII.

Last: munguia
First: matthew
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:18:19 PM


One main reason why the Jews were killed was because the leader Adolf Hitler blamed Jewish people for the defeat in world war one. Christians saw the Jewish faith as an aberration that had to be quashed. This lead to the mass murder of 6 million people over the past 6 years. This perception of Jewish people does exist today.

Last: Baldovino
First: Joven
Per: 2
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:18:26 PM


Jews were persecuted in many ways when the war started, it mostly started off with the night of the broken glass. Which was believed to be the first violent act against the Jews. The Jews were forced to wear a Star of David to show the segregation of different races, they were stripped of many privileges even citizenship because of the new rules under the Star of David. The Jews were harassed and violated due to the racism towards their race and achievements. The next step in persecution that happened to the Jews, was that the Jews were stripped of their homes and belongings and moved into the ghettos, people who didn't comply were killed or injured, and they also killed the Jews at random. Any Jews who were not in the Ghettos were most likely killed like in "The Pianist". The ghettos were separate and isolated from the towns and all the Jews were in it, it was a poor and suffering location, they starved as they had no food, were in tight locations, and were harassed from time to time. The last thing that happened to them was "The Final Solution" where the last of the Jews were moved to concentration camps and people who tried to escape were killed. In the concentration camps, the Jews were harassed, brutally experimented on, and brutally killed. They also had to survive harsh conditions that were against them, like cold winds and Freezing cold snow while they did labor. The last measure under the war after they surrendered was to transport them all out of the camps and kill them, And that's how Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany. Yes, persecution definitely still happens today, one major example is a group of people who don't believe that the "Holocaust" didn't exist, which is indifferent to the feelings of emotion and suffering that had happened and isn't acknowledged. But unrelated now to the holocaust in today is the Hamas and Gaza war where Jewish people are being slaughtered by the Hamas. Also the Anti-semitism against Jews due to the war that is happening, another problem that had happened was in a school shooting a Jewish professor that was teaching at a college was shot and killed by a school shooter. There is also the plain racism that is persececuting the Jewish people that is currently happening right now, people who judges other just by race is currently persecuting the Jews.

Last: Jasso
First: Daisy
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:20:39 PM


According to the film the Nazis persecuted Jews because they (Nazis) were anti-Semites this is the problem between Nazis and Jews. When Nazis came to power they introduced legislation intended to deny Jews freedom and restrict their rights. For this conflict, the Nazis start by capturing all the Jews and killing them, also they used them as slaves, and with this Jews were responsible for the economic situation of the Nazis, they were working for them. This event caused a lot of people's death, there were more than 10,000 innocent Jews that died. After years when the War was done, they were at liberty and all the Nazis were tried and sentenced. This persecution began again many years later, today there is a war against all Jews, today almost a month ago thousands of Jews died due to the war that Israel has against Hamas. This is causing the Jews to be persecuted and killed again like in the Holocaust. This has caused thousands of innocent Jews to die due to Hamas.

Last: Guel
First: Lauren
Per: 1
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:21:17 PM


In the movie, it gives an insight on how Jew were mistreated, discriminated, and tortured. Jews were simply abused due to just being Jewish and no other reason. Today despite the horrific past, Jews are still frowned and mistreated around the world due to their ethnicity and their religion. The persecution against Jew today could have been due to the holocaust and the past beliefs on Jews. The discrimination against Jews, still continues today through racial discrimination, hatred, and sometimes physical abuse all because of the past viewings on the holocaust. In my opinion, Jews have suffered enough and it’s time the world gives the Jews the respect and kindness they endured after the Holocaust.

Last: Parmely Denherder
First: Maxwell
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:21:19 PM


The jews were violenlty persecuted throughout all of Europe during WWII, they were targeted because of hitlers unjust bias against them. His mother died because of an incompetent jewish doctor. This does not at all justify the mistreatment of over 6 million people. My great grandpa charlie crash landed in nazi occupied france during WWII, and he was kept in a concentration camp for days on end until it was liberated. The conditions he was kept in was extremely brutal and he didnt think he would ever see his way out. Lucky enough already to survive a crash landing in his P51 mustang. my great grandpa was a fighter pilot and he was extremely skilled. he had a confirmed ace by the end of the war and was an extremely decorated pilot. I love my great grandpa charlie and i hold him to the highest regard whenever i speak of him. He was a legendary man, i wish i was alive to hear more of his stories, luckily i hear little bits of his history every now and then from my dad. He always has something nice to say about grandpa charlie.

Last: Gushee
First: Isabel
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:24:09 PM


In Nazi Germany, Jews were targeted to be eliminated from Europe during WW2. They were taken from their homes and put into camps where they would be killed in different ways. It didn't matter what gender, age, or who you were if you were Jewish you were most likely going to be killed. They were murdered just for living, these were innocent people who were murdered and persecuted just for being Jewish. Persecution does exist today, we can see it clear as day with the war in Isreal. Jews are being kept as hostages and murdered in cold blood. The war in Isreal is starting to bring the persecution of Jews here in America. Americans are beginning to target Jews even though 3 years earlier they were talking about how all lives matter. Why did that view of all lives matter change? Why did it all change when Jewish lives got involved?

Last: Domingo
First: Mark Joseph
Per: 3
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 02:27:51 PM


Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany by being forced into ghettos, held in camps, hated by Germans who Nazi propaganda brainwashed, and had their rights taken away from them. This persecution still exists today but not on the scale of Nazi Germany. There are people who are truly anti-Semitic and bear hatred for Jewish people because they follow the ideals of Nazis. As long as Neo-Nazis exist the persecution against Jews will not end.

Last: colmenero
First: joseph
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:16:23 PM


The jews were persecuted because of hatred. No it doesn't exist today but there is similar things such as isreal and Palestine. The shindler movie showed how the jews were treated inside concentration camps.

Last: Sangha
First: Eunique
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:16:33 PM


This movie honestly made me realize that not all Germans are bad. I was touched that the guards at the end decided to leave the Jews alone, even though they were part of the Nazi party and had most likely hurt a lot of Jews. In the beginning of the movie I thought Schindler was selfish and cruel but I realized that he had good intentions when he started crying at the end of the movie, which really touched me because he was saying that he wished he could have saved more people. Schindler gave up everything for the people he saved. I feel like some people in Germany, especially some older folks may still dislike Jews but I can't be too sure.

Last: Bliven
First: Byron
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:16:36 PM


This movie showed how the Jews were persecuted greatly and it led to them being treated inhumanly. it was unfair and led to many deaths because they had to work for the nazis in concentration camps. This is even happening today with Pakistan and Palestine. many people are dying for just being alive. I believe it needs to be stopped and abolished forever.

Last: Bliven
First: Byron
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:16:37 PM


This movie showed how the Jews were persecuted greatly and it led to them being treated inhumanly. it was unfair and led to many deaths because they had to work for the nazis in concentration camps. This is even happening today with Pakistan and Palestine. many people are dying for just being alive. I believe it needs to be stopped and abolished forever.

Last: Vera
First: Andres
Per: 6
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:17:57 PM


This movie made me feel remorse for the people who died and were tortured by the nazis. I do feel that Schindler did the right thing by saving all of those Jews and he was a good man, even though he made the materials, such as ammo to kill a lot of them. I think the bad he did by making the ammo was canceled out by the good he did by saving generations of Jews.

Last: Soto
First: Anelicia
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:18:07 PM


The movie was interesting. It definitely gives you a new perspective on what happened. There are many movies, like this one about the Holocaust. They all tell you the same story however each from a different perspective. I really love it when there are multiple points of view on things because it really gives you an idea of how each person went through it.

Last: Tuazon
First: Dawsone Keith
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:18:21 PM


I feel sorry for what the Jews had to go through back in that time. The children have to run away and hide during the selection and children during this time still think they have a hard time. I think it was even worse for the mothers because they had to think for themselves and their children at the same time. This persecution against Jews does not exist in this world today anymore.

Last: Herrera
First: Arturo
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:19:33 PM


Jews were persecuted in many ways in nazi Germany, some of them were used in slave labor, some were abused, and some were murdered. The Nazi's separated families and they also separated children from their families and killed them, burning their bodies afterwards. Over six million jews were killed. I've heard of the term antisemitism, but I don't really know what actions they take. We are in the age of the internet, so people hide behind their screens when they want to make a comment about other people/groups of people.

Last: Cruz
First: Daniel
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:19:50 PM


The Jews where sent to concentartion camps were they had been separeted from their families and treted like salves made them get naked and get cheked by doctors if they were healthy to be in the concentration camps. The Nazis killed inocent jews for no good reason and was really unfair. Jews persecution does still exist today for example the Gaza are distroing Israel and they are killing lots of jews for no reason similiar to what the nazis were doing except they are not doing any concentartion camps.

Last: Donnelley
First: Daniel
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:20:35 PM


I had never heard of Schindler before and surprised I hadn't. His story is something unheard of when speaking about the Holocaust considering how millions of Jews were brutally murdered for no good reason but it's worth talking about how he not only saved thousands but had regret that he couldn't save more and in the end was still hung for being a member of the Nazi Party. The movie was realistic and brutal in it's recreation however that was accurate to the time back then sadly. I thankfully believe we don't see this level of persecution any longer and can only hope that the world never sees this sort of hate and delusion ever again.

Last: Sanchez Borja
First: Isis - azzul
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:20:55 PM


The Jews were treated very badly in Nazi Germany. They were not allowed to live normal lives and were discriminated against by the germans. Many were sent to concentration camps and they were mistreated and killed. This abomination was done through mass shootings, gas chambers, and other harsh strategies in death camps, which resulted in deaths of millions of guiltless lives. It makes me sad to think that there is still discrimination and persecution against Jews to this day in some parts of the world even after what they went through.

Last: chavez
First: ronnie
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:21:18 PM


how i personally felt about the movie was that it was crazy to think about how many people are in san diego alone and how 3x as many jews were murdered and what he took part in was horrible but he did save thousands of lives by protecting them from deportation to Auschwitz. From what i see jews are treated fairly in todays day and age except how there are some jokes made about them here and there which is something i think should come to an end. jews in nazi germany were persecuted because of there beliefs and were blammed for wwi

Last: Cram
First: Aidan
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:21:20 PM


I really appreciate the movie for not shying away from the brutality of the Holocaust. I feel the realism it showed made the movie a lot more impactful and filled the audience with dread. I also like how it showed different sides to the Nazi party. Schindler was a member but as a businessman trying to save as many Jews as he could, and at the end of the movie all of the guards in Schindler's factory walk out instead of killing the Jews for the sake of killing. It was a very emotional movie and I feel for Schindler and his guilt of not being able to save more Jews, although I think even if he had rescued every Jew in Aushwitz he still wouldn't have been satisfied. It is sad that all these decades later Jews are still being discriminated against through the act of war. Israel is currently being attacked by Hamas, but even before that it was in multiple wars with its neighbors simply for existing.

Last: rodríguez
First: lauren
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:23:12 PM


In the movie , there were many mixed emotions i felt, for one i felt honestly disgusted on how the nazi treated the jews like they weren’t people but objects, truly heart breaking , i felt sad for the jews as they were scared to death, literally trembling in fear. I felt relived when i found out the war was over, and they didn’t have to suffer anymore. I know the guy who ran the camp at the end was a good guy at the end of they day so it was very sad to see him die through hanging. The whole movies made me a feel the jews and i felt like i really got a glimpse, obviously i will never fully understand how they felt, looked, or thought but honestly, in my opinion i feel as if the holocaust is one of most tragic and most important subject ri discuss about, one because they deserve justice and two because WE CANNOT LET HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF. As in history today, this relates as, if we learn more and more, we know the cons of this torturous situation. I know there is something going on in israel where many innocent people, including children are dying from people with, what i think, no hearts. This whole movie was an eye opener to the real life of jews. This should have never happened and i will always have great respect for jews and their history.

Last: Isla-Allen
First: Kaleigh
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:23:13 PM


At first I thought the movie was going to be about what happened in auschwitz but instead it was about a man who didnt kill the jews but instead put them all to work. Even though he was apart of the nazi party he still kept them alive. When the women were sent to auschwitz he made sure to get all the women back. Persecution does still exist but it does not happpen the same way like the movie. I never knew that this happened until I watched the movie and I am glad I got to learn more about what happened.

Last: Lopez
First: Jasmine
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:23:22 PM


The movie “Schlindlers List” was a deep sentimental film about the holocaust which took place in World War ll. My opinion on this was just heart felting that so many Jews went through slavery, torture and death. Everytime learning more about the holocaust I feel more grateful that I am able to eat and sleep well at home. Today, Jews deserve the reparations and support from the 6 years of suffer-age, including their descendants. The prosecution of the Jews was one of the most worst genocide in history. I believe small parts of the world do have a hatred towards Jews but it isn’t as common back in the 1940s. The movie was more in depth of viewing how harsh the conditions Jews’ faced. Jews were killed for anything; shot, starved, in disgusting settings and even helped bought out dead bodies. They were separated from their family, and wonder if they will ever see each other again. Jews carrying dead Jews. Jews had no where to go but these horrible camps.

Last: snook
First: austin
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:24:06 PM


I think the movie is good and helps me better understand what happened in nazi germany. When the Nazis came to power and created their laws against the jews was most likely the start to what eventually became the holocaust. What the Nazis did to the jews were so cruel and unusual to me. All of that because of what they believed in was bizzare to me. I think the persecution against jews could relate to things in the world today like racism that is still happening today and discrimination against different races is also something that can relate to the jews.

Last: Moreno
First: Arely
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:24:37 PM


I found this movie interesting, seeing how Jews were treated during that time period. Also, Schindler saved so many lives and started feeling bad about buying the car or the pin and how if he hadn't bought those he could've saved at least one more person or maybe even ten. That's when I realized he was a good guy because throughout the movie I wasn't sure what type of guy he actually was. I also think it was good of him, to be honest with everyone telling them that he was a Nazi and how a lot of people thanked him. Seeing Auschwitz was also interesting because last year I read a book in my English class and it was sort of the same as the movie just from the perspective of a little boy who was Jewish. I am not sure what I could relate this to in today's world or if anything similar is still going on with Jewish people, but I could probably say it's almost like what is happening in the East.

Last: Pina
First: Nicholas
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:24:55 PM


The persicution of the jews started with the nerumberg laws witch segrigated the jews. Then the jews were taken to ghettos and then from there concentration camps.In the concentration camps some jews were asked to work but most were gassed or shot. during this series of events many jews were killed if they acted out of order. most of the jews were killed in concentratoin camps.About 6 milion jews in total. That was not the first time jewish people have faced persecution and it wasint the last. today jewish people in ireal are being attacked by palestine forces .

Last: Zuniga
First: Braeden
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:25:06 PM


The movie "Schindler's list" made me feel a variety of emotions throughout the whole movie. Seeing how the Jews were persecuted by the German soldiers made me furious and upset because no one should be treated inhumanely for being ethnically different. It was a terrible site to see other Jews throwing fellow Jews into fires, as well as seeing Jewish children hiding away. It was grim to see them hide inside of their bathroom tank.

Last: Morgutia
First: Juan
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:25:09 PM


Jews were persecuted in various ways; the most prominent being what the Germans called "the final solution." This method was the act in which the Germans transported Jews by way of train to concentration camps where they were worked tremendously and then placed in a chamber and then burned to get rid of the bodies. In terms of the movie itself, I find it was a very good movie, filled with a lot of emotion considering that the event took place in real time. I found the movie to be a great way of visually establishing what exactly happened during the course of the Holocaust and how it affected multiple people including the Jews. Though certain scenes were hard to watch considering the content that was shown, I think movies like this are important, especially in today's modern world where concepts like anti-semitism still exist. Showing this movie better educates people on the traumatic event that unfolded decades ago and is a great lesson in preventing history from repeating itself while ultimately showing how such behaviors and actions towards another group of people are inhumane and immoral. In terms of whether this persecution against Jews still exists, I think that the physical action of killing them does not however the emotional trauma of discriminating against Jews is very much still prevalent and showcases the racial ideology that's still present regardless of how far we've comes as people to counteract that injustice. Overall the movie is intriguing and showcases the events of the holocaust in a more specific sense.

Last: Lucero
First: Julio
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:25:13 PM


The Jews were persecuted by the Nazi's and a example of that today is how the Jews are being treated with the conflict between Israel and Palestine and they way they are being treated in both time periods is very similar because they are being murdered for no reason and being persecuted and treated unfairly because of who they are and it is absolutely unfair because both times they have been oppressed is unbelieveable and it should not happen again ever in the history of the world.

Last: sortillon
First: Julianna
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:25:14 PM


What I thought of the video was heartbreaking and cruel of how the main people running the factories didn't care about the workers and killed anyone they wanted if not doing their work and the sick women and men would get taken to camps to get killed. I also thought it was cruel how the soldiers treated people and killed whoever they wanted and were aggressive and rude towards the Jews. The Jews weren't bad people they were just minding their business living in their own towns when they got invaded by the nazis and millions killed women, men, and children. I thought it was fair that after the war the main factory owners were hunted and killed for all the Jews they killed but for this movie, there was only one man who was trying to help them and still have them as slaves but not kill them and protect there family and did anything and everything to pay for each of them that he could afford. I think this connects to what going on today and how Israel is under attack and millions are being killed including men, women, and children and their town is being under attack just as it happened back then. Not only killing but destroying their land and homes and catching everything on fire as well as the millions of body just like they did before.

Last: Bulante
First: Renz
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:25:33 PM


Jews were treated as second class citizens in Nazi Germany. In the movie, soldiers would push and shove them into cramped spaces (such as bunkers, trains, houses) while being insulted and teased for being a Jew. Many soldiers viewed this as a fun game, laughing at the suffering they placed upon them. They didn't hesitate killing them for not completing a menial task, such as when the rabbi was dragged to be shot for not producing enough hinges. Even after the World War, Jews are still persecuted today. It can range from anti-Semitic beliefs being spread through social media, to acts of violence committed towards them. It is important for young people to be aware of the terrors Jews faced during the Holocaust to prevent these events from happening again.

Last: Guzman
First: Abigail
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:25:44 PM


During the movie, the Jews didn't have their freedom or their rights in Nazi Germany which is honestly horrible. Many were executed and the Nazis thought that it was a good thing but it wasn't. Today, some people are still against the Jews thinking that they don't belong here, but now I feel like ever since I started to watch the movie more. At least got to see one Nazi who had kindness in his heart and gave the Jews a working place where they are not mistreated giving the Jews hope. Honestly, it was an interesting movie because I always thought that when you hear the word Nazi, you think that they are bad people who kill Jews. Now I know that at least one person gave them hope, leading them to freedom. Overall, I thought the movie was sad yet interesting. I think the only sad part was that they were used, abused, starved and most of them were slaughtered.

Last: Serrano
First: Diane
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:26:13 PM


Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany by many ways. There were a lot of concentration camps where Jews would be kept and killed when the Nazi's would think it was appropriate. The Nazi's killed millions and millions of Jews during WWII. Talking about the persecution of the Jews in Germany is an extremely serious topic. Whenever the topic is brought up I am interested in what it is that has to be said and learning more and more about what the Jews had to go through during this time impresses me and gives me an interest to learn more. But doesn't matter how intrigued I am it does make me sad to think about the countless of lives that were lost. And the amount of children lives that were also lost makes me sad. It makes me think how is it possible that in this life/planet there are people with such hate and anger that one day they decide to kill multiple people just because of their believes and religion. I believe that maybe this exact situation doesn't really exist anymore in the world but there are times where discrimination because of believes and skin color does happen. For example Mexicans, asians, and blacks are discriminated just because of where they come from and their heritage. Right now there is a war between Hamas and Israel and I am not completely sure what was the cause of the war but I wouldn't doubt it if it had to do something with religion or how they do things. Hamas are the type of terrorists that will kill anyone and everyone who gets in they're way and that is exactly what is happening. Hamas has been killing a lot of people and children. Even though the children don't really have anything to do with it, they are innocent.

Last: Kropat
First: Lukas
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:29:09 PM


The Jews in Nazi Germany were persecuted in many ways. Mainly, they were thrown into concentration camps and forced into labor. They usually worked at factories or helped build infrastructure. But the conditions in concentration camps were horrible and around 6 million Jews were killed. Usually it was from being gassed in gas chambers or shot. Kids were separated from their parents, Jews lived in constant fear. The movie Schindlers List does an amazing job depicting the struggle of the Jews and everything they went through. I thought the movie was incredibly directed and shot, especially the choice to shoot the movie in black and white. The feelings of everyone in the movie are conveyed incredibly and near the end of the movie when Schindler breaks down crying wishing he could've done more I found myself feeling a little teary eyed. The acting along with the score makes for very emotional scenes. All in all this is definitely one of my favorite historical movies and it has moved me a lot.

Last: Dias
First: Isabella
Per: 5
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Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:30:13 PM


The film showed few scenes in which the viewers can clearly see how Jews were persecuted and mass murdered. Jewish people were marked with visible stars on their clothing and sent to temporarily live in detached ghettos. From then, they were separated according to their ability to work. The film showed Schindler to be a very compassionate person compared to the morality of his fellow Nazi's. While other members of the Nazi party saw Jewish people as inferior, Schindler cared for their lives as a fellow human being and crafted a list of people he wished to save. Persecution against Jewish people still exists today, but it is not strictly limited to them. Around the world, modern Nazi's and racists still violently discriminate against the innocent. Current war in Israel is yet another horrific display of unnecessary hate people have towards each other.

Last: Figuracion
First: Angel
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:30:55 PM


The Jews were persecuted in Nazi Germany in such horrendous circumstances. They were brought to a train with little space and were all crammed. When they were in the trains, they were starved and promised hot soup and bread, but that sadly never happened. They were separated from men to women once they were brought to the camps. They cut off all their hair and made them bathe together naked in a small area. The nights seemed cold and they had fog coming out of their mouths. They were not treated well and were sometimes killed when they disobeyed orders from any of the soldiers. It was a very rough time for them and about six million Jews were murdered in the process. I wouldn't say persecution against Jews exists today. At least now everything is more tame and there are people who stand for Jews and will do anything to protect them. Of course, there are still some injustices that happen all over the world and some people still look at Jews as people who don't deserve to be alive but it has definitely gotten a lot better. As the world grows, it changes, and people are more susceptible to opening their eyes to this topic. We are more united than ever and will fight for the rights of our people. Hopefully, as time goes on, everything progresses positively and maybe one day, Jews won't have to feel threatened to walk down the streets. They have the right to stand on their own two feet and not be judged by the people around them. They deserve love and respect just like any other person out there.

Last: Ricardez
First: Camila
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:31:11 PM


The Holocaust was a terrible event caused by nothing more than hatred, intolerance, and prejudice against the Jews on the part of the right-wing Germans, better known as Nazis. This started when Germany blamed Jews for the loss in WW1 and also a widespread belief that Jews were responsible for killing Jesus. This propaganda was led by Adolf Hitler, which has an interesting story. It is heartbreaking seeing all the innocent people getting harassed, mutilated, and murdered just for their religion, this still happens nowadays, we can see it in the actual conflict between Palestine and Israel. These massacres will keep happening if we don't teach ourselves to be tolerant against other religions, and get informed that violence is never the answer.

Last: Castro
First: Isabella
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:31:57 PM


In Nazi Germany Jews were being prosecuted by Nazis introducing legislation to deny Jews their freedom and restrict their rights. And it's sad to see what the Jews were going through after they were put into the concentration camps and Schlinder did the right thing by saving those lives by employing them in his factory. Other than that this movie was a good movie about the Holocaust but so sad and I hope more people get educated about the Holocaust. I don't really know if this persecution against Jews exists in the world today but there is definitiely still antisemetic people in the world and that's very terrible and it should stop.

Last: Barron
First: Gabriel
Per: 5th
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:38:41 PM


Schindler's List is a movie that made me go more in perspective about the holocaust, as a kid who grew up in Mexico, I never had any perspective, let alone a sentimental connection to this event, I only had the movie about the little boy in pajamas and Jojo Rabbit, but even then, I feel that I was too young and insensitive to these films to really feel anything, but I feel that Schindler's List made me more aware of the situation about Nazis killing Jews, most of the senses from the movie are just Nazis shooting Jwes here and there, It reminds me of the Gulack, Honestly I prefer my dictators cold, sick and psychotic, like Stalin, not just racist and angry, anyways I'll move on before I rant about historical monsters lol, anyways I really like the detail about the little girl in red, I looked up and according to Spark notes, The red dress was a reference to the “red flag” the Jews waved at the Allied powers during World War II as a cry for help, Pretty sad historical and informative movie, Would watch it again.

Last: Lopez
First: Jasmine
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/30/2023
Time: 05:56:41 PM


The movie “Schlindlers List” was a deep sentimental film about the holocaust which took place in World War ll. My opinion on this was just heart felting that so many Jews went through slavery, torture and death. Everytime learning more about the holocaust I feel more grateful that I am able to eat and sleep well at home. Today, Jews deserve the reparations and support from the 6 years of suffer-age, including their descendants. The prosecution of the Jews was one of the most worst genocide in history. I believe small parts of the world do have a hatred towards Jews but it isn’t as common back in the 1940s. The movie was more in depth of viewing how harsh the conditions Jews’ faced. Jews were killed for anything; shot, starved, in disgusting settings and even helped bought out dead bodies. They were separated from their family, and wonder if they will ever see each other again. Jews carrying dead Jews. Jews had no where to go but these horrible camps.

Last: Millan
First: Dante
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:09:15 AM


The persecution of Jewish people in Nazi Germany was a terrifying and horrible act that occurred throughout the early-mid 20th century. Jewish people were stripped from their belongings, rights, homes, and families in horrific ways due to the mere hatred that the Nazi party, led by Adolf Hitler showcased and portrayed with propaganda and death camps like the infamous Auschwitz, and one that I recently learned about from the film we watched in class which is the Plaszow camp in Poland. Jewish people were believed to be an inferior race by Nazi Germany and were no longer allowed to have any form of relationship (romantically) with other non-jew Germans. Thousands if not millions of families were unwillingly removed from their childhood homes and neighborhoods and placed in ghettos where they faced extremely hard living conditions, under constant supervision from Nazi soldiers. Although Antisemitism is not as bad as it may have been throughout the 20th century or from years before, it can still be a very apparent problem that people have today. Schindler's list was a great movie and insight into what it meant to live throughout the trials and tribulations that the Jewish people had to endure while living in Nazi Germany. The film was extremely interesting and I think that it is a beautiful story. The things that Oscar Schindler did for the Jewish community will allow a very large amount of generations to be remembered and continued in the way their families would have intended, and it wouldn't have been possible without his help. Thank you for showing the film.

Last: Gomez
First: Izayaih
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 11:56:22 AM


What i learned from the film is a lot. the jews had to go through so much just because of there way of thinking and it wasnt fair. the showers and the way they were treated was not very humane and it isnt fair. i think that the events that the jews went through is no where near how they are treated today. the more and more jewish people there is the less likely they are to be treated anyway type of way they did in the movie. My opinion is that jewish people didnt deserve anything that happened and they should be looked at as people when that happened

Last: Peterson
First: Jayden
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 11:57:20 AM


I dislike heavily the persecution of the Jews and it was very sad and inhumane and how that could happen. I learned about Schindler and how he helped some of the Jews at the end of the war. Although I cant think of any current events that relate to the persecution of the Jews, there are still anti sematic hate going around the world and even in the United States.

Last: Iniguez
First: Gigi
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 11:59:10 AM


It was honestly a little bit hard to watch the movie because of all the horrible images. What happened in Germany was absolutely inhumane and one of the worst and saddening moments in history. Obviously we only know about the Holocaust based on books and movies and stories but to actually be there and go through the terror everyday, not knowing whether you will live or die or ever see your loved ones again is brutal and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. The Jewish persecution reminds me of what's happening with the Hamas. All kinds of innocent people are being killed, kidnapped and taken advantage of in their own homes. It hurts my heart to see how evil people in our world can be to people who are not the same or do not have the same values.

Last: Gonzalez
First: Miguel
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:00:17 PM


The persecution of the jews was a terrible and unfortunate event that happened in history. I didn't learn anything that I already didn't know from the film but the movie did help highlight how harshly the Jews we're treated, stripping them of their humanity, using them as workers, killing them without any reasoning, ect. Today, while not as common, Jewish people are still persecuted and harassed just for being Jewish and treated with disrespect but hopefully as time goes on, persecution and racism in general will be erased creating a better living environment and life not just for the Jews but for everyone.

Last: Reyes
First: Allison
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:00:18 PM


I feel awful about the persecution because it was over 6 million Jews. I’ve never seen 6 million people but i seen a room full of hundreds and I can not believe that 6 million lives were taken just based off someone’s opinion and thoughts about them. The thought that people had the balls to murder people base off ethnoreligious groups sucks. I am glad that in school we are learning about this horrible event because it shows us how easy our life’s are. We aren’t getting ripped away from our families or fighting for our life’s. Seeing this movie made me realize how lucky I am to be here today. The Jewish people didn’t deserve what happened to them as a society I am sad we let that happen. What is more upsetting is that everyone found out about the Jews murders after the war and there was no way of saving them. I am unsure if we have any events currently that is similar to the holocaust but I hope we do not because I wouldn’t want to hear or see it happen.

Last: hyasat
First: rama
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:01:10 PM


The persecution of the Jews was a horrible period in our world's history. Hitler was an evil man with extremely questionable morals. The fact that he was able to lead this terrible persecution and ethnic cleansing is the scariest part. The Jews did not deserve the way they were treated at all. In the film, I learned how severe the tragedy of the Holocaust was. The persecution of the Jews relates to the current situation of Palestine and Israel. The persecution of Jews and Palestinians has been happening for over 60 years.

Last: Mack
First: Travis
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:01:12 PM


I learned that millions of Jews were persecuted in the countries Germany took over and that Schindler was a good person trying to correct the grave mistake his country was making by murdering tons of people. The film was very sad because of all the people killing other people, and that is just wrong. Something happening today like the persecution of the Jews in the past would be the Isreal Hamas War happening across the sea.

Last: Ramirez
First: Alyssa
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:01:17 PM


The persecution of the Jews is an awful part of history. The film made me realize a lot more than what I knew about the holocaust. There were parts of the film that were almost unbearable to watch, such as the little boy hiding in sewage so the Nazis wouldn't find him. It also made me realize how living in camps like those alter your brain and the way you think. In an earlier part of the film, there was a look inside the women's barrack and they were talking about how the Nazi's couldn't possibly kill their workforce and it was all a made up story. Towards the end, after the Jews were there for so long, they always assumed the worst, like when they were Schindler's factory and they thought they were going to die but it was just water. Persecution against the Jews doesn't exist in the world today, at least not on this level, but there are still some people with hateful beliefs towards them. There are also other places in the world who are trying to do similar things and hurting people in this way such as the wars in Israel. The film and the topic of persecution in general has made me reflect on my life and see that there are much bigger issues in the world and it has given me a greater understanding and appreciation for my life.

Last: Bernal
First: Gustavo
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:01:18 PM


I feel like the persecution of Jews was uncalled for and should have never happened because they lost many people. I learned that even though there was a lot of tragedy there were still good people trying to help and keep people alive. I believe this relates to what is happening in Israel because of how Hasam has invaded and is slaughtering the people over there. Another reason it is similar is how they are being inhumane and brutal with how Hasam is killing people. This film showed me how bad the Jews had it and how they were brutally killed. I also liked how Schindler was able to change the guards by not making them kill any Jews it really showed a good piece of humanity.

Last: Espiritu
First: Ibri
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:02:56 PM


The persecution of the Jews was is extremely devastating, the millions of lives lost is heartbreaking. From the film, I got a more in depth representation of the abuse and deaths that occurred during the tragedy we call the Holocaust. Most of my knowledge on this horrible period during time is from textbooks, but to visually see what they were put through is much more wounding. I learned that they labeled them, that they would strip them of their humanity, and much more awful things. In my opinion, nothing could ever compare to the pain inflicted on the Jews. We can take a look at the world and see similarities within that event and others, but I don't have enough knowledge to compare it to others. What I know is that the Jews went through something that years of sorry's could never repay for, but still today, including the survivors, they stand strong and hold a lot of love in their hearts regardless of the trauma they were put through. Today, I believe some individuals still treat Jews unkindly, but I don't ever see it coming to what it came to then.

Last: Graciano
First: Diego
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:03:01 PM


The persecution of the Jews is one of the world's most unfortunate events. A certain people should never be exterminated. Even if the group of people had committed an awful crime against humanity in the past, it wasn't the current or future generation of them; so they shouldn't suffer the consequences of their previous generations' issues. As long as the current generation doesn't share the same belief or hatred in others that is deemed unnecessary or wrong, they should be left alone to figure out how to repent for their peoples' past wrongdoings. I learned that one person can make a huge difference. Almost an unfathomable difference. The persecution of the Jews kind of relates to the persecution slaughtering of the Palestinians today. I say this because Palestinians are being hunted and killed and driven from their homes by Israeli Jews. The persecution against Jews doesn't exist like this anymore in the world today. I say this because there are no more death camps to the scale of what Germany had during WW2. And Jews just aren't being hunted down like they were back then. This doesn't mean that they don't face persecution still though, it's just not to the extent of what it used to be.

Last: Salas- Sanchez
First: Isela
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:03:09 PM


Seeing the film and watching theoscution of the jews was something thats hard to watch because of the way they had already known they were going to die in some point in time and they had no hope for them making it out alive. In this film I learned a lot about how the holocust had been a welll kept secret from everyone who wasnt involved in what was happening inside of the camps. As well as how we are repeating history in modern times with the Isreal Gaza war. Because this war started from attacks being sent to Isreal by Gaza because of anti-isreal, anti-muslism amongst other racial/religious hate crimes and other issues. Hence why the holocust and the war going on now are similar in what happened. I feel as if prosecution aginst jews do still exist because of everything that is happening in Isreal.

Last: Paredes
First: Angelica
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:04:03 PM


When watching the film of the persecution of Jews it made me feel upset by what I saw. Especially, since it also happened back then, seeing it was even worse. The people that were on Schindler's list had survived.Something I had learned from the film is that many jews were saved and the population grew and grew after years.I did not know that Schindler's list existed until I had watched this film.Seeing what Jewish had to go through back then was very harsh, cruel, and disgusting for what had happened to them. As sad as it is,the persecution of the Jews does relate to some current events that are happening in the world today.

Last: Garay Castro
First: Gael
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:05:48 PM


I learned how bad, gruesome, and horrible the conditions were for the Jews during that time, they were basically treated like animals, they had no rights, they were killed without a cause and they had it really tough in the concentration camps as well as in the ghettos. They had to live in fear daily due to the fact that they could get killed at any time. They also had everything taken away from them and they were treated really badly. They had their hair cut off and their belongings stolen just because they were Jewish. In the camps, their lives were even worse they worked daily with barely any food or water. After the Germans started losing the war, they were all killed in the masses, and the working Jews that were alive had to dispose of those bodies and work until they were killed, a very horrible event to happen in the world and I hope nothing like this ever repeats itself again. Regarding the current events and persecution from what I know, I don't think there is any persecution against the Jews as of right now but maybe it could be happening and we wouldn't know until later, exactly like back then when the United States didn't know either. I don't think the persecution against the Jews exists today but there might be and we don't know that yet.

Last: Gaytan
First: Melanie
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:06:02 PM


I feel like the persecution of the Jews was unfair. I learned that people not only U.S. Americans are judgmental. The Nazis never had a good enough reason to kill 6 million Jews. Killing is the worst crime anyone could commit. The persecution of the Jews relates to current events because people to this day are still judgmental. But, nothing compares to what happened to the Jews. I have a feeling nothing that like that will ever happen again in this society. I feel like humans have learned from the mistakes of others and understand that what happened to the Jews will never happen again.

Last: Garcia
First: Natalia
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:06:17 PM


The persecution of the Jews is one of the biggest mistakes people made. It was unnecessary the need to persecute that many Jews, I believe that some people in power could've done something to stop this genocide but no one did. I learned from this film how the Jews were treated in internment camps. Everyone knows that the internment camps were awful but we didn't know the specifics. They would be gassed in chambers, their bodies were burned and they would be executed for the simplest things such as not being able to make products in a certain amount of time. The persecution of the Jews is very similar to the situation that is occurring in Israel. Innocent people are being murdered, Israeli schools have decided to close the school year because all their students have been killed. Persecution still exists today in society, not only towards Jews but other races and religions as well. We as people and society need to evolve from the ways of the past.

Last: Metoyer
First: John
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:06:25 PM


I think that this is one of the greatest films ever made. Steven Spielberg put his entire heart in soul into the film to make sure that it captured the true horror of the holocaust and the incredible saving of life shown in the movie. The movie looks absolutely incredible. It is some of the most beautiful black and white cinematography ever. The striking lighting makes every scene shock and stand out. The extensive use of sets, and extras is so crazy to watch because it feels so real. The direction in this movie is unmatched, and is Spielberg's crowning achievement. The movie shows all the horrors Jewish people went through at this time. It showed how the camps work, and how the Nazi's treated the Jews. The amount of inhumane treatment shown in the movie is awful to watch. The movie shows an incredible true story, and it so amazing showing Schindler change the way he thought. Persecution of Jews is still continuing today. Persecution is always happening at someplace in the world. Its just up to the rest of the world to stand up and stop it.

Last: Navarro
First: Santiago
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:06:50 PM


I learned a lot from this film. I received more insight on how poorly the jews were treated by the Nazi party and how deceptive they were. Schindler's List was in my opinion a accurate film when it comes to how nasty the Nazi party was. I visited Germany a couple weeks ago and learned a lot from jewish people in that community and how their ancestors were treated like garbage. The persecution of Jews was something that people should not joke about, ever. The modern world is to comfortable with making anti-semitic slurs and sometimes even laugh at jewish people. This movie was very sad but very interesting.

Last: Alcaraz
First: Arizbeth
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:08:25 PM


I think that the persecution of Jews is horrible especially during the holocaust. I still think that the Jewish are still faced with discrimination today, maybe not as much as the holocaust but they are still being discriminated against. It was unfair and just cruel what they had to go through. So many people's lives were lost for small things, they were innocent people. I also think that we have things that are similar that are going on today like with Israel and Hamas and all of the war that is happening over there. As well as many innocent lives are being taken and many innocent people being murdered. What happened then and what is happening now is never going to be okay. Things like this should never happen and I am not saying that they wont happen or they have not happened but to me its insane how people have the power to do this and do it willingly. I don't understand how someone has the will power to kill another. And any sort of persecution or discrimination against people who are "different" needs to end.

Last: Amaro
First: Abram
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:08:40 PM


I feel that the holocaust was an unfortunate thing that people tend to forget the actual details about. People make jokes about the Holocaust and don't realize the terror that happened during those years. The biggest genocide in history and it gaps every other genocide by an unimaginable significant mark. What I learned is that a handful of nazis did not even have a reason to hate these Jews. The only reason they slowly became used to it is because it started with orders. It was Hitler's hate for the Jews and they started dehumanizing these Jews that soon the soldiers were killing them and not feeling any guilt. The normalization of persecuting Jews was adopted into their mind and their thinking. If they felt any guilt for Jews after witnessing thousands of Jews killed in front of them, they would feel like the odd one out. It portrays human nature quite well. They don't know any better than what they see in front of them. Persecution against Jews still happens today and antisemitism will not stop because they are a minority in society. Persecution still happens today for other people that are specific races or religions but not as bad as the holocaust. After the truth of the holocaust was revealed, the world came together and unwittingly acknowledged that it would never happen again that millions would be killed in a genocide.

Last: Kay
First: Milla
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:09:14 PM


The persecution of the Jews was very heartbreaking. It's so sad and cruel to witness what the persecution and that Jews experienced during the Nazi rule of Germany. It reminded me of "Night" by Elie Wiesel that I read during my Sophomore year, as it was a memoir written by the author that narrated what he experienced at Auschwitz as a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust. I learned more about the massacres and the hiding that Jews experienced from Nazi rule and persecution. I also learned about Schindler and how he protected thousands of Jews from getting killed in concentration camps by hiring them to work in his factory. Today, the persecution of Jews still exists and is ongoing, similarly to how Nazi supporters and Jewish persecutors that still exist today. For example, a few years ago, our school had vandalism spray painted on our walls that included the swatsika and writing that contained antisemitic language. Thus, persecution of Jews is still a current-day issue.

Last: HART
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:09:17 PM


The persecution of the Jews was very unfortunate and very inhumane as 6 million people were killed for no reeason other than hatred. They were fighting for their lives not knowing when they can die for no particular reason. No human being should go through what they went through. I learned from the film that many of the Germans didn't care for the Jews. The Germans believed they were superior to the Jews. The persecution of the Jews does relate to current events as many people believe they are superior to others in racism. When reflecting back to the movie I have a very strong upset feeling because the film was just so devastating and unfair. Persecution of Jews still occur today but it is not just Jews but to many other people as well. This unnecessary treatment needs to stop, and everyone needs to come together to make a change.

Last: Martinez
First: Ashley
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:10:51 PM


The persecution of the Jews was a devastating and awful event that happened. All that they had to go through like being seperated from family, the cutting hair, not getting the water they need. I even find it to be angry that they do that to a human being who has done nothing wrong. We realize now that we are in the U.S and it would be really sad if we went through that. The persecution of the Jews relates to today because many Palestinians are being killed and have been killed in Gaza in Israeli attacks. It seems that the attack is from anger at Israeli actions in Gaza.

Last: Reyes-Bey
First: Alexandra
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:11:09 PM


What I learned from the film is a deeper understanding of who Schindler was and how he was important. The persecution of the Jews relates to the current events happening in Israel between Hamas in which many Jews today are being treated like they were treated back then. My opinion of the film is very heartbreaking when seeing how inhuman people were, and the fact that this is happening today makes me feel sick and nauseous. Persecution against Jews does exist in the world today even without the wars, there will always be hate.

Last: Hernandez
First: Giselle
Per: 02
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:12:26 PM


In my opinion i believe the persecution of Jew's is inmoral. i believe that just because someone is of a different background than you and a different religion does not mean that they don't deserve the same level of respect. At the end of the day everyone is human and every human deserves the right to live and live freely. One thing i learned from the film is the horrible living situations the jews were put in, where the jews were placed it was very unsanitary and it was crawling with animals and lingering diseases, they were also very malnourished.One way i can tie this back to current events is the Isreal and Palestine situation where a vast majority of people from both Isreal and Palestine are being killed. People such as kids and babies are being murdered over something they have no control over.

Last: Flores
First: Gabriela
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:12:51 PM


First, I cannot describe my sadness when I saw the movie. All the horrible things that they did were and will be horrible. I felt a lot of sadness and wanted to cry when I saw the children. GOD. They are just children! They are the most pure creatures, so I cannot imagine the horror that those Jews felt when they saw their children getting away from them. And that those who killed them, even though they were following orders I do not believe it was reason for killing them with such joy. The officials were definitely crazy and completely off their minds. In addition, I learned that Humans can be so cruel and cold. But also, that even in the worst situations there is hope and people that can see what is wrong in the world and do something about it. I loved the frame "When you save one person you save the world". Lastly, I have not seen the news lately but I can tell that this could happen again. It was not the first time and it would not be the last one either. I still think that there are still consequences from so much hatred and death towards the Jews from the past. And they have ultimately fueled wars in other countries that are likely to do the same ruthless actions to innocent people. In the end, I always ask myself if there is something I can do but the truth is that there is not always much that can be done. More than being aware of it and preventing situations of this type in your daily life to remember those who died, not in vain, to remind us.

Last: Islas
First: Angela
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:13:26 PM


The mass genocide the Jewish population suffered through was a disgusting, horrifying, and devastating event in history that should have never happened. Just as what is happening today in Israel; I feel as though America could be doing more to stop these un-prejudiced crimes. I had never watched the film but recognized the name and after watching, I notice what a precise representation of the history it gave. It was a heart wrenching and reality striking movie, the movie truly proves that there is always good in the world. There will always be hatred towards others not only Jewish people, but African Americans, Mexicans, Middle Eastern people, Asians, and etc. Hate lives in this world but this film taught me that people don't make you, you make yourself. I loved the film and appreciate the new things I didn't know before but know now about the war.

Last: Toledo
First: Quinton
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:15:17 PM


I feel like the persecution is so cruel, you would think how soldiers went about their day while they had family of their own as well. Something that I learned from this film is that there are nice people out there willing to help, even if it's not their business. Schindler is a great example of this because he had morals of his own, outside of all the other Nazis, he felt like this wasn't right and actually did something about it. I feel like the Nazi soldiers felt like because the fact that it wasnt happening to them, that it was alright, that it was okay to keep doing. I also learned about the cruel actions happening to all the Jewish people, of course I have learned of this before, but this movie really sums it up well on the experience. I felt very imerced watching this movie. I feel like it really does relate to current events, such as the Israel and Palestine incident, it's crazy how that is happening right now. It may not be like this but it is very similar, bombing peoples homes, beating and killing victims, probably even torture, it is all happening as we speak. It doesn't even have to be in that region, no matter what, it is happening all over the world, we just don't know of it. I'm pretty sure persecution is still happening for Jews right now, especially since a Jewish country is Israel. To think of the absolute terror is happening again over land and tradition. Personally, I thought the movie was great. If there is an interesting subject that is shown to me, I feel really imerced because I like learning new things like that. I have learned and watched a lot of things regarding the Jewish, but this kind of movie really opened my eyes to things I didn't even know before.

Last: Rime
First: Ella
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:21:03 PM


I feel that the persecution of the Jews has to be one of the most inhumane scenes of all time. Learning about how these people were mistreated so badly until they were murdered is sickening, especially knowing that it was not only adults and elderly, as well as children. This movie opened my eyes to the fact that there were Nazi workers that did have hearts and feelings for the Jews and tried to protect them the best way they could. Unfortunately, the persecution of the Jews is still seen today from verbal to physical assaults against them.

Last: Elston
First: Gregory
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:22:27 PM


This film has shown me how cruel and horrible Jews were treated. I've learned that Jews didn't have it so easy. Either they had to go through hell or hide for a long time. The Natzis enslaved the Jews and if the Jews didn't do their job right, they were executed. hundreds of years ago, black people were slaves but they didn't have it like this. they were tortured with whips or other methods. But this film has grown my hatred towards Hitler because he is the one who started all of this. Another thing the Natzis did was burn them. I still don't know why but this is the pure-evil part. I could never go through what people have gone through in the past but I am grateful for the life I have now because life back then was hard.

Last: Baiza
First: Ethan
Per: 2
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 12:29:22 PM


In the world that we live in, there have been many actions towards the Jews that had the intention to discriminate and persecute the Jews, and in the world, we live in today, people use their own selfish beliefs to define and hate the Jews even though history demonstrated what happens when the hatred gets taken to far. People ignore reality and forget the past which leads to events that are immoral and unjust. In the movie "Schindler's List", it demonstrate the persecution and loath people (specifically the Nazis) had towards the Jews. It shows the mass genocide that was held against the Jews as well as the suffering and torchers they had experienced in the total of 6 years. Even with these movies, people hate the Jews for reasons mindlessly disregarding the past. In today's world there is a war that is taking place, do the same persecution to people as what had happened to the Jews many years ago. I want the world to learn and understand that there is no reason to hate someone who is already at their low just because of their religion and beliefs.

Last: Lee
First: Arianna
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:01:59 PM


In my opinion, I feel the persecution of the Jews was a horrible event. Just because German people wanted to be the superior race, they killed 6 million people in the process just because of their race. People can be very hateful and why? We don't know. From this film, I learned that yes some Germans were not horrible people they were just soldiers and they were forced but also someone could have taken a stand like the man who did and did what was right. instead everyone followed their leader and became murders. People rather stand by and not say anything instead of realizing what it is that they are doing is wrong and going along with it. The persecution of the Jews could possible relate to current events when it comes down to people just being killed on the streets for being African American, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, etc. People still to this day deal with plenty racism and I feel it is not right. What good does hating someone because of their race do for you? Some people are good people but get hate being of their skin color. That's unfair.

Last: Renteria
First: Victor
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:02:36 PM


The persecution of Jews was very sad and horrifying to see and hear. The Jews couldn't defend themselves and were basically living in a nightmare waiting to die. I learned that the main guy, Oscar Skindler, felt guilty and sorry about everything he had done to the guys the past 6 years while in war. He admitted to his guards and the Jews that he was a criminal a couple hours before he let the imprisoned Jews free. Persecution of Jews does exist today I think with the war of people from Israel. Many people from Israel are Jewish and many of them have been murdered.

Last: Lopez
First: Luis
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:02:55 PM


First thing I noticed was that this was a true story about a German Business owner named Oskar Schindler he was man that saved thousands of polish Jewish refugees from the holocaust during World War 2 and its describing him perfectly and the way its black and white shows some emotional impact and throughout the film you see hope, heroism and some human capacity for the Jewish people that were both good and bad also in many different it shows almost the perfect details about what happened during that time like when the Jewish people got killed on a whole road that actually happened in World War 2 and the film does excellent on persuating it

Last: Rossi
First: Angelo
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:03:08 PM


I have lots of feelings towards the persecution of the Jews, what happened to them was beyond despicable and cruel. I believe that they should not have went through this what so ever. I learned a lot from the film. For example, I learned that Jews went through Hell for 6 long and dreadful years, the things that were done to them during this period of time is so sad, But I did learn about Oskar Schindler, he was known for saving the lives of over one thousand Jewish prisoners. The crazy thing about this is that he was a part of the Nazi party himself, but he still understood that what the Nazi's were doing was very wrong. All thought he saved many lives over six million Jewish lives were lost over the span of six years, these people included men and women, old and young. This relates to current events because of what is going on between Israel and Palestine. The Hamas which is a terrorist group is killing all these Jewish people and brutally murdering them. Sadly, this still relates to today in many ways that many people are very blind to, and that people don't know about.

Last: Lopez
First: Giselle
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:03:20 PM


The persecution of the Jews was a very sad event that happened in history. After watching the film, I gained respect for Mr. Schlindler. He started to realize that they weren't just workers but people and wanted to help them. The film relates a lot to the actual events that happened to the Jews during the Holocaust, but it also relates to what's happening to the Jews again today in Iran. During the movie I was able to understand what was happening to the Jews, because the details behind the film. I have always been interested in learning more about the Holocaust during films, and this film just helped me understand more about the events occurring and people that put a religion behind them and wanted to help the Jews instead of hurting them. I think that the persecutions against the Jews in the movie will end up coming back to the existing world today. According to the news Jewish baby's are getting beheaded and burned alive, and I think that because this is happening just like in WW2, I think that we will end up going into WW3 because of the future involvement with the USA.

Last: Danley
First: Ryan
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:03:26 PM


No I do not believe this type of persecution exists today because there is not nearly as much action taken in these days. While there still is people who hate the Jewish population today there is not widespread murder or propaganda about why there are bad, they used to teach kids to hate Jews but that isn't the case today. I believed that while is was an impressive feat to be able to capture and murder 6 million people but it was a terrible thing that happened and it is right that we are taught about it still today. Something I learned from the film is that there were people in the Nazi party who really just wanted to help the Jewish population and make sure they do what they can to help them survive.

Last: chappell
First: jada
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:03:30 PM


Personally, the persecution of the Jews were tragic. From the film, I leaned that millions and millions of Jews were being executed left and right and the setting they were in, was not in good condition. The persecution of the Jews do relate to current events. Currently, anti-semitism is still any issue today, not just against Jews but other religions or races. I find it important to educate people on what life was like in Auschwitz. 6 million Jews being executed is a large number, and the realism of it is beyond sad. Persecution against Jews still are happening in the world today.

Last: Gonzalez
First: Robert
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:03:31 PM


the persecution of the Jewish population in Europe is one of the worst genocide/ racial cleansing in history. it's incredibly sad that over 6 million people lost their lives in something that didn't happen not too long ago. The film Schindler's List is a truly great but heartbreaking film I think it's a film that everyone should watch very insight full to what the Jews went through. but even sad that Jews decided to do the same thing to the Palestinians.

Last: Garcia
First: Isabella
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:01 PM


The persecution of Jews makes me feel really sad and it makes me feel lucky to have the life that I live. I learned how horrible and cruel people can be in this world and it's really disappointing because the Jews didn't deserve what they got. They were murdered and tortured for simply being themselves. The Nazis hated them with a passion and wanted to get rid of them entirely which led to very very awful things happening, it was horrible just to see in this movie that this is what actually happened to them and how they were forced to live. The persecution of Jews definitely relates to current events because of the conflict of war between the Israelis and what is happening in Gaza, lots of innocent life's on both ends are being harmed and killed. Innocent children are being blown up. Additionally, the persecution of Jews exists today because on one of the sides they are also trying to get rid of the Jews as well which is exactly what the Nazis were doing. It is just really sad and worrying to hear that these things have gone on and are currently happening across the world. Especially innocent civilians that are being targeted as a result of the conflicts.

Last: Ortiz
First: Vaughn Geoffrey
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:13 PM


I feel that the persecution of the Jews is unjust and unfair because everyone should have the right to live their life rather than be cast out of society. I also feel that the persecution of the Jews was cruel because the Jews weren't bothering anyone and then suddenly Nazi soldiers thought of these people as disgusting creatures. I learned that there were more than 6 million Jews that were present and killed during the time of the Holocaust. The persecution of the Jews does relate to current events such as the Palestinian and Israeli conflict with innocent children and women being casualties of war. I don't think this type of persecution against Jews happen today because if it were still being used, many people around the world would be very against it and would fight to stop it.

Last: hernandez perez
First: eduardo
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:14 PM


I feel really bad for the Jews, I don't think any human should ever go through anything like that and I think no one deserves to be killed is gas chambers. What I learned from this film was how Jews never gave up and always had some kind of hope. This film also showed me how cruel a person can be and how it looks when someone has power for somebody. I think the persecution of the Jews relates to a current event that's happening which is the war of Israel vs Hamas, it relates because the Hamas think they have some sort of power over Israel. I would recommend this film to anyone who is interested on how concentration camps were. I think the persecution against the Jews still exist in this world due to people not accepting them and understanding them.

Last: Capers
First: Braylon
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:26 PM


The persecution of the Jews I feel is just wrong as a whole. It's one thing to kill them off but they way they treated them and how they died is just sad. No one deserves that and the fact that it was so many people makes it worse. I learned that people can be some awful human beings at times and yes things like this still exist but not to this extent and I'm thankful for that. This tragic event in history still has an effect on a lot of Jews, there still recovering from the detrimental damage of this tragedy. No one should have to endure or go through this.

Last: Maldonado
First: Sebastian
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:35 PM


I felt quite sad knowing how badly the Jews were treated, it was disturbing especially towards innocent women and children. In this film I got to learn about how some Jews survived the holocaust. The persecution of the Jews was something inhuman, It can't be directly relatable to any event known, but the closest I recall is the Ukraine war. It relates because many women and children are being massacred by the Russians, same as how Jewish women and children were shot, burned and gassed by Nazis. The persecution of Jews still exist today, I have heard how Jews today have been receiving hate speech in colleges which is unacceptable. I believe that those people who deliver the hate speech either don't know what they are doing or they are hateful people who dwell on people's suffering. Nonetheless those people deserve hell just like the Nazis.

Last: Herrera
First: Osiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:36 PM


I feel like the persecution of the Jews was very brutal and it shouldn't of had happened. I feel bad for what they had to go through especially because they saw loved ones die and it must be terrible to see that with your own eyes. I learned a lot from this film, I learned many things that I didn't know before, such as how they would kill the Jews and how terrified they were, I did not know that they had hiding spots in the floors and behind many stuff in some of the houses, so that really surprised me. I think the persecution does relate to some of the events that are happening now with the war that is happening with Israel, because I heard that many innocent people were being killed and that is sad to hear especially how in the film a lot of dead people were in a pile, I heard that the same thing was going on now but with babies, and that is just inhumane. I don't think this persecution against Jews exist today in our world but I'm sure there is a lot of hate towards them that some people have which does mean that, there can still be persecution going on in this world today, so yes I think it still exist just not as large.

Last: Herrera
First: Osiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:37 PM


I feel like the persecution of the Jews was very brutal and it shouldn't of had happened. I feel bad for what they had to go through especially because they saw loved ones die and it must be terrible to see that with your own eyes. I learned a lot from this film, I learned many things that I didn't know before, such as how they would kill the Jews and how terrified they were, I did not know that they had hiding spots in the floors and behind many stuff in some of the houses, so that really surprised me. I think the persecution does relate to some of the events that are happening now with the war that is happening with Israel, because I heard that many innocent people were being killed and that is sad to hear especially how in the film a lot of dead people were in a pile, I heard that the same thing was going on now but with babies, and that is just inhumane. I don't think this persecution against Jews exist today in our world but I'm sure there is a lot of hate towards them that some people have which does mean that, there can still be persecution going on in this world today, so yes I think it still exist just not as large.

Last: Burke
First: Grace
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:04:48 PM


after watching the movie it is sad how that is how the Jews were treated. for the Jews to be treated like they were animals and like they weren't people and they were just someone's properties is disguising that people were ok with that happening. what I learned form this film is how the women has to poke themselves on there fingers to make them look healthy just for them to survive. learning how people were able to get out from some help from a guy was something I didn't know. I thought everyone was either put to work or killed but not a guy helping some of the Jews to get them help even though it was for factory work he did it to help them escape and spent all his money to help the Jews. having to go through all of that and for them to be treated like this is the worst thing that you wouldn't think this could happen to someone. the persecution of Jew is what is happening to Israel with the amount of people and children getting taken and killed and burned and separated from family is what the holocausts sounds like. the prosecution of Jews is basically happenings today with Israel with the amount of people being taken and killed and it is innocent lives being taken away and for them to experience that they are is disgusting that they have to be going through such horrible things.

Last: Sosa
First: Amy
Per: 6
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Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:05:04 PM


I think that the persecutions of the Jews was extremely heartbreaking. More than 6 million innocent lives were killed. This is not only heartbreaking but also terrifying because one man had all of this power and he decided to kill millions of people. Women, men, children, and even babies were killed without any mercy. The persecution of the Jews currently relates to the events in Israel. Currently Israel is being attacked and the Jews are being targeted. Several of innocent people are being killed again. Their are several videos and public images of Jews being killed, their families being separated and even kidnapping. I still believe that Jews are being persecuted however it is different than the Holocaust.

Last: Vela
First: Azul
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:05:50 PM


During the Holocaust, the Jews were mistreated and abused because of extremist ideologies, and their rights were violated; but of course, almost nobody cared because they were considered an inferior race, so why should anything that's inferior have rights?. Fortunately, our ways of thinking have changed and we have started to think about others with more empathy and less arrogance. Even plants and animal are having more recognition this days. I would say the persecution of the Jews resembles the conflict between Hamas and Israel, but I'm not really informed about that. Finally, the movie made me learn about how much Jews suffered all that time, I think it's sad how many people still take the holocaust as a joke and make hurtful comments/jokes or even dress up as Nazis, we should learn from the mistakes of the past and change for the better.

Last: Carreon
First: Christian
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:06:59 PM


I feel very sorry for the Jews, since millions of them ere getting persecuted and people were losing their families in the process. They were treated badly by the soviets. They had to work for them every single day without any food or water. It was like they were getting tortured. Even some of the people who were part of the soviets felt bad just like the soldiers that had left the place right before the Jews were gonna be set free. I learned that the Jews got killed in the most gruesome ways and never even got to say their final goodbyes to their family. I don't think anything will top the persecution of the Jews but one thing that might relate to this is what is happening in the Russia and Ukraine war. Mostly because lots of people are dying and getting captured in that war. I don't think no Jews are still getting persecuted to this day, if they were, lots of countries would step up for them.

Last: Gallardo
First: Michelle
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:07:28 PM


Starting with how I felt about the persecution of the Jews I have to say that seeing and reading so much about it in school and on my own account, is something that has impacted my way of viewing many things in the world. I am not only asking myself how someone could go as far as murdering more than 6 million people due to their own beliefs. 6 million families that suffered tremendously, 6 million last breaths that they took away. There are many lessons in this film, empathy, kindness, and survival, the one that stuck with me is, that if you can help just a little bit be kind. The persecution of the Jews could also be tied to the Japs who are the Japanese that suffer after Pearl Harbor also the war with Russia and Ukraine, as well as the Israel war that is sadly going on now. I had already seen this movie and many others about the topic as well as books, something so painful as death was seen as a success for others, the separation of families and use of their bodies was horrific, and the murders and body burn that happened are unimaginable. The incredible lack of empathy that made those soldiers order jews to unbury other Jews and burn them is unexplainable. I do believe that certain hatred has been kept over the years toward the Jews, even after the war was over most didn't make it out alive, and the ones that did have nowhere to go due to all the hate and repel Germans had to them. Schindler saved thousands of lives and generations after him, his compassion even though nazi was amazing and it showed, his intelligence saved himself and thousands of others. This should never happen again but we never know.

Last: Miley
First: Cameron
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:07:44 PM


My opinion about the persecution of the Jews and what I learned is that it shows on how Jews were treated and excuted they will raid people houses and take their families and gather them up in groups but some of the Jews will try to escape. If they get caught they will get killed burned. I feel like its wrong to ruin their life's and make them feel hurt. Yes I think the persecution against Jews exist in the world today is because people still uses hate speech, Hate crimes against various religious and ethic groups including Jews.

Last: Garcia
First: Vincent
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:08:54 PM


I think... I think idk I just know that the whole persecutions thing was immoral and it should have taken so much more for on person to be able to something like that to SOOO many other people, it was inhuman to kill children I think It was horrible but overtime the true impact of the Haulocost isnt viewed by the people of my time, i really couldnt tell you my place I just think its horrible to take Human life It doesnt Matter if your in War there again I myself cant reall be Seen as innocent in any way either all I have to say Is that The Hoalocaust was a stain on german history and Human History as a whole as we stood by for years and looked on allowing Hitlers plans ot go into action with his mass genocide and I really feel bad for people named Adolf or Hitler Because they well have to live with that name certainly disturbing. Also yes jews are still being Percecuted to this Day In some countries in the Middle east to almost the same extent of Hitlers we Just dont mind because all those oil rich merchants can almost always buy the press, everyone in the world is percicuted weather we notice or not we should really rely on true equality Id like to better myself and how I treat others too obviously i dont kill people tho..

Last: flores
First: Aidan
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:11:03 PM


The persecution of the Jews, particularly during the holocaust, was a horrific and tragic chapter in history. It resulted in the suffering and death of millions of innocent people, and it serves as a reminder of the depths to which hatred, discrimination, and prejudice can lead. I didn't really learn anything from the film. I knew everything that happened the film was just an in depth representation of what happened during the holocaust. Yes the persecution of Jews relate to some current events. Some examples of how the persecution of Jews relates to current events are, online hate speech, and attack on Jewish communities. The holocaust was a scale of cruelty and dehumanization towards the Jews. The Germans killed 6 million Jews and 5 million others that arent Jews.

Last: sandoval
First: ezekiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:33 PM


i learned that jewish people where picked on and treated bad. no this is not related to any current events. it may still exist but not that i know of.

Last: sandoval
First: ezekiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:34 PM


i learned that jewish people where picked on and treated bad. no this is not related to any current events. it may still exist but not that i know of.

Last: sandoval
First: ezekiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:35 PM


i learned that jewish people where picked on and treated bad. no this is not related to any current events. it may still exist but not that i know of.

Last: sandoval
First: ezekiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:37 PM


i learned that jewish people where picked on and treated bad. no this is not related to any current events. it may still exist but not that i know of.

Last: sandoval
First: ezekiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:38 PM


i learned that jewish people where picked on and treated bad. no this is not related to any current events. it may still exist but not that i know of.

Last: sandoval
First: ezekiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:39 PM


i learned that jewish people where picked on and treated bad. no this is not related to any current events. it may still exist but not that i know of.

Last: sandoval
First: ezekiel
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:40 PM


i learned that jewish people where picked on and treated bad. no this is not related to any current events. it may still exist but not that i know of.

Last: Mancilla
First: Kevin
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:12:47 PM


The Persecution of the Jews is one of the worst events in history, and I feel as if it was extremely wrong and that justice needed to be served for all the innocent lives lost during these times. In the film, I learned how the Germans worked together to gather them up, and I learned how they used the gases/containers to kill all of them. It was sad to watch, and sad to see how anybody could just do this. Watching the characters develop through the movie was interesting, and although the content of the movie was sad, it goes to show us the injustices and corruptness in our society that should not go unnoticed. I believe these parts of history are important, and should be taught so that mistakes like these don't go unnoticed. Overall, I enjoyed watching Schindler's List, and It taught me a lot more about the racism and discrimination the Germans unfortunately inflicted upon the Jewish community.

Last: Merghart
First: Zachary
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:13:55 PM


The persecution of Jewish people was one of the most horrific and tragic events to take place in human history. However seeing s depiction based on a true story of what it was actually like puts into light truly how horrific it was. There were some scenes in the film that I actually had a hard time watching because of how graphic and awful they were. The movie has a poetic ending as it starts with them singing around a candle and shortly after being called from a list and loaded onto a train. The film ends with the same things, their names are being called from a list and they're being loaded onto trains. However this time they are not going in the direction of their own death. Watching Schlindler's character development through out the film was inspiring. Despite the movies tragic tone of death it delivers the story beautifully and ends with a very beautiful moment with all of the People that he saved paying their respects to him. This movie conveys a message that even people alive today can learn from. Even though its been so long their is still a lot of hatred and discrimination towards Jewish people along with many other communities of people. This hatred creates divide between people and hurts too many people. I am utterly horrified by the actions of those who persecuted and continue to discriminate against the Jewish people. This movie inspires change and unity, selflessness and action. Thinking about doing the right thing will never change anything. Its the people who are brave enough to take the first step, to take action that actually make a difference.

Last: Ricardez
First: Camila
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:19:02 PM


The holocaust was an atrocious act led by Adolf Hitler as chancellor during WW2, this was committed due to radical right-wing anti-Semitic behavior that the Germans adopted starting in 1943. The Jews were persecuted and massacred in brutal ways for 6 years, where they were murdered solely for the fact that they were Jews. This was an extremely inhuman act and an example of how far hatred between races can go.

Last: Balladares
First: Alexander
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:19:19 PM


I have learned that the Jews has been through persecution for so long and in this film the Nazi party were crew people but this man even being member of this party with so much money he had such big heart for this poor family's and gave his whole money and risk himself even crying because he thought he could have saved one more Jew at least. I think this is the most sad story we can't forget. It is crazy to think till this day many Jewish people are still persecuted and now attacked by hamas terroirs.

B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:29:42 PM


In the Holocaust, I think that it was unfair for the Jews and they should've have the rights to live their life. The persecution of the Jews made me sad because they did nothing wrong. They got tortured and killed for being themselves.

Last: Barre
First: Jonathan
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:30:34 PM


In the Holocaust, I think that it was unfair for the Jews and they should've have the rights to live their life. The persecution of the Jews made me sad because they did nothing wrong. They got tortured and killed for being themselves.

Last: Barre
First: Jonathan
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 05:30:35 PM


In the Holocaust, I think that it was unfair for the Jews and they should've have the rights to live their life. The persecution of the Jews made me sad because they did nothing wrong. They got tortured and killed for being themselves.

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:01 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:04 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:05 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:07 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:08 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:09 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:10 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:12 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:13 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Lopez
First: Dominique
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 10/31/2023
Time: 08:52:14 PM


after watching the film of the persecution of jews it makes me feel bad about what they had to go through and how we are very priliged, we might have taken these for granted in modern day society. i learned from the film how the nazis who made the jews get captutred had no remorse for them at all. overall these events that happened in the past can refelct on problems happeing today like ceartin people being dehumanized

Last: Hernandez
First: Brandon
Per: 1st
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 11:27:41 AM


Schindler's List is a powerful and emotionally wrenching film that portrays the horrific persecution and genocide of Jews during the Holocaust. The film leaves a lasting impact and prompts deep reflections on the atrocities committed during that period. From the film, I learned about the incredible resilience of the human spirit and the potential for individuals to make a significant difference, even in the face of such immense evil. Oskar Schindler's transformation from a self-interested businessman to a savior of Jewish lives is a testament to the capacity for change and moral awakening in people. The persecution of Jews during the Holocaust is a dark chapter in human history. While we must never forget the Holocaust, it is essential to consider whether such persecution exists in the world today. Although we hope that the world has learned from history's horrors and strives to prevent such atrocities, there are still instances of anti-Semitism and discrimination against Jews in various parts of the world. Anti-Semitic incidents, hate crimes, and discriminatory acts continue to be reported. These events serve as stark reminders that prejudice and hatred persist, even decades after the Holocaust. Therefore, it is crucial for societies to remain vigilant, promote tolerance, and educate future generations about the consequences of bigotry and discrimination. The Holocaust is a stark example of how unchecked hatred can lead to unimaginable suffering, and it underscores the importance of fostering a world where all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background.

Last: Zavala
First: Aliyah
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 11:50:07 AM


B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 11:52:53 AM


I feel deeply affected by the persecution of the Jews, especially in the context of the Holocaust. Learning about this dark period in history through films and educational materials has been both eye-opening and emotional. The atrocities committed during the Holocaust are a stark reminder of the capacity for cruelty within humanity. It's difficult to comprehend the sheer magnitude of suffering endured by the Jewish community during that time. The film I watched about the Holocaust was a somber and powerful experience. It brought to light the horrific conditions, the resilience of survivors, and the importance of remembering this history to prevent such atrocities from happening again. It made me realize the importance of spreading awareness and standing up against discrimination, bigotry, and hate in all its forms. The persecution of Jews during the Holocaust is not an isolated historical event; it has implications for current events as well. While we've made progress in promoting tolerance and diversity, instances of anti-Semitism still exist today. Hate crimes, vandalism of synagogues, and prejudiced rhetoric continue to target Jewish communities. It's alarming to see that prejudice and discrimination persist, and it reminds us that we must remain vigilant and work towards a more inclusive society.

Last: Zavala
First: Aliyah
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 11:53:29 AM


I feel deeply affected by the persecution of the Jews, especially in the context of the Holocaust. Learning about this dark period in history through films and educational materials has been both eye-opening and emotional. The atrocities committed during the Holocaust are a stark reminder of the capacity for cruelty within humanity. It's difficult to comprehend the sheer magnitude of suffering endured by the Jewish community during that time. The film I watched about the Holocaust was a somber and powerful experience. It brought to light the horrific conditions, the resilience of survivors, and the importance of remembering this history to prevent such atrocities from happening again. It made me realize the importance of spreading awareness and standing up against discrimination, bigotry, and hate in all its forms. The persecution of Jews during the Holocaust is not an isolated historical event; it has implications for current events as well. While we've made progress in promoting tolerance and diversity, instances of anti-Semitism still exist today. Hate crimes, vandalism of synagogues, and prejudiced rhetoric continue to target Jewish communities. It's alarming to see that prejudice and discrimination persist, and it reminds us that we must remain vigilant and work towards a more inclusive society.

Last: Rodriguez
First: Raul
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 12:04:22 PM


The movie Schindler's List is based on a true story by a German businessman named Oskar Shindler, he is responsible for saving over a thousand Jewish lives. After watching the movie I never knew about Oskar Shindler and what he did during the war and the persecution of the Jews, I learned that not every German was "nazi" and despited Jews, he put his life on the line to help save Jewish people by having them work at his warehouse as worthy workers, and should not be touched by any german solider, it amazes me on how he was able to save a thousand Jews, may not sound like a lot but he saved many future generations during that time. To this day acts of anti-semitism still exist today, such as hate crimes, discrimination, and vandalism. matter a fact just 2 days ago an angry mob of antisemitic Russian citizens rushed to an airport in search of Jews landing from Israel

Last: Diaz Limon
First: Isabella
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 12:14:47 PM


In my perspective, the persecution and genocide endured by the Jewish people stand as a deeply tragic and unjust chapter in human history. This should've been an event where we learned not to repeat history. The film spread awareness of antisemitism and how it affected the Jews who lived in Europe. Yes, the persecution of Jews relates to the Genocide happening to Palestinians in Gaza. The Israelis who were once the oppressed became the oppressors.Furthermore, this goes on to highlight the need in our society to undergo critical examination and commitment to breaking the cycle of violence and injustice. However, it's crucial to clarify that the persecution of Jews, as seen during the Holocaust, does not persist in the world today as much as the genocide happening to Palestinians. Instead, we now witness a similar tragedy in the form of the ongoing Palestinian genocide, drawing attention to the need for global awareness, empathy, and effective actions to address such human rights crisis.

Last: Diaz Limon
First: Isabella
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 12:23:42 PM


I would also like to add that antisemitism in the United States is very prevalent today and unfortunately still exists in many forms as many students have been affected by it. NO ONE should have to experience being discriminated against because of their, race, religion, or anything else. Break the cycle of violence and injustice.

Last: Silva - De Guzman
First: Hector
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 12:26:08 PM


After having watched Schindler's List, a movie based on the mass killings of Jews caused by the Nazis, I felt uneasy. I was devastated that such an act had even been committed by us humans. I had always wondered how people could even commit these types of acts in the first place and it was until this movie that I knew that humans can be so heartless. The Nazis had these feelings of hatred because hitler believed that the world would be better without jewish people. At first they tried to isolate them from everyone but then got impatient and stuck with the quick solution which was killing them. This persecution of jews still relates to many current events. Most conflicts today involve groups of different people who can't coexist with each other's differences. People are often greedy and commit whatever type of act benefits themselves the most like the Nazis had no matter how extreme they had to go.

Last: Ortiz
First: Jorge
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 12:29:17 PM


I don't think that today there's still killing the jews at least of what I know, no I don't think, today everyone has their different religion and their habits to do so. but back then, when I saw the movie, it made me upset how they killed people, even children for not doing anything badjust because they were jews. I felt mad because they killed them for stuff, like for doing they're work wrong or even if there was nothing they could do to fix it, they would stuff kill them like they weren't nothin.

Last: Ortiz
First: Jorge
Per: 1
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 12:29:18 PM


I don't think that today there's still killing the jews at least of what I know, no I don't think, today everyone has their different religion and their habits to do so. but back then, when I saw the movie, it made me upset how they killed people, even children for not doing anything badjust because they were jews. I felt mad because they killed them for stuff, like for doing they're work wrong or even if there was nothing they could do to fix it, they would stuff kill them like they weren't nothin.

Last: Flores
First: Christina
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 02:06:26 PM


After watching the movie Shindlers List in class, my feelings regarding the persecution of the Jews is even stronger than before, I believe that it was unnecessary and devastating how many of the Jews were treated for simply believing in something I also cant comprehend how someone like hitler could do something so terrible to people and gain so many followers. I do believe this persecution of the jews exists today very prevalently, if you look at the news right now the violence taking place in Israel and Palestine that is a great example of Jewish persecution today.

Last: Flores
First: Christina
Per: 3
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 02:06:29 PM


After watching the movie Shindlers List in class, my feelings regarding the persecution of the Jews is even stronger than before, I believe that it was unnecessary and devastating how many of the Jews were treated for simply believing in something I also cant comprehend how someone like hitler could do something so terrible to people and gain so many followers. I do believe this persecution of the jews exists today very prevalently, if you look at the news right now the violence taking place in Israel and Palestine that is a great example of Jewish persecution today.

Last: Dallakyan
First: Edgar
Per: 5th
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 03:36:36 PM


The film schindler's list is a movie I believe from the 90's about a german man who opens up a factory and gives work to jews so they don't get sent to concentration camps. To be honest I didn't learn much from the film since I am already well informed on the holocaust. My thoughts on the holocaust is it gets to much recognition. The belgium's in the congo for example killed millions of congonese people(I think that's what they're called). The turks killed millions of armenians. There are two factors that in my opinion led to the holocaust. 1: WW2 WW2 is something that had never been seen by the world before therefore it is the most popular historical event for western peoples. 2: Jewish Power In america you will be called antisemetic for crtizing jewish power however it is the truth.

Last: lopez
First: diego
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 04:45:45 PM


The persecution of Jews is an appalling example of the dangers of discrimination, prejudice, and unchecked power. It's a reminder of the terrible consequences of hatred and intolerance. Unfortunately, while the atrocities of the Holocaust might seem like events confined to history, anti-Semitic sentiments and actions continue to persist in different parts of the world. Recent events have shown an alarming resurgence of anti-Semitism in various forms, including hate speech, vandalism, and violent attacks. Instances of discrimination against Jews are not solely a matter of historical concern but an ongoing issue in many societies. In some cases, political tensions and conflicts in the Middle East have also inflamed anti-Jewish sentiments. Yes, unfortunately, anti-Semitism, which is the prejudice or discrimination against Jewish people, still exists in various parts of the world today. While it might not be as overt or widespread as it was in certain periods of history, it continues to manifest in different forms

Last: lopez
First: diego
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 04:45:47 PM


The persecution of Jews is an appalling example of the dangers of discrimination, prejudice, and unchecked power. It's a reminder of the terrible consequences of hatred and intolerance. Unfortunately, while the atrocities of the Holocaust might seem like events confined to history, anti-Semitic sentiments and actions continue to persist in different parts of the world. Recent events have shown an alarming resurgence of anti-Semitism in various forms, including hate speech, vandalism, and violent attacks. Instances of discrimination against Jews are not solely a matter of historical concern but an ongoing issue in many societies. In some cases, political tensions and conflicts in the Middle East have also inflamed anti-Jewish sentiments. Yes, unfortunately, anti-Semitism, which is the prejudice or discrimination against Jewish people, still exists in various parts of the world today. While it might not be as overt or widespread as it was in certain periods of history, it continues to manifest in different forms

Last: Echaves
First: Yesenia
Per: 5
B1: Submit
Date: 11/01/2023
Time: 04:58:20 PM


Last: Kovar
First: Izabella
Per: 2
B1: Submit
Date: 11/02/2023
Time: 10:55:05 AM


The persecution of Jews is always a very sad and horrific topic. Especially having to watch a film, and see all the inhuman acts that occurred and we can't do anything to change that. None should ever have to go through what the Jews went through. Nazis are the worst type of evil possible. They went against their own kind and decided they were superior because of how they looked. This same even can be seen happening currently with all of the bombing happening in israel. Both side have been fighting and killing eachother with no morals. Not only are they killing eachother but just like the nazis they are torturing them. Making sure they die a horrible death and as well having to watch everyone they love die too.

Last: Flores Alatorre
First: Katelynn
Per: 6
B1: Submit
Date: 11/02/2023
Time: 04:58:40 PM


I feel terrible about the persecution of the Jews, I learned a lot from this movie titled ''Schindler's List.'' It taught me about Jewish ghettoes, concentration camps, and it was a glimpse into the very depressing life of being a Jew and what it was like especially during the world wars. The persecution of Jews relates to current events as there is war currently in Israel and Palestine. Jews worldwide are being persecuted to this day and it is horrific. I do not support hatred of any kind, and it is inhumane what is being doing to Jews. Nobody deserves to be treated this, and all of the hatred makes me feel awful. It feels especially awful because there is nothing significant that I can do about the harsh events that are happening. All I can do is pray, and hope for peace globally.

Last: entered
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Date: 11/03/2023
Time: 10:14:11 AM



Last: torres
First: avelina
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Date: 11/03/2023
Time: 02:05:53 PM


Watching the film was hard and sad to see. it taught me how inhumane and wrong all of their actions towards the Jews really were. I learned that they were targeted, discriminated against and eventually they were killed. As for current events I am not that up to date but I do know that there may be some places who still are not okay with jews and torment or bully them.

B1: Submit
Date: 11/03/2023
Time: 02:14:31 PM


From watching Schindler's List, I learned about the horrific persecution of Jews during the Holocaust. While there may not be similar events in todays world, it's important to remember and learn from history to prevent such atrocities from happening again. Unfortunately, persecution against Jews still occurs in some parts of the world today, but not as bad the world has learned from the mistakes and the world is coming together where everyone is treated with respect and equality and treated like a normal human being.

Last: Echaves
First: Yesenia
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Date: 11/03/2023
Time: 02:15:01 PM


From watching Schindler's List, I learned about the horrific persecution of Jews during the Holocaust. While there may not be similar events in todays world, it's important to remember and learn from history to prevent such atrocities from happening again. Unfortunately, persecution against Jews still occurs in some parts of the world today, but not as bad the world has learned from the mistakes and the world is coming together where everyone is treated with respect and equality and treated like a normal human being.

Last: Echaves
First: Yesenia
Per: 5
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Date: 11/03/2023
Time: 02:15:02 PM


From watching Schindler's List, I learned about the horrific persecution of Jews during the Holocaust. While there may not be similar events in todays world, it's important to remember and learn from history to prevent such atrocities from happening again. Unfortunately, persecution against Jews still occurs in some parts of the world today, but not as bad the world has learned from the mistakes and the world is coming together where everyone is treated with respect and equality and treated like a normal human being.

Last: Echaves
First: Yesenia
Per: 5
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Date: 11/03/2023
Time: 02:26:13 PM


From watching Schindler's List, I learned about the horrific persecution of Jews during the Holocaust. While there may not be similar events in todays world, it's important to remember and learn from history to prevent such atrocities from happening again. Unfortunately, persecution against Jews still occurs in some parts of the world today, but not as bad the world has learned from the mistakes and the world is coming together where everyone is treated with respect and equality and treated like a normal human being.

Last: Coggins
First: Mya
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Date: 11/03/2023
Time: 02:53:04 PM


The persecution of the Jews showed the horrific event where millions of innocent Jewish people were targeted and killed. It refers to mistreatment, discrimination, and violence inflicted upon Jewish people. Anti-Semitism and discrimination against the Jews still exist in various parts of the world. I believe that any form of discrimination or persecution is wrong and goes against the values of equality and respect.

Last: Marzan
First: Andrea
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Date: 11/06/2023
Time: 12:09:57 PM


The persecution of Jews was absolutely awful. I cant even imagine what their pain must've felt like during those times. Those poor innocent people having to suffer like that daily was hard to watch throughout the film. I learned a lot from the film. There were times in the film I couldn't even watch because it was so sad. I learned what the Jews went through in the concentration camps as well as what the guards did to them. I learned how they were persecuted, how some tried to escape. I learned the different tactics the Nazis used to try and cover up the horrible things they were doing. I learned the different hiding spots made by the Jews. Some of the current events that this relates to it that still today there are anti-Semitic remarks on Jews. Its sad to think people still instill hate upon others.

Last: balleza
First: viviana
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Date: 11/06/2023
Time: 01:25:05 PM


In the movie Schlindlers list i felt very sad and disturbed about how they were persecuting jewish people. We are all one people regardless of skin color, religion, sexual orientation etc. I learnt that there were some morally good nazis like Schindler and i hadnt really seen that shown in the media prior to watching the movie. The persecution of jewish people is a reoccuring thing thats happened before WWII and after as we seen in the palestine isreal conflic currently. I think that war is a sad thing in general but neccesary to some extent if we have people being oppresed but i think there is a way to go about it that doesnt involve the mass killing of any race or group of people.

Last: Jimenez
First: Samantha
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Date: 11/08/2023
Time: 03:21:07 PM


The persecution of Jews, historically seen in events like the Holocaust during World War II it was tragic and horrifying. the Holocaust is a reminder of the consequences of prejudice, hatred, and discrimination. relating these historical events to current events, you need to understand that discrimination still exist today, not only against Jews but also against many ethnic, religious, and racial groups. Persecution against Jews still exists in some parts of the world today. there is still work to be done on ant semitism.

Last: Vargas
First: Lizeth
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Date: 11/13/2023
Time: 05:34:15 PM


The film depicts the true story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved over a thousand Jewish lives during the Holocaust. The film highlights the historical persecution of Jews during that time. While the Holocaust itself is a historical event, contemporary anti-Semitism still exists today in various forms. Acts of discrimination, violence, and prejudiced ideologies against Jews persist in some regions globally. It's important to recognize and address these issues, promoting understanding and tolerance among diverse communities.

Last: Corcoran
First: James
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Date: 11/15/2023
Time: 03:31:28 PM


I learned that there was million's of graves stones of the Jews that died back then in the holocaust and I also learned that the persecution of Jews throughout history, particularly during the Holocaust in Nazi Germany, remains a tragic and significant historical event. It is crucial to approach discussions on this topic with sensitivity and respect due to the severity of the historical events involved.

Last: schneemann
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Date: 11/17/2023
Time: 04:01:43 PM



Last: lopez
First: diego
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Date: 11/17/2023
Time: 04:42:12 PM


The persistence of persecution against Jews in today's world is a stark reminder that prejudice and hatred still hold a troubling place in our societies. Witnessing such discrimination is a jarring indication that historical biases have not been fully eradicated and continue to manifest in various forms. It's disheartening to see that despite progress in many areas, anti-Semitism endures, affecting individuals and communities globally. This reality underscores the ongoing need for collective action to combat bigotry and foster inclusive, accepting societies. Understanding and addressing the root causes behind this persecution are crucial steps toward creating meaningful change. Education, awareness, and advocacy play pivotal roles in dismantling prejudices and fostering empathy among diverse communities. The existence of anti-Semitism today serves as a poignant call to unite in solidarity against all forms of discrimination. It's a reminder of our responsibility to create a world where everyone is valued and respected, irrespective of their background or beliefs.

Last: Viveros
First: Ashley
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Date: 11/17/2023
Time: 05:06:37 PM


How I feel in the persecution of the Jews is sad, terrified, traumatized, I would feel so be little'd. In the film "Schindlers list" I learned that in the Nazi Germany side someone actually had humanity in the Jews. The persecution of Jews during the Holocaust has been invoked in discussions about human rights, tolerance, and the prevention of discrimination and genocide, till this day there is still discrimination and racism. Discrimination and hate crimes against Jewish individuals or communities still occur in various parts of the world today.

Last: Padilla
First: Mario
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Date: 11/27/2023
Time: 12:53:44 PM


The persecution of Jews is unjust and racial attacks with no real reason to attack them. I learned that in the war there were some people with some humanity left to save some people. The persecution of Jews back then is still relevant today and a perfect example is what Hamas is doing today which is indiscriminately killing. The persecution against Jews still exists in the world today in many places and one way is how they are scared to get into college for first it is so expensive and the second is being harassed. In a college Jewish people were being forced to be in the library since the people outside wanted to attack them.

Last: Ricardez
First: Camila
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Date: 12/07/2023
Time: 06:04:34 PM


The persecution of the Jews was a genocide caused by extremist ideologies imposed by the chancellor of the time, Adolf Hitler, who maintained a right-wing conservative dominance that catastrophically influenced Germany. The Jews were tortured and denigrated in different ways, their home, their jobs, their family, and their dignity as people were taken away from them. It was one of the most heartbreaking and inhuman acts in history. In the film, we were presented with how the Jews lived to survive the horrible threats of the Germans, but we also saw how a wealthy businessman had enough reason to provide them with jobs, protection, and services, to this day Oscar Schindler is still respected by the descendants of Holocaust survivors. The Holocaust relates to the current events happening in Israel, not to mention that to this day racism continues to be implemented internally in schools, jobs, the entertainment industry, and in society in general, which has affected many groups of people who are victims of this discrimination, such as the Jews by their religion, Africans by their race or Hispanics by their culture. The Holocaust is a clear example of how discrimination is so normalized that it can even reach positions of authority and power, causing misery in the lives of millions of people due to the inhuman treatment they endured for so many years.

Last: Padilla
First: Mario
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Date: 12/09/2023
Time: 01:55:51 PM


I have felt that the persecution of Jews is unjust since it's out of a biased prejudice from stereotypes. I learned in the film that some good people were Nazis who had some sanity left in them. The persecution of Jews still relates to this day in 2020 they were used as a scapegoat for COVID-19 and are still constantly harassed in many countries in the world. As I have stated they are still a subject of harassment in the world. Note: I knew most of the stuff already other than the other generals and names of concentration camps. It was more brutal than displayed in this movie.

Last: scottsouza
First: lily
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Date: 05/10/2024
Time: 12:46:13 PM


I feel that the persecution of jews was completly unfair,I learned that some of the nazis were doing what they were agenst theyre will, some of them tried to help. It relates in a sense,not fully to what is happening in gaza. The citizens are under attack, hospitals and schools. The killing of babies and young children and women. Anti sematic behavior is always gonna be around but the memory of the holocaust will be around forever.

Last: Silva - De Guzman
First: Hector
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Date: 05/10/2024
Time: 12:51:42 PM


The persecution of Jews portrayed through the holocaust gives me intense emotional feelings. I can only imagine how terrible it would feel to be in their position where they know that they will eventually be killed in a suffering manner. I believe that there is not justified reason for them to be treated in such a dirty manner while the Germans sat back and watched it all happen. Even if the Jewish people had treated them unfairly, their punishment towards all the people, even the Jews who didn't do anything was way out of hand. I learned from this film the harsh reality of the world and its competition between people. Groups of people will go as far as killing millions of a race in order to establish their prestige. The persecution of Jews still relates to current events where segregation takes place. Although it may not be in the same was as the holocaust where concentration camps were placed, a lot of killing to innocent people still happens. Anti sematic Germans still live in the world today where they are against Jews just they decide to stay quiet about it because of all the rules against them that doesn't allow them to act.

Last: balleza
First: viviana
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Date: 05/13/2024
Time: 01:27:35 PM


I think WWII was a very dark time in history. there was no reason for 6 million Jewish people to get killed despite whatever beliefs they were still people no different from you or I. still to this day we have Jewish people being killed with the Israel Palestine conflict which I think killing is wrong in either case. I think that the Jewish community has suffered a lot of grief through out history and even still to this day which is very saddening.

Last: balleza
First: viviana
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Date: 05/13/2024
Time: 01:27:38 PM


I think WWII was a very dark time in history. there was no reason for 6 million Jewish people to get killed despite whatever beliefs they were still people no different from you or I. still to this day we have Jewish people being killed with the Israel Palestine conflict which I think killing is wrong in either case. I think that the Jewish community has suffered a lot of grief through out history and even still to this day which is very saddening.

Last: Hughes
First: Josh
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Date: 05/20/2024
Time: 12:20:52 PM


After learning and watching the film, my opinion hasn't changed about the persecution of Jews, there is no reason they should've been viewed as different or abnormal from us humans as they are the same. From the film, I learned the cruelty of the Germans and how they treated Jews, and learned that not all Germans felt the same about the Jews and some felt that it was wrong what they were doing but couldn't change because they would have been killed. The persecution of Jews does not relate to any current events, due to us as a society evolving and growing past times like that, but there is still some segregation and hatred towards certain races of our species.

Last: Harris
First: Elonna
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Date: 05/21/2024
Time: 04:46:23 PM


The persecution of the Jews always makes me feel really bad and disappointed at how so many people and coountires just let this incident happen. From the film I learned some of the ways people did help Jews and how intense the persecution was against Jews. The film showed how a lot of Jews were brutality killed in front of their families and friends. I believe the persecution of Jews relates to the events in Palestine right now and how Palestinians and being persecuted by Israel and it is very sad to see so many innocent lives taken over fixable problems.